Bloodline of Devil Clan and the soul of the He Condor.

At the moment when Lu Xuan's body was about to explode, the Ancient Demonic of remembered something and shouted crazily.

At this time, Lu Xuan was almost knocked out by the great pain around him. Subconsciously, he gave instructions to the Ancient Demonic Soul and fave up the seal on the second bloodline.

As soon as the power of the seal was lost, the stone skin on the second main star quickly cracked and fell. Rays of bright light, like divine swords of stars, pierced through the heavens.

A Blood River floated the main star and connected with the ancient altar below.

After being wanted by the Blood River, the broken ancient alter quickly merged into one. Boom!

A majestic star power poured into Lu Xuan's body, and his cultivation began to rise uncontrollably.

The second bloodline of the Netherworld had finally awakened!

The two hazy illusions of the Blood River, like angry dragons dancing wildly, instantly improved their ability to refine ten times. The huge medicinal power that had nowhere to vent was quickly absorbed by them, refined into yuan qi, and injected into Lu Xuan's Aperture acupoints all over his body.

The vital force transformed by the medicinal power and the mighty power of the stars made his realm and Dharma power rise all the way.

All hid Aperture acupoints and Meridians swelled up. His body bulged slightly, like a balloon that had been blown away.

" Ah ah!"

The huge power ran through his body like a river, which was very uncomfortable. Lu Xuan just wanted to release this surging power. Suddenly, he made a Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist to hit the opponent.

Because his realms kept rising, his strength could not be compared.

The power of the Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist was at least 30 or 40 times stronger than before.

The skin on the surface of the fist quickly turned into a layer of hard metal, bursting out rolling black gas.

A faint fist shadow flew out of his hand and was wrapped in black air.

There waw a faint golden light in it. This was the first time that the fist radiance was activated!

The terrifying fist radiance was extremely powerful. It whistled as it smashed down. Its momentum was like a shocking wind, and the terrifying power directly crushed the sand and stones below into powder.


The man stepped back in horror, but the fist radiance was too fast. It hit his lower abdomen and directly knocked him into the mountain wall next to the cave, spurting blood.

" How could it be? This guy has really broken through!" His eyes were full of shock. It was really hard to believe that in Lu Xuanzhen's battle, he could make use of the sudden appearance of spirit pills. It was simply against the natural order.

Moreover, the power of his opponent's punch had seriously injured him. He was clearly an expert at the second level of the Treasured Body Realm or higher. Lu Xuan was obviously at the ninth level of the Spiritual Pulse Realm. Even if he broke through, it was impossible for him to have the power of the second level of the Treasured Body.

After the punch, the violent power in Lu Xuan's body finally calmed down. He checked his situation and found that he had crossed the tenth layer of the Spiritual Meridian and reached the great completeness of the First Level of the Treasured Body.

" Haha, Lu Xuan, you are really lucky to survive this disaster. Although you have a first class treasured body, you have the imperial Bloodline of the Devil Clan and the soul of the Hell Condor. With your combat capability, its not difficult for you to kill a second- level treasure body expert. Defeat this guy!"

The Ancient Demonic Soul shouted excitedly. Just now, when Lu Xuan was bullied by the other party, he was also full of anger.

There was no need for him to say anything. Lu Xuan had already rushed to hid opponent quickly.

With a roar, he rushed to the front of the enemy like a crazy leopard and made another move of his Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist.

The huge fist radiance was like a big iron hammer crashing down.

" Back off."

The man was furious and pushed him. He thought that as soon as Lu Xuan broke through, his cultivation would be superficial and he was definitely no match for him. He was careless just now.

He was full of confidence that he could force Lu Xuan to retreat.

However, when the two fists met, he immediately groaned in pain.

The huge fist radiance wrapped in the black air shook of his fist strength, and the faint golden light in the black air instantly rushed into his fist. The bones of his arm cracked, and his whole arm fell powerlessly.

Only now did he realise how overbearing and terrifying the Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist was.

" You just played me like a monkey.

didn't you?" Lu Xuan's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth. He grabbed the other party and hit him hard on the mountain wall like a sandbag.

" I don't need your help. Please let me go!"

The person was beaten to the mountain wall by him, as if his waist bones had broken. The bones all over his body were scattered, and the pain was piercing to the heart. Even though he had entered the Treasured Body Realm, his physical body was extremely strong, but he still couldn't stand being picked up and beaten like a sandbag.

" Let you go? Humph, when you played with me just now, did you want to let me go?" Lu Xuan's hatred could not be eliminated. He picked her up like a straw bag and threw her hard to the mountain wall again. After more than a dozen times, he stopped.

The man was badly mutilated and could no longer be seen. He was extremely miserable and could not even beg for mercy. His breath was weak.

He stared at Lu Xuan in horror, his hands and feet trembling. He secretly blamed himself for provoking the devil!

" You can rest in peace now." Lu Xuan did not pity him at all. He punched through his body, displayed his blood lineage, and devoured all his power. At the same time, the shadow of the Hell Condor let out a scream, and ate the demonic soul that had been integrated with the other side, which was a little clearer.

Lu Xuan sat down cross-legged and slowly refined the opponent's power and consolidated his original realms. This time, he did not dare to be careless. He still paid attention to the movement around him while meditating.

A few hours later, his injuries were much better. After refining the Dharmic powers of the second Stage of the Treasured Body, he, who had already reached the critical point of breaking through, once again broke through to the Second Stage of the Treasured Body in one go. His strength had increased by nearly ten times.

" Humph, I am currently at the second level of the Treasured Body. I am invincible amongst my peers. If I were to meet him now, I will definitely take his life within three moves. " Lu Xuan looked at the ugly corpse and coldly said.

In the Second Heaven of the Treasured Body, this person's strength was only average, but Lu Xuan was confident that he could defeat all the people in the same realm. Killing him in three moves was not a big deal.

Lu Xuan stepped over the corpse and walked into the cave.

Under the warehouse, Lu Jin and Lu Xiaoyu waited nervously.

" Lu Xuan hasn't come down for such a long tome. I don't know how it is. Please don't have any accidents. " Lu Xiaoyu looked at the place where Lu Xuan disappeared with great concern and muttered to herself.

" Don't worry. Lu Xuan is so powerful now. He will be fine." Lu comforted him.

" Little Yu, he won't come down for a while. Let's go first. " Lu Jin suggested.

They had been here for a few months, and nearly half of a year had passed. However, they still could not be separated, so they were extremely anxious.

If there was still no progress in the following time, they would miss the opportunity to become a real cultivator.

Lu Xiaoyu shook her head and said,

" Lu Xuan has saved us several times. Its ungrateful of him to leave like this. I won't be relieved until he comes out."

" What if he doesn't come out?"

"I won't. I trust him."

Lu Jin was a little speechless, but she didn't say anything else. After a moment of silence, she said , " Then let's wait a little longer. If he doesn't come out in ten days, we won't wait any longer. "

Lu Xiaoyu nodded.

Initially, he through that the journey would be smooth and smooth, but to hid surprise, he met another five guarding experts after entering the cave for about five li. One had a third layer treasure body, two had a second layer, and two had a first layer.

" Another thing who doesn't know the difference between life and death . " The one with the highest cultivation said in a gloomy tone.

" Well? With so many guards, it seems that the demonic soul hidden in the cave is really extraordinary. Otherwise, these people won't pay so much attention to it. I must gey it!" Lu Xuan clenched his fists excitedly and swore that ge would take the demonic soul.

He fearlessly walked toward the five people.