When the planned to transform into a demon body, he found that he could not succeed.

"Why I'd it like this? I can't even create the Hell Condor's demonic body!"

"Don't worry, it's because your injuries yesterday were too severe, injuring your vital qi. Turning into a demon body requires an extremely great amount of vital qi. Once your injuries are completely healed, it will be enough. " The ancient demonic souk consoled.

" But we don't know how many days it will take for them to fully recover.

By then, they would have gone missing, and the demonic soul must have been taken away by them. We are not in a hurry. Let's go kill him now."

Lu Qi couldn't help but run into the depths of the cave again with the magic sword in his hand.

" En, someone barged in again?"

Xiang Yuan and the others were extremely shocked when they saw someone enter. When they saw who it was, they were immediately shocked.

"Why is it that brat again? Wasn't he scared of being chased yesterday and fled?"

"He really isn't scared of death! Hehe heh, this time, I'm definitely going to make sure he won't be able to return. " The original group of experts rushed over.

Lu Xuan didn't intent to fight them head on. He rushed forward on the steps of the Roc. He waved the magic sword in his hand continuously, and the terrible black light of the sword was swallowing and exhaling, as if it were a peerless divine sword.

The people who rushed to the front were cut into two pieces by the terrible magic sword.

Lu Xuan succeeded in one strike and immediately stepped back. With the help of his footwork, he flew at an extremely fast speed. The other party couldn't catch up with him at all. He was so angry that he stamped his foot on his chest.

" Damn you little bastard, don't let me catch you. Otherwise, I will skin you alive!" Xiang Yuan roared madly, and the blue veins on his forehead stood out.

In the beginning, Lu Xuan had only killed one or two people, and he did not dare to come again.

Unexpectedly, in less than two hours, the other party appeared in front of them again.

The time was no exception. With the help of Tianpeng and the extremely terrible magic sword, Lu Xuan quickly retreated after killing three people.

Not only waw it Xiang Yuan, but the other two experts were also grinding their teeth in anger. They discussed with each other. " This brat seems to have spent a lot of energy on us. He'll definitely come again. We'll ambush him first, and we won't let him escape the next time."

After two consecutive provocations, Lu Xuan became more and more careful, but he was still trapped for the third time. When he killed a few more people and planned to escape, two experts at the fourth level of the Treasured Body jumped out from the back of the retreat route and cut off the retreat route.

" Hehe, damn you. Let's see where you can escape this time!" One of them pounced on Lu Xuan with an angry smile, holding a clock-shaped weapon in his hand, and threw it at Lu Xuan like holding a mountain.

Lu Xuan's magic sword hit the bell hard. He thought that he would definitely be able to cut the bell open. Unexpectedly, the material of the bell was extraordinary and extremely solid, leaving only a deep scar, which almost shock his magic sword out of his hand.

" Oh no, could it be a Taoist instrument?"

Lu Xuan was shocked and felt that something was wrong.

The weapons in the Cultivation World were divided into several major spirits, namely Taoist weapons, spiritual weapons, and immortal weapons.

Immortal artifacts were just legends, rarely seen by anyone.

There were also rumours that only a few great super star sects had spiritual artifacts.

The most common thing was Taoist instrument. Although Taoist instrument were common, they were only relative to immortal weapons and spirit weapons. Each of them was very precious. It was amazing for an ordinary cultivation family to have one or two Rank 9 or 8 Taoist instruments.

Among the major families in Hidden Dragon City, only the Hu family had a Taoist instrument of the ninth level.

Although the Demon-slaying Blade was powerful, it had been sealed. In addition, Lu Xuan's cultivation was too low, so he could not exert one-in-a-millon of its strength. When an ordinary weapon encountered it, it could cut iron like mud, but if it was a Taoist instrument, there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it, you bray, you actually left a mark on my Taoist instrument. I'm going to kill you and repay it with your saver!" The fouth-level expert was angry distressed. Although he came from a big seven-star sect, it tool him a lot of effort to gey a ninth-level Taoist instrument because he had some connections in the innermost core.

