Dark Mystic Sword Pavilion.

The picking of crystals and spiritual herbs required patience and opportunity. If one's strength was strong, he could hunt demonic beasts to obtain beast cores and demonic pills in exchange for talisman stones.

"Senior sister apprentice, where do you find so many demonic beasts?"

"Hee hee, you want to hunt demonic beast? Well, let's go together. The best place to hunt is naturally the Misty Cloud Mountain Range." Yuan Qiying said with an excited smile, grinding his fists and rubbing his palms, eager to try.

"Min, the Misty Cloud Mountain?

Isn't that Hidden Dragon City of the Ming Zhen Kingdom? It's tens of thousands of li away. If one doesn't have the art of flying, how would one get there?"

"The legend of the Misty Cloud Mountain has sprees for hundreds of thousands of miles across several mortal countries. Who said it was in the Ming Zhen Kingdom? Hehe, silly Junior Brother, you really haven't seen the world." Yuan Qiying patted thr back of his head with great pride. She was very happy to be able to show her great knowledge in front of this Junior Brother.

"The Misty Cloud Mountain Range is actually this vast?" Lu Xuan could not help but laugh in surprise. He was indeed lacking in experience.

The Misty Cloud Mountain was very famous on the while continent. It was extremely vast, with poor mountain and bad waters. There were countless fierce savage beasts roaming around. Many famous practitioners did not dare to venture too deep into the mountain range.

However, with the cultivation of the second level and the third level of the Lu Xuan Palace, ordinary demonic beasts could not pose a threat to them. As long ad they were not too deep, it was still possible for them to hunt low level demonic beasts in the periphery.

It would take two or three days to go to the Misty Cloud Mountain from the Eight Wastelands Sword Alliance, and it would take a lot of beast cores. It would take a long time to stay in the mountain. It could only be sent out after sufficient preparation, so Lu Xuan set the date for five days.

Yuan Qiying said, "In two days, the resources will be distributed every month. In addition to crystal stones, there are also spirit pills. They are just useful. "

"Hey, isn't this Junior Sister Qiying of the Xuan You Pavilion? Why are you with that good-for-nothing Lu Xuan? Aren't you afraid of losing your identity?"

Just as the two of them were about to return to the Dark Mystic Sword Pavilion, a few young disciples walked towards them. A beautiful female disciple teased them with malicious intentions. Her name was Su Lian'er, a famous beauty of the Eight Wastelands Alliance.

Before the arrival of Yuan Qiying, she was pursed by countless make disciples. However, after the appearance of Yuan Qiying and Zhao Feixue, she stole all the limelight.

Zhao Feixue was very mysterious.

He really showed up, and his identity was sensitive. Even if those male disciples admired him, they couldn't get close to him. Yuan Qiying was different. Almost all the male disciples of the Eight Wastelands Alliance revolved around her, which made Su Lian'er extremely jealous and often went against her.

"It's you again, Su Lian'er. You are really lingering! Junior Brother, let's go." Seeing this woman, Yuan Qiying was so angry that she didn't want to talk to her. She ignored her and pulled Lu Xuan away.

"Oh, in broad daylight, it's so improper. Its said that Junior Sister Qiying of the Xuan You Pavilion has a high standard and even Senior Brother Jian Jiuxiao doesn't like her. I thought you were so holy. It turns out that you like good-for-nothing.

Hehe, if other male disciples know, they will cry to. death. Their goddess is blind to fall in love with such a good-for-nothing. "

Su Lian'er tone was sarcastic and harsh. Her weird tone was unbearable.

Yuan Qiying was so angry that his whole body was trembling. When he was about to turn around and scold, a handsome man beside Su Lian'er had already scolded coldly,

"Su Lian'er shut up!

The man stared at Lu Xuan fiercely, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He gritted his teeth and said,

"You good-for-nothing, get out of here if you don't want to die. Stay away from Junior Sister Qiying.

Otherwise, you will die without a burial place."

