Another life and death battle!. (path 2)

In the meeting hall of the Hu family, a middle-aged man was sitting in the front seat. His face was thin and full of pockmarks. His eyes were long and narrow, his mouth was sharp, and his cheeks were like a monkey's . His face was full of carvings.

The Hu family's patriarch and Hi Zhuqing sat next to each other. Lu Xiaoyu was escorted down on her knees with a stubborn look on her face.

The Hu family's patriarch smiled obsequiously at the pockmarked face and asked," Shangxian, are you satisfied with this gift?"

"Hehe, I'm satisfied, I'm very satisfied!" Staring at Lu Xiaoyu with lust in his eyes, the pockmark faced man chuckled and said very obscenely.

"What about dealing with the Lu family...."

"Don't worry, thank you for treating the Hu family so well these few days. I, Su Qiyan, will do whatever I want. The Lu family is just a piece of cake for you." The pockmark faced Su Qi waved his hand and said arrogantly.

The person was from the Xianluo Sect to Hidden Dragon City to select disciples.

The Hu family's Patriarch knew that he was coming and had collected quite a few good treasures to give him. He secretly tried to rope him in. In the Xianluo Sect, Su Qi was just an inner disciple. He had no status, no resources, and no connection. He had suffered a lot in the sect.

After arriving at Hidden Dragon City, the Hu family treated him as a VIP and greatly satisfied his vanity. He also gained a lot of benefits, so he promised to help them deal with Lu Xuan.

It Just so happened that Hu Zhuqing had taken Lu Xiaoyu back. In order to make Su Qi more devoted, the Patriarch of the Hu family gave Lu Xiaoyu to Su Qi. Although Hu Zhuqing was reluctant to part with her, in order to successfully enter the Xianluo Sect, he had to beat with it and cut off his love.

"Bad news, bad news, bad news. Lu Xuan fought his was out of the mansion and smashed the gate. He even threatened that he would kill his way in if he didn't let Lu Xiaoyu go within 15 minutes!"

At this time, a prefectural servant ran out in a panic and knelt in the hall to report to the Patriarch of the Hu family.

"What? That little bastard Lu Xuan is too bold! Shangxian, look... " The Hu family master looked at Su Qi.

Su Qi snorted coldly. "Alright, he will be sending himself to his death so that I won't have to make a trip.

Let's go. I would like to see how strong that kid is.!"

Seeing the Hu father and son coming out together with a strange man, Lu Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and became vigilant. He stared at the man, and the more he looked at him, the more frightened he became.

Lu Xuan saw that the other party's strength was extremely strong. He was at least an expert at the fourth level of the Holy Palace, or even the fifth level. Moreover, it was obvious that the other party was in collusion with the Hu family. It would be difficult to save Lu Xiaoyu today!

However, Lu Xuan was definitely not a person who would retreat easily. He had Tianpeng and the magic sword. As long as there was still a glimmer of hope for him to defeat his opponent, he would never give up.

"Who is that person? He seems to be unfathomable. Oh no, the Hu family actually invited such a powerful helper!" The elders of the Lu family also saw that Su Qi was not simple, but they didn't know that he was the messenger of the Xianluo Sect. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to offend him.

"You, are you Lu Xuan?" Su Qi stared at Lu Xuan. His tone was not kind, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you must die today. "

Su Qi snorted coldly and suddenly rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. He slammed his palm toward Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan was shocked and hurriedly retracted, but Su Qi followed him like a shadow and couldn't get rid of him. He could only slash at Su Qi, trying to force him away. However, Su Qi's strength was too amazing, and he was not afraid of the power of the magic sword. He dodged sideways and hit the blade. The huge power almost knocked the magic sword out of his hand.

Su Qi's attack was so fast that Lu Xuan's hand, which was twisting his knife, was numb. His attack was a little slow, and he was soon hit in the chest by Su Qi's palm. He was seriously injured.

Just as the other party was about to give chase, Lu Xuan let out an angry howl. The powerful Heavenly Dragon Voice of Profound Dipper sent the other party flying.

"It seems that I underestimated you!" Su Qi was so shocked that his inter organs shifted. He coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood and stared at Lu Xuan with a sinister expression, full of hatred.

As an inner disciple of the Xianluo Sect, he was actually injured by a disciple of a rogue cultivator family in the small border town. It was extremely embarrassing.

If he didn't kill Lu Xuan, how could he swallow this insult?

"Go to hell!"

Su Qi drew out a Taoist Sword and waved it in all directions. Like a cold light, it fell on Lu Xuan's body. His footwork was extremely fast,, and this body was like a phantom. It was as if several people were attacking at the same time. His moves were vicious, and he focused on stabbing people's fatal acupoints.

Fortunately, after Lu Xuan practiced the Phantom Devil Killing Sword, his speed was much faster than an ordinary person's Facing Su Qi's fast attack, he didn't panic at all. However, the difference in magic power between the two sides was not small. Every time he blocked the Taoist Sword coming from the other side, his arm would be numb and painful because of the power of the Taoist Sword.

The two sides fought for about 15 minutes, but Su Qi was still unable to break through Lu Xuan defense.

However, Lu Xuan's arm was gradually numb, and the speed of his mice slowed down. The other side's Sword Qi rushed through the knife essence and injured several places.

If things went on like this, Lu Xuan would definitely die.

"Lu Xuan is in danger. I don't know where the Hu family has invited such a powerful master. Is hoe strength to terrible?"

"It turned out that I thought I could watch him fight the whole Hu family on his own. It seems that the Hu family on his own. It seems that the Hu family has been prepared for it last time and is waiting for him to come. Tut tut , If Lu Xuan's Blood Soul beast, which is like a dragon but not a dragon, doesn't show up, his life will be lost here."

In the crowd, many people were worried about Lu Xuan.

"What should we do? If Lu Xuan is defeated, Xiaoyu will be fine!" Lu Yuanba looked extremely anxious and his forehead was covered with sweat. The other people of the Lu Group were also very nervous and secretly prayed that Lu Xuan would win.

Lu Xuan was not Su Qi's match at all. After suffering a few injuries, he was at a disadvantage. He had no choice but to use Tianpeng Zong to dodge the opponent's attack with his extremely fast footwork.

Su Qi's every move failed, and he was extremely angry. He roared, "Brat, if you have the guts, then let's have a fair fight. Aren't you afraid of running your reputation by running around like a rat on the street?"

"Humph, I'm just a nobody. How can I lose my reputation? Its you who bully the weak. Shame on you." Lu Xuan did not oat attention to his opponent's scolding at all. He wanted to wait until his opponent ran out of strength before he fought back.

At this time, Hu Zhuqing shouted to Su Liuqi , "Senior, this guy is playing tricks. You don't need to spend too much effort. You can naturally force him to fight head on with some ruthless means. The people of the Lu Mansion are over there."

Hu Zhuqing's meaning was very obvious. Su Qi was not a fool. He smiled and rushed to the people of the Lu Mansion. In an instant , a few people were killed.

"Hu Zhuqing is too despicable."

"Do you only know that the Hu family has always been like this?"

The onlookers looked down upon Hu Zhuqing's behaviour and were angry, but they dared not to speak out their anger,

Seeing that Su Qi had killed several disciples.