Powerful figure of the ancient demon clan.

When those people were about to approach, Lu Xuan rushed out with an arrow step. He performed the Heavenly Roc Step at an extremely fast speed and turned into an afterimage.

A dim demonic light flashed, and blood splashed everywhere. The strange flowers bloomed in the air. With a few screams, their heads, which had been cut off, spun on the ground.

Lu Xuan cut off the heads of the six people with his saber. His cruel and fierce means shocked the crowd.

In addition to the sound of a few headless bodies falling to the ground, the while place was strangely quiet, enough to hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground.

" No, this is impossible!"

" Did you see it clearly just now? Lu Xuan, he...." Everyone gasped and felt a sense of horror. The chill spread all over their bodies and made their hands and feet tremble.

Among the six Spiritual Meridian experts, the lowest cultivation was at the fifth level of the Spiritual Meridian. The highest one was even at the seventh level of the Spiritual Meridian. Unexpectedly, he was killed by Lu Xuan in one move, and even his head was cut off.

Even the arrogant Feng Yixiao didn't have the slightest confidence in his strength, not to mention his extremely cruel means.

Although they had seen Lu Xuan's terrible means, Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Jin were still stunned. They did not expect that Lu Xuan was more and more evil. He cut off six heads as soon as he made a move. The bloody scene made Lu Xiaoyu want to vomit.

At this moment, Feng Yixiao's face was ashen and expressionless, but his fits were clenched tightly, and his whole body was trembling. It was unknown whether he was angry or frightened.

Just now, even he couldn't see clearly how Lu Xuan made his move. The speed of his opponent's moves was beyond the naked eye.

At this moment, Feng Yixiao did not look down on him at all. His heart was extremely heavy. Who would have thought that this trash, whom he had once looked down upon, would become his most terrifying opponent today?

Lu Xuan looked at the stunned wind with a cold smile. He dragged his long knife to the ground and strode towards the warehouse.

As he approached step by step, the three elite disciples under the warehouse all retreated to the warehouse road in horror, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Stepping on the warehouse road, Lu Xuan was slightly stunned. He felt that there was a huge invisible force. He wanted to push him away and stop him from walking along the warehouse road.

However, this power was not in Lu Xuan's eyes at all. Although he was stopped, he still rushed toward the disciples of the three families at a fast speed.

" This warehouse is very strange. The higher you go, the more powerful the force will be. No wonder Lu Xiaoyu and her sister were blocked in the middle of the road, but they didn't hide on the cave. It seems that they can't bear the huge pressure from the top." Lu Xuan thought to himself.

" Hey, Lu Xuan, wait a minute. "

The Ancient Demonic Soul also felt the invisible pressure and reminded Lu Xuan, " Becareful. This force seems to be the remnant power of the law.

Tut tut, since it can leave the power of the law here, it must be a powerful figure of the ancient demon clan. Be careful, there must be a trap."

Lu Xuan nodded and suddenly tool a step forward, running widely on the warehouse road. In a few breaths, he rushed to the front of the disciples of the three families, raised the butchers knife, and chopped forward.

The people at the bottom of the warehouse all had the lowest cultivation. They couldn't bear more power of law, so they were blocked at the bottom. In Lu Xuan's eyes, they were as weak as chickens and had no ability to resist.

Seeing the magic sword falling, the people in front screamed and subconsciously blocked it with the weapons in their hands.

Unexpectedly, when the weapon in his hand touched the magic sword, it was immediately cut into two pieces like tofu. The magic sword did not slow down and cut it into two halves.

The others were even more frightened when. they saw that the demonic saber was so sharp that there was no weapon to block it. They desperately squeezed back.

However, the more he walked, the greater the pressure became. He couldn't squeeze his way in.

However, Lu Xuan strode up and waved the long knife in his hand.

He screamed and screamed. His head flew up and rolled down one by one. The scene was bloody to the extreme.

Lu Xuanru respected the God of Massacre and killed several people in one step. Every time she waved the butchers knife in her hand, several heads would roll to the ground.

The elite disciples of these three families were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They had no ability to resist at all.

He strode up. stepping on headless corpses. His body was covered in blood, and his expression was cold. His gaze was like a gods as he stared at Feng Yixiao, a cold smile hanging from the corners of his lips.

Feng Yixiao watched him charge all the way, and no one could stop him.

He only cut off people's heads, and his cruel means frightened him. Especially when the other side stared at his eyes, he feet as if he had been targeted by death, and his soul was scared out of his mind.

Feng Yixiao swallowed hard and felt extremely regretful. How did he get into trouble with such a horrible devil?

In less than twenty breaths, Lu Xuan rushed all the way to the front of Feng Yixiao. He glanced coldly at the headless bodies in front and behind him. He turned his head to Feng Yixiao and said with a sinister smile, " Just now, who said that I was not worthy of him doing it herself? Who said that I was a disciple of the Lu Family and they they were all good-for-nothing?"

Feng Yixiao's face was pale, and his lips were trembling. He could not speak.

His legs gave way and he knelt on the ground, begging for mercy. "Lu Xuan, I didn't recognise you. I have offended you a lot just now, and I deserve to die! I beg you to be merciful and let me go. As long as you let me go once, our Feng family will take out ten shops, two silver shops, and a crystal mine to redeem our lives!"

" Humph, you used to bully the Lu Family, but it won't happen in the future. When I got of the Wilderness, it will soon be the end of you three families. At that time, all your properties, resources, and ore veins will naturally bong to the Lu Family. Don't you think it's ridiculous to use the Lu Family's things to redeem your lives?"

Lu Xuan said with a sarcastic smile.

In this world, the strong were respected, and the weak were the prey of the strong.

Ever since his father Lu Cheng fengs life was uncertain, the other three families had joined force to suppress the Lu Family.

They had used though means to invade many properties of the Lu family.

Now that Lu Xuan had obtained a heaven - defying opportunity, it wouldn't be long before he would become one expert in Hidden Dragon City. At that time, he would definitely take revenge on the three families and kill them all. Their properties would naturally belong to the Lu Family.

Feng Yixiao still wanted to save his life with these industries?

If Lu Xuan promised him, his head would definitely be crushed.

" Lu Xuan, go to hell!!"

Seeing that Lu Xuan wanted to kill him, Feng Yixiao knew that there was no way out. Suddenly, he rushed up and hit Lu Xuan's lower abdomen with all his strength.

His own strength was extremely strong. If they really fought, it would not be easy for Lu Xuan to defeat him. Moreover, if he succeeded in the sneak attack, Lu Xuan would be half-dead. At that time, it would be hard to say who would die.

Lu Xuan had already been prepared for this. He smiled and quickly jumped back. At the same time, he handed out the long knife in his hand and chopped down on the opponent's head.

Feng Yixiao felt a bone-chilling chill on his head. He was so frightened that he rolled on the ground. Then, he pushed Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Jin away and ran desperately to the warehouse road.

"Well, does he want to escape into the cave?" Lu Xuan also hurried to catch up with him. Who knew if there was a back door in the cave? He must not let him slip away.

However, Lu Xuan's worries were unnecessary. Feng Yixiao tried his best to escape to the top of the warehouse. He was still a few feet away from the entrance of the cave, so he could not go any further.

The power of law near the entrance of the cave was too strong. With his current cultivation, he could not bear it at all. If he forced himself to go up, he would be crushed by the terrible power until his seven apertures bled and his internal organs were broken and dies without Lu Xuan's help.

He looked at Lu Xuan, who was approaching step by step, in horror. For the first time, he tried to feel the fear that death was approaching.