"Su Lian'er, shut up in the Xiang State. If you hear a sentence that humiliates me or my junior fellow apprentice, I will teach you a lesson!"

Yuan Qiying glared at the two of them.

"Junior Sister Qiying, Lu Xuan is just a good-for-nothing who has awakened two Spiritual Meridians.

Everyone in the entire Eight Wastelands Alliance knows about him. Don't you think it's shameful for you to be with him?"

He was also a member of the Xiang Kingdom who admired Yuan Qiying.

Unfortunately, King Xiang did not like her. Yuan Qiying had always been very cold and distant to him.

However, even the sincerity of the first disciple. Jian Jiuxiao, was ignored by Yuan Qiying. The Xiang State could only burry this affection deep in its heart. However, hoe could the Xiang State bear that Yuan Qiying was so close to Lu Xuan, a good-for-nothing, and pulled his arm without avoiding suspicion?

Could it be that as one of the top ten inner Disciples, he waw not as good as a good-for-nothing?

"Lu Xuan, you are a good-for-nothing. If you are still a man, don't hide behind a woman. Do you dare to come out and compete with me?" Xiang Guazhongs eyes were fixed on Lu Xuan, and his face was full of arrogance, full of contempt and disdain.

He wanted Lu Xuan to make a fool of himself in public so that Yuan Qiying could see who was more qualified to stand with her.

Just as Yuan Qiying was about to speak, Lu Xuan pulled her behind him. He sneered and said to Xiang Guozhong, "Someone just called me a good-for-nothing. As a result, he couldn't even take a blow from a good-for-nothing. You call me a good-for-nothing. If I find that I am worse than a good-for-nothing later, how will I feel?"

"Hahaha, this is really the funniest joke I have ever heard. Do you want to tell me that you, a good-for-nothing with only two Spiritual Meridians, are stronger than me, one of the top ten masters on the Inner Gate?"

"The top ten inner gate experts? In my eyes, they are noting more than this."

"The top ten masters of the inner core are noting more than this?

Kuang, you are really crazy. Let me see if you have the ability to be arrogant!" Xiang Guo was provoked by Lu Xuan's arrogance, and he directly stabbed out with his sword.

His sword was agile and fast. It was a silent move, but it carried with it an incomparably cold chill and went straight to Lu Xuan's heart. The tip of the sword was full of cold light, and the terrible sword swallowed Lu Xuan whole.


With a beat like roar, everyone's eardrums were broken and blood flowed out. It was as if their minds had been hit by a heavy hammer.

They felt so uncomfortable that the blood in their chests was churning, and they were about to burst out.

All the sword light dissipated in an instant, and a flood dragon like sound wave rushed out and wrapped around the country. It was like a sharp sword tore apart the clothes. In half a breath, the country was covered with horrible wounds, and blood spurted out like a column.

His eyes were wide open, full of horror. With regret and unwillingness, he fell straight to the ground and died.

Xiang State, one of the top ten inner disciples, was killed by a piece of trash in one move. All the people present were stunned.

Su Lian'er was so frightened that her face turned pale. She took a few steps back and looked at Lu Xuan with fear in her eyes. She didn't even dare to breathe.

"Is this the Inner Disciples pride? You can't even take one move from a good-for-nothing like me. I really don't understand where your arrogance comes from."

Lu Xuan stared at the corner in the Xiang State and sneered. He glanced around and found that several inner core disciples in the Xiang State felt cold all over, as if they had fallen into ice and retreated in horror.

Lu Xuan's words were like a loud slap on their faces, making them feel ashamed.

Su Lian'er quietly stepped back, wanting to take the opportunity to slip away.

"Where are you goin" Lu Xuan's cold and emotionless voice slowly said. Su Lian'er body trembled and her legs went limp. She slowly turned around and looked at him in horror.

"Who called me a good-for-nothing just now? Why are you so scared by a good-for-nothing now? Aren't you very amazing? Make your move.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that you won't have a chance.".