Lightning, Fire, and Thunder. (path 2)

Suddenly, there was a flash of light.

Subconsciously, he waved his fingers at the thunder light like a sword.


A strong light pierced everyone's eyes, and no one knew what had happened. They could only hear a huge crash. When the light disappeared, the whole arena was split in half by the invisible power, and even the ground was left with a nearly three foot deep gully.

Lu Xuan had once entered a secret cave in the great wasteland and found the spirit spring of his divine veins. He even discovered many sword marks left behind by ancient sword immortals on the cave walls and memorised them one by one.

Usually, when he had nothing to do, he would carefully think about these sword moves in his mind. At the moment of life and death, he somehow displayed one of them.

Its power was amazing!

Seeing the blood-red Qi sword, Elder Long was very shocked and said to him, "This is one of the most domineering swordsmanship in ancient times, the Nine Heavenly Meridian Sword! Haha, boy, I didn't expect that you could get such a supreme sword skill with such heaven defying luck.

Although you have barely mastered the first sword move, its power can't be underestimated. If you can reach the realm of nine swords at the same time, few people in the world can be your opponent!"

"Nine Heavenly Veins?" Lu Xuan murmured in a low voice. At the same time, he felt that in his sea of consciousness, the stone skin on the third main star had loosened a little bit. The massive power of the star. poured into his body, and he seemed to be about to make a breakthrough.

"What a powerful force! What happened just now?" Everyone looked at all this in surprise. The power of the strike split the vast arena into two halves. There was also such a huge deep arena. Only Su Xin, who was in the Heavenly Meridian Realm, could do it, right?

There was a bright light in Su Xin's eye. The was she looked at Lu Xuan had completely changed, and her eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Just now, only she could barely see it clearly. At the moment of life and death, Lu Xuan used his fingers as a sword and reached the supreme realm of gathering Qi into a sword.

He waved a horrible Qi sword to break through Luo Xingtain's full blow, creating a scene in front of her.

"The gathering of Qi into a sword? Lu Xuan's aptitude is too heaven defying... Even many famous people in the Tao of the sword can't do it." Su Xin signed. Lu Xuan would definitely be an overlord in the future. No matter what, she would take him back to the immortal Luo Sect.

Luo Xingtain looked at Lu Xuan in a daze. Just now, an invincible sword intent flashed across his body, which made his hair stand on end, as if his soul had been destroyed.

Before he came to his senses, a powerful aura came crushing over.

Lu Xuan was covered in blood, and his torn clothes were fluttering in the wind. His black hair was dancing in the wind, and his face was full of evil spirit, like a peerless devil king. His eyes were like lightning, and his aura was doubled and doubled, rushing toward Luo Xingtain.

"He actually broke through at this critical moment. What a powerful aura! He's only at the third level of the Divine Palace, but his aura is incomparable to that of many experts at the fifth level of the Divine Palace. What a monster!"

"Xingtain, quick, kill him!" The City Lord of Luo Yan was a little anxious as he roared at his son. He was afraid that things might change if he was too late.

Luo Xingtain was also afraid that if he continued to delay, it would not be good for his situation. His body was like an illusion as he rushed over. His speed was extremely fast, leaving only afterimages behind, making it impossible for others to capture his true form.

The Thunder Palm did not hold back at all. It seemed that several people were attacking at the same time. There were palm prints of secret letters everywhere.

However, no matter how fast he was, not as fast as Lu Xuan, who possessed Tianpeng.

"Yes ." Lu Xuan waved his two fingers, and a terrible Sword Qi flowed out of his fingers, which was unstoppable. The dense pal. wall was torn by his Sword Qi. Luo Xingfeng saw a red sword light rushing toward him like a raging dragon. The Sword Qi was aggressive, so he hurriedly avoided it.

Unexpectedly, the blood red sword light seemed to have intelligence.

In an instant, it caught up with the bloody wound on his back and screamed.

The Nine Heavenly Veins Sword was also a supreme killing skill in ancient time. It was known as one of the strongest swordsmanships.

It was a cultivation method that countless sword immortals dreamed of. Moreover, it was unknown how many ambitious people were killed in this swordsmanship.

It had nine swords in total.

Lu Xuan hadn't really mastered the first sword move. With only one sword move, its power was far beyond what Luo Xingtain could withstand. He kept waving his fingers, and blood colored Qi swords flew out with a "Chi chi" sound. They countless be resisted.

Luo Xingtain was forced to display his weapon and was pierced by the terrifying blood colored sword Qi in just a few moves. He was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He knew that if they continued to fight, he would definitely die. He turned around and wanted to escape from the arena and admit defeat.

"Don't you want to know who killed Luo Xingfeng? I will tell you now. I killed him. You can go down and accompany him." Lu Xuan's mouth showed a strange smile, like a devil that made people scared.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye, followed by Luo Xingtain's blood curdling scream as he fell to the ground with a loud thud. An eight branched heavenly Jiao from the fourth level of the divine palace died just like that. All of this happened too quickly, not even Su Xin able to stop her, let alone anyone else.

"Lu Xuan! Return my son's life." The City Lord Yuan's eyes were red with anger as he watched his son fall. He jumped up from his seat like a mad beast, wanting to kill Lu Xuan to. avenge his son.

"Back off." Su Xin was not angry. With a flick of her sleeves, the surging True Energy rolled over like waves, forcing the City Lord of Luo Yan back.

"If you don't want Luo Yan City to perish, obediently return to your seat."

The City Lord of Luo Yan's two sons had both died in Lu Xuan's hands. He wanted nothing more than to skin them alive. Both of them were covered in blood. He looked at Su Xin with both grief and anger.

"Immortal Envoy, my son died a tragic death. Don't tell me we'll just let it go?"

"If you don't want to go down and accompany your two sons, shut up immediately. Luo Xingtain's skills are inferior to others, and he deserved to die. Now that Lu Xuan is already an inner disciple of the Xianluo Sect, why don't you try to lay a finger on him?" Su Xin's tone became more and more cold and terrifying. The City Lord returned to his seat in grief and indignation. Hid entire person had become dejected, as if he had lost his vitality.

Not only did Lu Xuan not express his gratitude to Su Xin, but he also stared at Su Qi, who was next to her. His eyes were sharp and there was a hint of cruelty in them. He said, "Su Qi, I, Lu Xuan, am challenging you now. Do you dare to challenge me to a duel of life and death?"

Su Qi's heart was beating wildly. If his arm hadn't been broken, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of the other party. Now that he was called to the formation in public, his face was blue ab white, and he looked at Su Xin for help.

Now, Lu Xuan had attracted the attention of Su Xin. If he joined the Xianluo Sect in the future, he would definitely soar to the sky. No one could compete with him for the position of Sect Master in the future.

She knew that Lu Xuan hated Su Qi and wanted to kill him as soon as possible. She planned to show her kindness to him and turned a blind eye to Su Qi's request for help.

Instead, she said coldly, "Su Qi, don't disgrace out sect. Go."

"Senior Sister.... I... " Su Qi looked sad and wanted to say something.

"Huh?" Su Xin glanced at him. "How dare you disobey my orders?".