The power of the punch caused the grass and trees to shake and dust to fly everywhere.

" How arrogant you are, kid. You don't know what's good for you."

Zhao Ming stopped being humble and punched at Lu Xuan's face.

A Treasured Body Realm expert was definitely incomparable to a Spiritual Pulse Realm expert.

Although Zhao Ming's fist was simple and unadorned, the skin on the surface of his fist was like jade, emitting a precious light. This was the manifestation of a physical body being transformed into a weapon. The strength of the physical body was comparable to that of gold and Iron.

The power of the punch caused the grass and tress yo shake and dust to fly everywhere.

When his fist approached Lu Xuan, his body flew up like a piece of paper!

" Hmmm? How could this be?" Zhao Ming had a bed feeling. One punch was not old yet, and the other hit.

However, the situation was still the same as before. As long as the fist was close, Lu Xuan was like a feather without any weight. He was blown away by the wind of the punch, and his fist could not fall on him at all.

" I don't believe it." Zhao Ming gritted his teeth and punched out more than a dozen times in a row.

The dense fists carried an extremely strong wind, and Lu Xuan's whole body floated to a height of tens of feet.

" How could there be such a weird thing?"

Not only Zhao Ming, but also Du Feng and his junior sister were also stunned as if they had seen a ghost.

" Hey hey, Zhao Ming, you only have this little ability? You can't even touch my clothes, how dare you put on airs in front of me? Which Sect are you disciples from? Don't tell me that the entrance exam doesn't rely on your real ability, but no bragging?"

Lu Xuan deliberately provoked him.

He knew that Zhao Ming was not weak. It was not easy for him to defeat his opponent, so he did not intend to fight him fave to face.

Instead, he would first exhaust his opponent and then fight back in desperation.

Being provoked by him, Zhao Ming's reason was burned by anger. He launched a fierce attack as if he had gone mad. The unrestrained attack consumed more yuan qi. After a while, he was so tired that he waw out of breath.

" There's something strange about this guy. Let's fight together. " The woman winked at Du Feng. The two of them laughed a sneak attack from the side. trying to hurt Lu Xuan unexpectedly.

When Lu Xuan waw about to land on the ground, he felt who gusts of cold wind coming from behind him.

Knowing that someone was attacking him sneakily, he did not dare to be careless. He performed the Wind Chasing Steps to the extreme. With the help of the opponent palm wind, he stepped in the air and floated up another five feet, just in time to avoid the attack.

Lu Xuan had the Imperial Bloodline of the Devil Clan, and his combat capability was invincible at the physique of the Hell Condor, he was barely stronger than the three people. If it was one-on-one, he was absolutely fearless. But if he fought against three people, he had no chance to win at all.

Although the 18 steps of the Wind Chasing Technique were not as fast as that of Tianpeng, there was an advantage that Tianpeng could not compare with. He was like a willow in the wind. As long as he could sense any energy fluctuation, he would be able to react in advance.

Before the opponent's attack arrived, he had already dodged it, which meant that he was invincible.

Lu Xuan's wind Chasing Steps had not been mastered yet. The three of them attacked him at the same time, which made it impossible for him to defend against them. He suffered several attacks and was seriously injured. At least, he survived.

Now he could only dodged and had no power to fight back. It was as difficult as climbing to the sky for the three to kill him in a short period of time. Now it was up to them to wait and see.

" I dont know what kind of body movement this kid has practiced. If we continue to waste time like this, when will it be the end? We have to find a way to get rid of him as soon as possible. " Du Feng said to the two people while taking action.

" There is. This mountain is as straight as a sword. From the foot of the mountain to this place, it is more than a thousand feet high. As long as we force him out of the platform, he will not be able to float in the air all the time without the help of energy fluctuations. He will definitely be smashed into pieces. "

The woman was very careful. Soon, she found that Lu Xuan's footwork needed to borrow the energy fluctuation of their attacks to continuously exert force and soar into the air. So he suggested.

