Lu Xuan nodded. That was the only way. He took out some of the powder made of golden lotus root leaves and sprinkled it on the wound. After a while, the blood stopped, and the wound was scared.

He sat cross-legged on the ground to regulate his breath.

In the next few days, Red Flame often went hunting and came back with roasted savage beasts in his mount. Lu Xuan's injury gradually recovered, but he felt several powerful Demon Auras approaching. He was frightened and did not want to stay here any longer.

He tried many times to think about letting Red Flame carry him away, but as soon as it climbed on its back, it roared impatiently, and even showed a fierce of provoking it, so he swallowed it first, and could only think of other ways.

One night, what Lu Xuan had been worried about finally happened!

Not long after the red flames went out to hunt, there was an earth scattering beast roar. The fire clouds rushed up into the night sky and turned into a vast sea of flames.

A lion-shaped giant beast was fighting with Red Flame. It was more than 60 meters high, like a physical body. It shook the mountain and the earth as it ran.

The horrible roar of the beast shook Lu Xuan, who was thousand of miles away, so much that he spat out blood!

"Lu Xuan, run. It's a demonic beast at the eighth level of the Divine Palace. If it finds out, it can kill you hundreds of times with a single claw!" Elder Long saw the terrible scene of the two beasts fighting and urged him to run away.

"But Red Flame, it's..." Lu Xuan looked at the fiery red beat in the sea of fire with a worried expression. It was not willing to leave as it continuesly swooped down and swooped down.

"Don't worry. That demonic beast can't kill it. But if you don't leave, I will lose my life."

Lu Xuan climbed several mountains and found a cave at the entrance of the cave to watch the battle.

Although it was far away, the fierce battle between the two beasts still affected here. The nearby mountain walls shook from time to time, shaking a lot of sand and stones.

The angry roars of beasts shook the forest, and many low-level demonic beasts fled. Thousands of beasts ran wildly in the mountains.

The fire in the distance spread with the wind, and the surrounding area of more than ten miles was a bright as day.

The battle was extremely fierce, and it didn't stop until dawn. Many of the mountain ranges were burned bare, and the soil was as black as charcoal. There were also many black corpses of demonic beasts lying on the ground, giving off a strange smell.

Lu Xuan was worried about Red Flame's life and death, so he carefully went back the same way he came. In a mountain stream, he saw Red Flame covered with wounds. It was screaming and bitting another larger savage beast's body. Lu Xuan approached, and it only looked up.

He took out some of the powder of the Golden Lotus Buddha's Palm and sprinkled it on several relatively serious wounds. The blood stopped in no time. Red Flame raised his huge head and looked at him for a moment with his water tank- like eyes. Suddenly, he stuck out his big tongue and wanted to lick him.

Lu Xuan's heart skipped a beat. He quickly cut his wrist open and poured the blood on his tongue.

After Red Flame licked a few mouthfuls of blood, the way he looked at him softened a lot.

He tried again to climb on its back, but he was still knocked down.

"Hey, what's that?" Lu Xuan cried out in surprise when he saw half of the savage beasts body, which had been eaten by the red flame.

"Don't let it swallow it," Lu Xuan thought. He approached carefully and dug out a piece of jade from the savage beast's internal organs.

It looked like a sword handle with a sword clang.

"This jade is very rare. It's a treasure. When I hold it in my hand, I feel a warm current flowing into my meridians and my whole body feels very comfortable.

Unfortunately, if the sword was wasn't broken, it nest be a spirit weapon."

Lu Xuan saw that it was skilled in carving and there were many mysterious patterns carved on it.

He loved to play with it.

"Who said it was a broken sword?

Hey, you don't know how to appreciate a treasure. This is the legendary Yuanying Jade Sword!" Elder Long looked at it for a while and said happily.

"Senior, do you know this thing?"

"Of course I know it. it's not a broken sword. It's like this. It's called the Yuanying Jade Sword, a rare treasure. I have only seen a few people wearing it since ancient times. All of them are rose swords that only big shots have. "

Hearing Elder Long's words, Lu Xuan was also very excited. He didn't expect that he could pick up a spirit weapon like this.

Even if there were many great sects, there might not be a single spirit artifact. One could see just how precious and priceless a spirit artifact was.

"Senior, what's the origin of the Yuanying Jade Sword?"

"In this world, there are definitely no more than three people who can forge a Yuanying Jade Sword.

Moreover, materials are hard to find. When forging, it is extremely difficult to control the flame, and the success rate is extremely low.

The top cast masters only have a ten percent chance of successfully forging it.

Yuanying Jade Sword is not the most powerful spirit weapon, but one of the rare most precious Mei treasures. Especially in the hands of sword practitioners, it will become an invincible murderous weapons!"

"He is so powerful?" Lu Xuan couldn't believe it.

Old Taoist Long said, "Don't believe it. Do you know how to gather Qi into a sword?"

Lu Xuan nodded. "I have heard of it.

It's said that only a grandmaster in the Tao of the sword can condense his True Energy into a sword when he was reached a very high realm in swordsmanship. Its power is extremely terrible."

"That's right. The Sword Qi formed by ordinary cultivation with True Energy can't be compared with that of condensing Qi into a sword. The difference in power between the two is more than ten times, or even a hundred or even a thousand times. I have lived for a long and have seen many masters who can gather Qi into a sword. But with the hilt of this Yuanying Sword, it can easily gather Qi into a sword and have terrible offensive power. If an ordinary sword practitioner has it, he can instantly become a king at the same level and kill all his opponent's in an instant!"

"That's great. The sword marks I have copied in the Great Desolate Cave seem to be a supreme swordsmanship that can gather Qi into a sword. I'm worried about how to practice it. With the Yuanying Sword, I don't have to worry anymore. "

In the cave where he found the Spirit Spring, he found a lot of sword marks left by ancient sword immortals.

He spent a lot of energy to memorise every sword mark in his mind and often practiced them with his spiritual power.

In the beginning, every move he practiced consumed a huge amount of Spiritual Power, and he couldn't play a few moves in a day.

This method of quickly using up hid Spiritual Power to recover made his Divine Sense stronger quickly. Now he mastered the first ten moves in his mind.

However, his cultivation was limited, so he couldn't really condensed Sword Qi. He also tried to use other Taoist Sword to try, but he always bumped into them and couldn't move freely.

Maybe the Yuanying Jade Sword could solve this problem.

He held the sword hilt in his hand and performed the familiar sword movement in his mind. At first, it was very slow, and then he gradually sped up. He found that the move was much smoother than when he user the real long sword.

He was overjoyed.

"It's a pity that I can't condense Sword Qi." Lu Xuan signed. He was not discouraged and practiced the same moves again and again.

At time went by, his moves became more and more proficient.

Suddenly, his palm became familiar, and the jade sword hilt in his hand became very hot. Wisps of faint smoke rose from it.

"Well, how could this be?" Lu Xuan stopped and looked at it in surprise.

The smoke was instantly blown away by the mountain wind.

"Lu Xuan, keep practicing. Those are the prototype of the Sword Qi!"

Elder Long shouted excitedly.

Although the Yuanying Jade Sword could easily condense Sword Qi a hundred times more easily for a Sword Cultivator, he did not expect that Lu Xuan would start the Sword Smoke after only practicing for a few hours.