Despicable method to take revenge. (path 2)

" i have said that it's a broken thing. i will ask someone to change it tomorrow. What else do you want?" One of them looked at Lu Xuan with a provocative look.

"Tell me your names," Lu Xuan said coldly.

"I'm Feng Wuhua."

"I'm Ye Feiyu." The two stared at Lu Xuan as if they were watching a good show. They wanted to see what he could do to them.

Lu Xuan ignored then and went straight out. Ye Feiyu sneered loudly behind him, "I thought you wanted to compete with us by asking our names. It turns out that vou are just a coward. Hahaha!"

Soon, even if Ye Feiyu didn't come out, there was a clanking sound outside. They rushed out and saw that Lu Xuan just came out of Ye Feiyu's room and walked into the room.

"Damn it!"

The wind rushed into his room and soon flew out.

He fell heavily on the ground in the courtyard and spat out blood several times. His face was pale and full of shock.

He knew that Lu Xuan was also at the second level of the Holy Palace. He thought that no matter how powerful he was, he and Ye Feiyu would be able to suppress him together. However, he didn't expect that he would be seriously injured by the other side in the first fight.

Ye Feiyu also wanted to rush in. But when he saw Feng Wuhua's miserable situation, he was so scared that his legs trembled. Only then did he know that he couldn't afford to provoke this person. Just as he was about to run away, Lu Xuan blocked his way.

"What, what do you want?" Ye Feiyu looked nervously at Lu Xuan.

After a while, Ye Feiyu screamed and was thrown out of the Courier situation with Feng Wuhua.

"Lu Xuan, these two are the young masters of the wind and Ye families in Luo Yan City. It's not good for you to do this, isn't it? What if they take revenge ?" Xiao Wuming was a little worried.

The forces of these two families were second only to the City Lord's Mansion. Even if the Lu family and the Xiao family unified the Hidden Dragon and Qingfeng City, they were far from being their opponents.

"What's wrong? They dared to bully me. It's good that they didn't take their lives," Lu Xuan said carelessly.

If they weren't in Foggy City, they would have died a long time ago.

In any case, there was no need for the Ye and Feng families to deal with him in Luo Yan City.

Soon, it was time for the county competition. Lu Xuan's competition was held in the afternoon, but when he wanted to find Xiao Wuming, he found that he was not at the Courier Station. Moreover, the contestants from other cities were nowhere to be seen, so he immediately knew that he had been cheated.

He rushed out of the Courier Station angrily and ran toward the Martial Arts Practice Field.

Unexpectedly, he was immediately ambushed by a large group of men in black as soon as he got out of the Courier Station.

"It seems that in order to let me miss the match, City Lord Luo Yan has put in a lot of effort!" Lu Xuan looked at the dozen or so black clothes assassins surrounding him and spoke in a cold tone. The surrounding people had already fled in fear.

These men in black were no match for Lu Xuan at all. After a fierce fight, all of them were killed by him.

But before they went far, they were ambushed by another group of people.

After so many bloody battles, he finally came to the martial practice filed in the north of the city. When Lu Xuan, who was covered in blood, appeared at the gate, thr guards appeared at the gate, the guards heart skipped a beat. He thought to himself, "So many people can't be killed. Lu Xuantian is too hard."

"Stop! This is the arena for the top ten martial arts competition of the Xianluo Sect. Outsiders are not allowed to enter." Several guards blocked Lu Xuan's way.

He showed the talisman and said,

"I'm a participants of Hidden Dragon City. Let me in quickly. "

The high ranking officer of the City Lord's Mansion sneered and said,

"You have already passed the entry time and lost your qualification to participate in the competition. I advise you to go back. Don't make trouble for yourself. "

Lu Xuan didn't say anything and directly officer didn't know how powerful he was, so he raised his sword to block it. No one expected that when the sword touched the magic sword, it would immediately be cut into pieces. He was scared out of hid wits and screamed as he was cut into two halves.

