Power of the giant beast.

"Lu Xuan, now is not the time to act on impulse. You are the hope of everyone in the Lu Mansion. The revival of the Lu Family depends on you. Even if I have to die, I must keep you safe."

The Fourth Elder shouted to Lu Xuan while killing the disciples of the three families. He and the second elder worked together to kill all the way to Lu Xuan.

The Second Elder and the Fourth Elder were the only two elders in the clan who did not declare their position and asked him to come out of the Lu Family. Lu Xuan had a good impression of them, but he would never go back on his words.

"I appreciate your kindness, but since you have already forced me out of the family, my life and death have nothing to do with you.

Moreover, they may not be able to kill me."

In the face of the combined might of the three masters, Lu Xuan did not show any difficulty. He held his right hand like a dancing demonic dragon, and the saber radiance was terrible; he punched with his left hand. The fist radiance was as big as a mountain, and it was unstoppable. The power of the Black Demon's Mountain Shattering Demon was extraordinary.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dragon Roar kept coming out. The horrible sound attack blew up the flesh and blood of countless flaw in Lu Xuan's back. It was pierced through by the old sword of the Hu Clan, which was as heavy as a treasure, and almost pierced his heart.


"Lu Xuan, be careful."

Old Master Lu and the others were shocked. When they saw that he was injured, they roared and rushed over to save him.

"No one is allowed to come over!"

Lu Xuan turned around. His strong body directly twisted the opponent's long sword and shouted at the people of Lu Enterprise. He was covered in blood and his body was thin, but he had a fierce momentum.

The people of Lu Enterprise did not dare to step forward rashly after being shouted at by him.

The Hu Clan Elder did not expect his physical body to be so strong that he could even break his own Taoist Sword. His old eyes were as wide as copper bells as he muttered, "Impossible, this person's physical body is too abnormal and even harder than a Taoist Sword!"

While he was in a daze, he felt a chill suddenly fall from the top of his head. He looked up and saw that the horrible magic sword was about ten feet long. He was scared out of his wits.


He panicked and wanted to escape. In the end, he couldn't be faster than Lu Xuan and was cut into two pieces.

Therefore, as soon as they saw that Lu Xuan was about to be exhausted, everyone was excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood. The sound of killing shook the sky and rushed over one after another. Even if there was people constantly under the butcher's knife, the people behind did not retreat at all.

Seeing so many people of the same clan die miserably in their eyes, they were so angry that their eyes turned red. They hated Lu Xuan so much that they wanted to kill him as soon as possible. They had completely forgotten life and death.

"Lu Xuan must die, Lu must die!" Someone shouted a slogan, which aroused the anger of all the disciples of the three families, and rushed to Lu Xuan like crazy.

Hundreds of people crowded at the sane time. No matter how sharp the magic sword was, it was difficult to cut gold and stone.

In a moment, Lu Xuan had been stabbed more than a dozen times.

His blood spurted out like a pillar, and his face was pale. His body was shaking so hard that he was almost unable to stand steadily.

However, the magic sword in his hand was still waving, and blood splashed everywhere. The roar of the angry dragon blew away those who rushed to him like dead leaves.

"Lu Xuan!"

The Lu family's eyes were red with anxiety. They crazily rushed over and tried to save Lu Xuan. However, among the three families, there were hundreds of people, and the experts in the Treasured Body Realm were nearly ten times that of Lu Enterprise. They separated a part of them a line and easily blocked them.

"Xuan'er, don't be afraid. Grandpa is coming to save you!" Old Master Lu was so angry that he wanted to rush into the crowd, nit he fainted after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The Elder of the Ruan Clan suddenly screamed. He was wrapped in the terrible flames that rushed out of Lu Xuan's body and became a human. He rolled on the ground in pain and wanted to put them out. However, the flames were too terrible. In just a few seconds, he was burned to ashes!


A dragon like beast roar shook the entire Hidden Dragon City. Endless flamed rolled out of Lu Xuan's body, and all the people around him were swallowed by the flames, screaming miserably.

After a while, there were more than a dozen dead bodies lying on the street, which was very scary.

In the rolling fire clouds, a giant beast with a length of more than 100 feet rusher out and hovered above Lu Xuan head. The demon aura of the giant best was seeing and powerful. It was wrapped in raging flam, like a god in a fire. It's huge aura was shocking.

"What's that?"

"It seems to be a demonic beast.

Oh my god, it's demonic aura is too strong. It must have supernatural power."

"This damn thing seems to have rushed out of Lu Xuan. Is it his Blood Soul Beast?"

The member of the three families were all shocked by the power of the giant beast and avoided it far away. They looked at Lu Xuan in surprise and uncertainty, secretly guessing the relationship between him and the gaint beast.

Blood Soul Beast were rarely seen in Hidden Dragon. Only a few Patriarch had the strength and wealth weaker than themselves. For example, the giant beast was obviously much stronger than Lu Xuan, so they could find out if it was Lu Xuan's Blood Soul Beast.

After a while, the giant beast just hovered in the air and dis not intend to attack again.

The master of the Hu family signaled several masters to attack him tentatively. If he giant beast in the sky ignored him, it meant that it had noting to do with Lu Xuan. If he wanted to kill him, he had no scruples.

Lu Xuan's entire body was covered in wounds. He struggled to support himself with his demonic saber in order to barely stand firm. Any treasure body expert could easily take his life.

Seeing several Hu family experts rushing towards him, he raised his head and whistled. The giant beast in the sky roared and swooped down. It was as big as a hill, but its speed was faster than an arrow. It's strong and powerful claws pressed two of them on the ground and crushed them into meat paste. The other one was bitten of half of its body by the blood plates.

The giant beast roared non-stop and rushed to the crowd. Its big feet were like hammers, making the ground crack. The street shook non-stop, as if there was an earthquake.

It swept its huge tail and screamed.

A dozen people were directly turned into minced meat. It opened its mouth and spat out a fire column more than 100 feet high. All the buildings, shops, and plants were burned into a sea of fire in an instant. Those who were swept by the fire column could not escape.

In a short while, the street in front of the Lu Mansion was reduced to ashes, and corpses were everywhere.

"This is Lu Xuan's Blood Soul Beast.

Its strength is actually this terrifying." Lu Jin muttered as he watched from a distance. He was frightened by the destruction scene created by the Blood Soul Beast.

In the wild, he and Lu Xiaoyu's had seen this best before, but this was the first time they saw the destruction caused by us madness.

The three masters and their disciples were divine around by the giant beast. The flames were like a storm, and countless people were like a storm, and countless people were killed or injured.

In particular, after the giant beast flew into the sky, its attack stopped. More than a dozen streets were burned, screaming and screaming.

People fled in panic, and the scene was chaotic.

When the Lu family heard Lu Jin say that this beast was Lu Xuan's Blood Soul Beast, they were extremely surprised.

The Great Elder shouted, "With this beast, the Lu family will soon sweep through the entire Luo Yan County. Haha! It won't be long before we become the number one cultivation family in the Ming Zgen Kingdom!" .