Du Feng and Zhao Minglu looked at her with admiration and secretly praised that their junior sister waw so clever that she could even see through it.

So the three people withdrew from the encirclement and stood in a line, forcing Lu Xuan out of the cliff outside the platform.

Oh no, I didn't expect that this little girls eyes were so sharp that she could see through me. If I was really forced to fey out of the platform, I wouldn't be able to borrow the force from more than a thousand feet in the air. I would definitely be smashed into pieces.

Lu Xuan became extremely anxious. With the help of the opponent's palm wind, he floated to the highest point and then rolled into the cave.

Unexpectedly, the other side side and already been prepared. Du Feng squatted down, and Zhao Ming rushed over and used his palms as a ladder. With all his strength, he jumped up, as high as Lu Xuan, and fiercely struck out a palm.

The powerful palm wind blew, and Lu Xuan Subconsciously used the Wind-chasing Steps to dodge. However, he suddenly floated more than 100 feet away and landed outside the platform. He was so shocked that his soul flew away.

" This time, I won't let you die, you little bastard. Hehe. " Seeing this, Du Feng and the other two laughed proudly.

At an extremely dangerous moment, a vague image flashed through Lu Xuan's mind. It seemed that he saw a shadow of a divine Eagle gliding back and forth in his mind. Its wings trembled slightly, and the extent was very small. It seemed to follow a certain frequency and was very regular.

It had only flapped its wings a few times before it stopped moving. However, it's body seemed to be of great help. It glided across the sky at lightning speed.

Lu Xuan subconsciously shock his arms, as if he was patting his wings. Suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be some kind of power in his arms, dragging hid falling figure to rush up.

He was overjoyed. He knew that he gad comprehended the more profound footwork of Tianpeng at the moment of life and death. He let go of his body and mind. With the unconscious guidance of his mind, he suddenly made a dark gray lighting. He quickly rose to a height of hundreds of feet, and then instantly fell down at an extremely fast speed.

Du Feng, who was standing in the front, had not finished laughing. He groaned and widened his eyes in horror. His lower abdomen was pierced by Lu Xuan's fist.

Lu Xuan's lighting-fast strike was so fast that his body was pierced before he knew what was going on.

"No....Impossible!" Du Feng opened his eyes wide in horror and slowly fell back. All his yuan qi was madly absorbed by the blood- colored Spiritual Veins above Lu Xuan's head, and the integrated demonic soul was also swallowed by the sparrow sized shadow of the Underworld Eagle.

After obtaining the yuan qi of a Treasured Body expert, Lu Xuan's tyrannical Spiritual Meridians were directly devoured and refined, transforming into his own power. His cultivation had risen by quiet a bit.

After devouring the demon clan's fate soul, the tiny Hell Condor's shadow became a little bigger and clearer. Of course, this change was so subtle that it could be ignored.

" Du Feng!"

The remaining two were so angry that their eyes turned red. Like a leopard, they squeezed their way over to avenge their fellow disciples.

Lu Xuan had absorbed Du Feng's power, and his combat capability had been greatly improved. The two people had consumed too much energy just now, and they had lost a powerful helper. Lu Xuan was no longer afraid. He to out his magic sword and rushed to the two people with a roar.

The demonic saber opened and closed, and dark light floated. The blade spread out and fell toward the two people.

When the weapons met, both of their long swords were broken.

As long as it was a spirit artifact, it would not be able to withstand the might of the demonic blade.

The two were shocked and knew that the long saber in Lu Xuan's hand was an amazon treasure.

They immediately saw the treasure and their eyes showed greed.

After reaching the Treasured Body Realm, one's physical body would be extremely powerful. However, it could split mountain and split stone, which was comparable to iron and stone. Therefore, losing a weapon would have an impact on the two of them. It was not as big as the Spiritual Meridian Realm's martial cultivation, which was to confront Lu Xuan with bare hands.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce. Lu Xuan was in danger and almost lost his life several times.