In the Martial Arts Practice Field, the major families of Foggy City were seated with a woman in plain clothes sitting in the front seat. Her aura was profound and her eyes were shining brightly. At a glance, one could tell that she was a peerless expert. It was the Senior Sister that Su Qi had mentioned.

On both sides of the heart sat Su Qi and a few other Xianluo Sect's envoys. After them was the city lord of the Luoyan City and the clan leaders of the various great clans.

"Why are there only 11 people?" Su Xin looked at the 11 people standing on the central ring of the Martial Arts Practice Field, frowned slightly, and asked unhappily.

"The other person might be too afraid to come, right?" Su Qi gritted his teeth and said. He hoped that Lu Xuan would appear so that he could deal with the other party.

"Why didn't he come? is it because he broke one of your arms?" Su Xin asked Su Qi.

Su Qi was scared out of his wits. He quickly got up and knelt down. He replied, "Senior Sister Su Xin, how could Junior Brother threaten him not to participate in the competition? Even if I had a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to do anything that would harm the interest of the Xianluo Sect.

Rumor has it that Lu Xuan killed Luo Xingtain's younger brother. He must be afraid of Luo Xingtain, so he didn't dare to come. It has noting to do with me."

Su Xin nodded. "You don't have the guts to do that. No matter what kind of grudge you have with him, you can't touch him before the country tournament. If he is chosen, you will deal with him. If he flees before the battle, I will kill him."

After waiting for nearly half an hour, there was still no sign of Lu Xuan.

The displeasure on Su Xun's face was even more obvious. Su Qi, the City Lord Luo Yan, and the others observed the situation and took the opportunity to speak to Su Xin, suggesting the start of the ceremony.

Su Xin had been impatient for a long time. She dared to wait for the first place in the martial arts competition of the Hidden Dragon City for a long time. Her tone was calm but she could not hide her anger. She said, " Let start."

Luo Yan County had a total of ten cities. Because Luo Yan City was the main city. It was much more prosperous than the nine cities.

There were many powers in the city and many talented practitioners.

They obtained three spots. Adding on to the fact that they held the first place in the Martial Arts Competition of the nine cities, there were a total of twelve competitors.

Lu Xuan was absent, so Luo Xingtain, who had the highest cultivation, was directly promoted to the next round of the competition.

The first round was quickly over.

The five winners started the second round of the martial arts competition with Luo Xingtain. Unfortunately, Xiao Wuming was no match for Luo Xingtain. He was defeated in less than ten moves and was sent flying off the arena by Luo Xingtain's kick.

Luo Xingtain knew that the Xiao family had a good relationship with the Lu family, so he didn't have a good attitude to Xiao Wuming. After defeating the other parry, he sneered mercilessly, "You can't even take ten moves from me. How dare such a good-for-nothing come to participate in the county competition?"

Xiao Wuming was furious, but he could only swallow his anger. After all, the other party was the young master of Foggy City, and he couldn't afford to provoke him.

"Alright, let's proceed to the third round of the competition and select the champion."

In the last round of the competition, all the winners would fight in a melee. Whoever lost first would be considered to be defeated. The Xianluo Sect only selected one inner disciple, and the rest were all nominal disciples. Therefore, if they didn't rank second or third, they would only win.

"Wait!" At this time, a shout came from the entrance. Lu Xuan held a long knife in his hand and rushed in with a murderous look. His clothes were a little messy and stained with blood. It seemed that he had fought a big battle.

As soon as he appeared, Su Qi's and City Lord Luo Yan's expressions changed greatly. They didn't expect so many people to ambush him, but they couldn't stop Lu Xuan. If Su Xin knew that they were using trucks to stop Lu Xuan from participating in the competition, it would be hard to say whether he would live or not.

"Take him down!" City Lord Luo Yan immediately ordered the city governors guards to capture Lu Xuan so that he wouldn't give the other party a chance to identify him.

"Stop." Su Xin lightly stooped him.

"Immortal Envoy, this person has disturbed the arena."

"I know what I'm doing. There's no need for you to say anything. "

Governor Luo Yan didn't dare to offend her, so she could only sit down nervously.