Complications of the second Firmament.

"Don't hurt our young lady." All of Mo Xun's followers stood in front of Lu Xuan and protected him.

"No one can stop the people I want to kill." Lu Xuan was extremely domineering. He directly rushed over. His body had the bloodline of the Peng Clan, and he was even stronger than many demons. Like a Archaic vicious beast, he directly sent them flying.

These people seemed to have been hit by a small mountain. A few of their bones were broken, and they kept screaming. The rest of the

were so scared that they quickly stepped back. Their hands and feet were shaking, and they didn't dare to attack him at all.

"Get lost." Lu Xuan cried out in a deep voice. The few of them were quite frightened, but they did not dare to step aside. If Mo Xun were to die, they would definitely suffer a cruel retaliation from the Black Rock Sect.

"If you don't dodge, you will die," Lu Xuan rushed over again, and a Taoist Sword appeared in his hand. He waved it continuesly, and the sword light was like a snake. It was so fast that several people had no strength to resist, and their heads fell down.

"His swordsmanship is so fast!"

Lu Xuan had been practicing Phantom Devil Sword for a period of time, and he had already understood the essentials of swordsmanship. Even if the ordinary swordsmanship was performed by him, it became extremely fast. Just now, he just casually waved a few times, which was not a swordsmanship at all.

Despite this being the case, not many of the Treasured Physique Realms martial cultivators were able to withstand it. Killing several Treasured Physique experts with a single strike of his sword allowed everyone to see how terrifying he was. Apart from his powerful strength, Physique, and sword arts were also incomparably powerful.

"Don't come over. If you dare touch me even a little, the Black Rock Sect will definitely not let you off. If you don't wish to be exterminated, you should immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. I can ignore the past!"

Mo Xun retreated in panic. At this moment, he still did not forget to use the Black Rock Sect to suppress others.

"Hump this woman of yours must have been struck in the head, right? If I was afraid of the Black Rock Sect, I would not have acted in the beginning. Since I have already offended the Black Rock Sect, I might as well offend it thoroughly. I want to see what it can do to me."

Lu Xuan said carelessly. He struck out with his big palm, and a huge palm shadow fell down and sent Mo Xun flying.

Mo Xun lay prone on the ground, shivering in pain. When Lu Xuan approached her, she raised her head and opened her mouth. A colourful light few out of her mouth, which wrapped a short and thin dagger.

Lu Xuan sneered and said, "Even the flying sword was destroyed by me. Do you think this trick can hurt me? It's ridiculous. " Then he punched again.

When the dagger approached, Lu Xuan's face suddenly changed and he found that something was wrong.

With a bang, the dagger was knocked to the side. It flew past him and sank into the rock behind him. Although it was not touched by the dagger, the terrible knife power on it cut a big hole in Lu Xuan's fist, and blood kept spurting out.

He quickly sprinkled a little of the powder from the Golden Lotus Buddha's Palm on it to stop the bleeding.

"What a terrible dagger. It hurt me just with the knife energy. It's definitely an amazing spiritual weapon. " Lu Xuan was quite surprised.

When he executed the Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist, his entire arm was as hard as steel and gold, and ordinary Taoist instrument would not be able to hurt him at all. However, this short dagger was only a wisp of knife qi, yet it had already scratched his fist.

One could see how extraordinary it was.

"Brother Xuan are you okay?" Xiao Bingyu rushed over, grabbed his hand, and took out the gauze to bandage it. She said with both heartache and anger, "This woman is too despicable. She tried to plot against you several times, but she hurt you with the dagger she took from me. I will never let her go!"

Hearing this, Lu Xuan became even angrier. He said to Xiao Bingyu,

"Xiao Yu, you step back first. I will help you vent your anger."

He walked over and picked up Mo Xun like a chicken. Mo Xun's neck was stuck by him, and he couldn't even catch his breath. He was so uncomfortable that he coughed, and his face was as red as a pig's liver.

"No matter your weapon or your Life-Soul, it doesn't belong to you.

Now, it's time to return it to its original owner." Lu Xuan fiercely activated his Life-Soul, and waves of storm like Demon Aura rushed out of his body, forcing the people nearby to retreat.

The demonic light rushed into the night. A palm sized Hell Condor was flying back and forth in the demonic light, making a hissing sound. After hearing the sound. Mo Xun's body trembled and he struggled violently.

"No, I want to!" Mo Xun howled miserably. The shadow of a fierce beast was pulled out of his body by a mysterious force. It cried out in panic, trying to get back into Mo Xun's body.

At this moment, Mo Xun was suffering unimaginably pain. After his fate soul merged with it, it was forcibly extracted. He felt as if his soul was being torn in half. That kind of pain was ten thousand times more painful than cutting flesh!

Her scream made everyone's hair stand on end. Even some martial arts cultivator who hated her so much couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.

"Come out!" Lu Xuan shouted angrily. The Hell Condor rushed out of the demon light and instantly became more than 30 metres tall.

The majestic demon aura blew away the sand and stones nearby, and many people were blown away like grass.

The shadow of the fierce beast quickly pulled away from Mo Xun's body and let the Hell Condor swallow it.

This fare soul was an ancient demon king, so devouring it would bring unimaginable benefits to the Hell Condor. Lu Xuan felt that his soul power was several times stronger, and there was a faint sign that he was going to break through the second level of the divine palace.

There were even more cracks on the stone skin on the surface of the third main star within the Tear of the Water God. Hid bloodline was about to awaken at any time. He quickly increased the strength of the seal .

The Hell Condor returned to the demon light and shrank again, but it was much bugger than before. Lu Xuan was ecstatic. He could feel the change of the Hell Condor. As long as he completely refined this demon kings life soul, the demon body would definitely be promoted to the Divine Palace Realm.

"At the tenth stage of the Treasured Body, the demonic body's combat strength could rival the super experts at the second level of the Divine Palace. If it is promoted to the Divine Palace Realm, I don't know how powerful it will be." Lu Xuan guessed secretly and was full of expectation.

After losing his fate soul, Mo you to vent your anger. "

"Hee her, thank you, Brother Xuan, I have been waiting for this day for a long time." All the anger in Xiao Bingyu's heart was released at this time, and she looked at Lu Xuan with a smile.

"B*ch, how dare you!"

Xiao Bing's stomp on Mo Xun's chest nearly drone him mad. His eyes widened in anger.

"Why wouldn't I dare? How did you treat me before? How did I treat you before? Is this called retribution?" Xiao Bing said with a smile. She treated her body like a sandbag and jumped over it. Even Mo Xun's pretty face left with quite a number of shoe prints, driving her mad.

"Don't be arrogant. Just wait got the most terrifying revenge from the Black Rock Sect. Sooner or later, I will kill you two. I will cut you into pieces!"

"If I were you, I would shut up obediently to avoid more humiliation." After hearing this, Lu Xuan pulled her up and madly slapped her face. Mo Xun was immediately swollen into a pig's head, and no one could tell who he was.

"Brother, please forgive me wherever you can.

Don't go too far."

At this time, a young man with a folding fan slowly walked over. He was smiling and looked as gentle as jade. He looked rich a rich young master with an extraordinary temperament.

"Who are you? How dare you teach me a lesson?" Lu Xuan threw Mo Xun to the side. He stood still and his gaze was like a knife as it swept over the other party.