Misty Cloud Mountain (path 2)

"Greetings, Senior. I'm Lu Xuan.

Thank you for saving me just now.

Please accept my bow." Lu Xuan hurriedly bowed. He was extremely nervous and was afraid that the old man would be angry with his words.

"Boy, don't be nervous. I mean no harm. Do you want me to be my disciple?" The old man stopped looking cold and asked with a smile.

Yue Tianlong was his new disciple when he was travelling this time. He was brought into the depths of the Misty Cloud Mountain because he wanted to enhance his actual combat ability with the help of the demonic beast here. Just now, when he secretly saw Lu Xuan's footwork and the subtleness of the knife, he felt that this person was not simple and has the intention to accept him as a disciple.

Lu Xuan said, "I do not have this intention. May I know which sect you are from?"

"I don't belong to any sect. I'm just a rogue cultivator. So, are you still willing to acknowledge me as your master?" The old man stroked his beard and stared at Lu Xuan meaningfully.

Yue Tianlong was about to say something, but was stopped by the old man with his eyes.

When Lu Xuan heard this, he looked a little hesitant. The old man in front of him was obviously not simple. It was rare to have a chance to worship him as a teacher. But if the old man was a rogue cultivator, it meant that he not only had no rich resources to cultivate after entering the sect, but also had to drift around and live in an uncertain place.

He would also be excluded and suppressed by other sects.

"What's wrong? You don't want me to be a Rogue Cultivator?" The old man asked with a hint of anger.

Lu Xuan shock his head. "Senior, I am not a person of such power. But if I worship you as my master, I will follow you to travel around the world. I have to discuss this with my family first. Please forgive me."

"Well, I don't want to force you. If you want to be my disciple, you can come to the Fengyuan in.

Killing City within a month. If you miss the good opportunity, don't regret it, young man." After that, the old man left with Yue Tianlong.

On the way, Yue Tianlong asked in confusion, "Master, why did you lie to him and say that we are rogue cultivators?"

"Just now, you jumped out to stop the demon snake to save him, but he hesitated for a while before helping. There are two reasons for his help. First, he was afraid that you would not be able to escape from the evil snake even after your death. Second, he was afraid that you would die in order to save me, so he felt guilty. He always called himself a rogue cultivator on purpose, so as to test his character. "

I see. Master is really brilliant. If he is wiling to be a disciple of a rogue cultivator, it means that he is not an ungrateful person."

Hidden Dragon City.

Lu Jin, Lu Xiaoyu, and a few servants also joined in the search for Lu Xuan. They had been searching outside the city for more than half a day and found nothing.

When they were about to return to the city, they met another team of people who were ready to enter the city.

"Hey, isn't this the well- known Third Young Master of the Lu Family? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Are you getting more and more powerful?" A young man riding a horse teased.

This man was Hu Zhuqing, the young master of the Hu family. He was only 17 years old, but he had broken through to the Divine Palace Realm not long ago. He was known as the first young lady of his generation in Hidden Dragon City.

In the face of Hu Zhuqing's teasing, Lu Jin ignored him and was about to enter the city, but was stopped by the Hu family.

Lu Xiaoyu's face darkened and she shouted, "Hu Zhuqing, what do you mean by this?"

"Little pepper, don't be angry. I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to talk about the old days with you. Why are you in such a hurry to leave? I, Hu Zhuqing, won't eat you."

"What do you want? Just say it." Lu Jin supposed her anger and asked. This young man was about the same as him.

He doe not have any fortuitous encounters, but he relied on his cultivation to reach the Divine Palace Realm. It was far from what he had and his sister could provoke.

"I heard that Lu Xuan killed my two incompetent younger brothers in the wild. Is that true?" He Zhuqing stopped laughing, and his face was terribly cold.

"If you think so, why don't you ask Lu Xuan yourself?" Lu Xiaoyu raised her delicate eyebrows and looked at him with a provocative look.

"Humph, do you really think I don't dare to do anything to you? If you don't want to die, tell me everything that happened in the wild."

"When your father to his men to the Lu Mansion a few days ago, he was so much more arrogant that you are now. In the end, he was beaten a shit and fled in a panic. Hu Zhuqing, do you really think that the Lu family is as easy to bully as before?"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. The Lu Mansion without Lu Xuan is all scum! You've been. running around for days just to get Lu Xuan back, haven't you? If you can't find him, you dare to shoe off in front of me.

You're looking for death!"

Hu Zhuqing got hurt by Lu Jin. He was furious and pulled his sleeves.

The terrible magic rolled over and knocked Lu Jin and the others to the ground.

" I will fight to the death with you!" Lu Jin and her brother couldn't suppress their anger and pounced on Hu Zhuqing.

"With your little cultivation, how can you fight me to the death?" Hu Zhuqing laughed disdainfully and jumped off the horse to meet the two people. He pushed with his big hand, and the terrible power sent the two people flying as if they were pushing a mountain.

"Little pepper, you have been in the wild for a year, and you have become more and more beautiful. Hey hey, go back with me and be a maid to warm the room." Hu Zhuqing picked Lu Xiaoyu up and pointed at her acupuncture points, laughing obscenely.

"Let go of my sister!"

Lu Jin was about to go crazy and attack recklessly, but he couldn't resist Hu Zhuqing attack at all.

Being kicked into a rock by Hu Zhuqing, he groaned in pain and couldn't get up.

Several servants of the Lu family were also sent to the ground.

"Hu Zhuqing! If you dare to touch my sister, you not let go of her until Lu Xuan comes back!" Lu Jin watched her sister being taken away abs shouted angrily with red eyes.

"Hahahahaha, the Xialuo Sect will be recruiting disciples in the Ming Zgen Kingdom in three days.

Unless you find Lu Xuan in such a short time , no one in the same generation as me in the Hidden Dragon City can compete with me.

After getting the talisman of the nominal disciples of the Xianluo Sect, I will ask the Shangxian of the Xianluo Sect to kill Lu Xuan and the savage beast. At that time, the Lu family will soon be exterminated, humph. "

Hidden Dragon City was a small border town of the Ming Zhen Kingdom, while the Xianluo Sect controlled the cultivation forces of the entire Ming Zhen Kingdom.

They would recruit disciples from all over the country every once in a while.

Only those who won the first place in the Martial Arts Competition could get the talismans of the norminal disciples of the Xianluo Sect. They were qualified to participate in the county competition and could become officially disciples if they won the first place in the county competition.

The reason why Hu Zhuqing did not kill the people of the Lu Family was that he was worried about Lu Xuan's revenge. Three days later, he won the first place in the martial arts competition of the Hidden Dragon City and became a registered disciple of the Xianluo Sect. With the support of such a powerful force, he was no longer afraid of Lu Xuan.

After Lu Jin returned to the Lu famlily, she told them that her sister had been robbed. The whole Lu family was shocked. Lu Yuanba was so anxious that he was sweating all over. He grabbed a handful of his hair and beard and asked the elders of the family for help. "Elders you must find a way to save Xiaoyu. She has been there for so long. What if she ruined by the beast of Hu Zhuqing..."

The Third Elder comforted her and said, "Don't worry. I think Hu Zhuqing just robbed her and didn't dare to do anything to her. After all, the Lu family is no longer powerful enough to be trampled on. A few days ago, when the three families joined forces, they were all killed and fled."

The Fourth Elder snorted and said,

"Third Elder, you seem to have forgotten that the person who killed the three families and escaped was Lu Xuan, who was kicked out of the Lu family by you. Now that he is not here, who can challenge the Hu family in the Lu family? Who has the strength to break into the Hu family to save people?".