Trying to escape from the other side.

Except for him, the others were very excited and rushed to the ice plains. They all knew that the demon bird must be the fate soul of the demon clan that everyone was looking for.

Just as Lu Xuan was about to leave, the situation changed immediately.

Although the demonic bird was powerful, it had long been scarred and bleeding under the siege of so many masters.

One of them, a young man with sword-shapped eyebrows and star like eyes, wielded the sword in his hand and formed streaks of lighting. They condensed into a small ball of lightning and hit the demonic bird. It was blown into a bloody mess and fell to the ice with a scream.

Another youth in the Divine Palace followed him and stabbed the demonic bird to death with a small but sharp sword.

"Qianyue, this is my prey. How dare you!"

"Qin Hao, so many people joined hands to kill it. Otherwise, with your insignificant cultivation, you would have long become its prey. When did you become it prey? Yue raised hid eyebrows and spoke with a cold expression.

Just as the two of them were arguing, the dead demonic birds body emitted waves of snow-white light. A spirit that was wrapped in a faint Snow-white swiftly rushed up into the air. When the others saw this, they pounced on it like crazy, wanting to snatch if from its hands.

However, the soul wrapped in the snow was too fast. Even the two youths of the Divine Palace Realm called Qian Yue and Qin Hao couldn't catch up with it even if they tried their best. They were so angry that they beat their chests.

"It seems to be flying toward me?" When Lu Xuan saw the soul spirit flying toward him quickly, he was surprised and delighted. He stared at it nervously and did not dare to blink his eyes. He was ready to stop it at any time.

When the soul approached him, it slowed down. Just as he was about to stop it, waves of cold air came out of his storage bag. It was bone-chillling. He couldn't help shivering.

He felt that his whole body was stiff and he couldn't move.

Another soul wrapped in snow flew out of his storage bag and collided with the one outside. It let out a shrill cry that pierced through everyone's eardrums.

The two soul spirit merged into one, turing into a snow-white soul bird that was several zhang in size.

The soul bird did not have a physical body and was in a soul state. However, its outer appearance had undergone a great change. At this moment, it was shaped like a phoenix bird. Its body was also long and narrow. There were nine long tail features floating in the wind. Its whole body was as white as snow, and every feather was crystal clear, flowing with a faint light. It was as dazzling and beautiful as the moonlight, which was sutlffocating.

It only had one claw, which was as sharp as a hook and as red as blood. There were seven floating feather above its head, which were colorful and fluttering like colorful silk. The roots of the feathers were arranged in a row at the tip of the crown.

"Haha, this is the Ice Sparrow of Snow Soul, one of the ancient species. Lu Xuan, quick, take it in your hands. " Elder Long was pleasantly surprised to see the soul of the white-haired chicken and the soul of another powerful demonic beast. He urged Lu Xuan to take action.

This fate soul was very fragile without being separated from others. Lu Xuan easily captured it and carefully protected it.

When the rest of the people saw the Ice Sparrow of Snow Soul falling into Lu Xuan's hands, their eyes were red and hot. They rushed to him like crazy, and the sound of killing could shake the sky.

"Little demon, hurry up and give me that fate soul. This young one will ensure that you are safe and sound. Otherwise, your soul will definitely be buried in Yin Luo!"

"Ignore him and give me your Life-Soul. I am an outstanding successor of a four-star sect. With my protection, no one dares to do anything to you."

Ignoring their cries, Lu Xuan rushed all the way down to the snow mountain. There was a law seal in the snow mountain, so he couldn't use it. Once he left the snow mountain, no one could catch up with him.

"Damn you little bastard, how dare you run away!" I will skin you alive when I catch you later." The disciples of the big behind saw Lu Xuan turn around and run away. They were so angry that they chased after him desperately.

"This is the soul of the demonic beast we've worked so hard to kill, but this guy actually took advantage of us. I'm so angry. Don't let me catch him, or I will make him beg for death!"

In the snow mountain, no one could exert their footwork. Lu Xuan was on the top of the snow mountain, running all the way to the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed. They had to climb up the Snow-capped Peak from the ice plains and then chase down from the Snow-capped Peak. When they climbed up, Lu Xuan had already rushed to the mountainsides of the Snow-capped Peak.

"Don't let this guy run away." One of the disciples of a big sects took out a special signal flare of his sects and lit it. Like an anti-aircraft cannon rushing into the clouds, it bloomed like fireworks.

The disciples of the other major sects came to their senses and also released their sect signals, asking the disciples of the same sect to come and intercept them.

Lu Xuan finally rushed to the foot of the snow mountain and looked back. Those people had not yet reached the mountainside. When he was complacent, he found that there were already dozens of powerful masters at the foot of the snow mountain blocking the only way down the mountain.

"Not good.' Lu Xuan could only slide to the low snow valley on the side, trying to escape from the other side.

"Ask some people to block the exit.

Don't let this guy go. He had something important. "

When Qian Yue saw Lu Xuan slipping down from the snow valley next to him, she knew his intention and immediately gave an order. When the people at the foot of the snow mountain heard it, they took out a horn and blew it.

Lu Xuan rushed out of the snow valley. Those people were rushing over. He chuckled and said, "When we get outside the snow mountain, you can't stop me."

In an instant, he turned into a gray phantom and disappeared in front of everyone. The speed of Tianpeng was so fast that many people thought that he disappeared into thin air. Only one or two people barely saw his track, but they couldn't stop him even if they wanted to.

Lu Xuan quickly went to the exit.

After more than four hours, he climbed over the mountain and looked at the exit. His expression became serious and he stooped in a hurry.

At this time, there were four or fifty Spiritual Meridians and Treasured Body Expert at the exit, forming a human wall that blocked the exit.

No matter how fast his footwork was, he couldn't break through it.

" It seems that this is the only way."

Lu Xuan turned his head without hesitation and ran into the depths of the mountains. He wanted to find a quiet place to turn into the Hell Condor Demon Body and kill everyone.

The exit was blocked, or else he would fall into those people's hands sooner or later.

"Where did this kid go?" Qian Yue, Qin Hao, and the others had caught up to him. Lu Xuan was nowhere to be found. He was so fast that they couldn't catch up with him.

The person guarding the exit replied, " We have been guarding here and have never seen anyone go out."

"If that's the case, he must be hiding here. Let's split up and look for him. We have to find him even if we have to dig three feet into the ground. " A elite disciples of a large sect with ten layers of a treasured body said with a sinister expression.

The disciples of the major sects were divided into several groups and began a carpet-like search, vowing to find Lu Xuan.

They searched for a long time, but there was still no trace of Lu Xuan.

It was as if Lu Xuan had disappeared into thin air.

"Did that kid return to the snow mountain again?" Qin Hao locked in the direction of the snow mountain and guessed. The so-called most dangerous place was also the safest place.

"That's very likely. Otherwise, with so many of us here, even if we turn over the ground, we won't see a ghost."

"Let's go back to the snow mountain. " They turned back in the direction of the snow mountain.

When they were about to reach the snow mountain, the disciples of their sect received a message that someone had found their target on a cave.

The elite disciples of the major sects all moved when they heard the news. They surrounded the cave, trying to kill and take the demonic soul.