He attacked crazily, carrying the bell like a mountain as he continuously attacked.

Seeing that Lu Xuan's magic sword had left a deep mark on the ninth level Taoist instrument, Xiang Yuan and other expert at the fourth level of the treasured body knew that the magic sword was a valuable treasure. They were all envious and wanted to grab it.

" Iron Mountain, let's help you!" The two jumped into the field and attacked Lu Xuan together,

intending to seize has magic sword.

Tie Shan is exasperated and shouts. " Xiang Yuan, special Lu, you 2 bastards get the hell out of here. Don't think I don't know what you're up to. This knife is mine!'

The combined attack of the three experts with treasured bodies was not weaker than that of Lu Xuan, which made him feel so stressed that he almost couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, in order to snatch the knife, the three of them helped each other a lot. In the end, he risked being injured again and fought. With the help of Tie Shan's strength, they floated more than 100 feet away and used the Heaven's Roc to escape.

" Chase after him!"

The three of the. were so anxious that their eyes turned red, and they chased after him one after another. The others were also red eyed with their swords. Ignoring the obstruction of the fifty level master of the treasured body, they desperately chased after Lu Xuan.

"These damn things. For the sake of a Taoist instrument, they dare to disobey the orders of Qian Yue and Qin Hao. I must get a copy of them later. It will he strange if Qin Hao and Qian Yue don't want to kill them!"

There was a trace of viciousness in the eyes of the yeti. These days, with his high cultivation he had obviously became the leader and commander of the people. No one dared to disobey him. However, these people openly disobeyed his orders for the sake of a Taoist instrument, which made him extremely unhappy.

If the Emperor knew that it was not an ordinary Taoist instrument but a supreme treasure of the Devil's Practice, he wound probably join the fight regardless of everything.

Lu Xuan had provoked the. many times in order to get them to hunt him down. He had already noticed that the fifth level treasure body expert was guarding the dao and wound definitely not chase after him. As long as he could get rid of this person's threat, the others chased after him.

"Hey hey, all of you, come after me."

Lu Xuan deliberately slowed down a little. When they were far away from him, he suddenly turned around and pounced on them.

"Boy, do you know that you can't escape? Do you want to die?" Xiang Yuan, Tie Shan, and Li Te chased in the front, leaving the people behind them far behind. When they saw Lu Xuan suddenly turn around and pounce on them, they were all overjoyed and attacked at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan didn't care about them at all. When they approached, he performed the 18 steps of Wind Chasing. With the power of their powerful palms and fists, he instantly floated mire than 30 meters high. Then, he stepped out of Tian Pengdi and rushed to the people behind them like lightning.


Lu Xuan fell into the crowd. The magic sword danced wildly, and the saber radiance was pulled up like huge waves rolling. Screams rang out continuously, and blood splashed everywhere.

Among these people, only Xiang Yuan, Special Mr. Li, and Tie Shan could compete with Lu Xuan. The other were not at the same level at all. In addition, Lu Xuan had a magic sword in his hand. As long as it was not a Taoist instrument, all the weapons would be cut off as soon as they touched the magic.

These people were like bare handed blades. They had no power to fight back and were killed by Lu Xuan alone.

Lu Xuan killed while using his overbearing bloodline power to seize their power. In just a few seconds, he had killed seven or eight people.

When Xiang Yuan and the other two people turned back, Lu Xuan immediately ran away and didn't fight with them at all. The footwork of the three people was far inferior to his, so they couldn't do anything at all. They were so angry that they screamed.

Lu Xuan used this kind of extreme method to kill three or five people from time to time. It took him half a day to exhaust everyone. When he killed people, he used the power of his blood to steal the power and refine it into his own body. His strength gradually rose, but the more he killed, the more excited he became, and he didn't look tired.