
Walking back to the village, on the path in the dense forest, a young maiden carrying a basket full of berries cradled in her arms , stopped at the sudden sound of footsteps.

Looking around she couldn't see anything, she figured that they must be at a quite a distance, quickly looking around to find a hiding spot.

Noticing a patch of thick shrubs, she mused to herself " This should do"

She quickly made her way behind the shrubs, ducked and waited there whilst the sound of footsteps began to ring in her louder than before, a sing that whomever was coming they were getting closer.

Soon enough a group of five men, all dressed in heavy armour came into her view.

The man leading the group raised his hand all of the sudden and the group of men came to a halt.

" She is nearby.....stay vigilant " the leader said with a grave voice

" Yes, Sire" one of the men replied with a wary voice, his eyes darting left and right scouting the surrounding area.

" Split into groups of two and have a look around , I'll go alone" the leader spoke again with a grave voice

" Remember, you must capture her alive and unharmed but if you can't help it as long as she is alive it will have to do....." the leader spoke again after walking a few steps away into the forest.

Hearing the conversation the young maiden placed her basket on the ground, quickly losing the cloak that was shielding her from the chilly breeze in the forest, grabbed the hilt of her sword which was strapped to her back, in order to keep concealed to the eyes of the onlookers and braced herself squatting on the ground ready to defend herself .

The group after men whom have disperssed looking around the forest looking for her all went into different directions, including the leader of the group, away from where she was hiding.

Looking around the forest ground the young maiden thought to herself " this is a good time for me to run" after another look around seeing that all the men were nowhere to be seen, she quickly made her way from behind the shrubs and started run as quickly as she could.

But soon enough she heard a rustle above her looking up she saw someone jumping from branch to branch in the same direction as she was.

" Damn it...I should've known better" she cursed gritting her teeth.

All of the sudden the man landed in front her, getting up from the squatting position that he is was in, looking at her from her head to her toes, a wide mischievous grin appeared on his face.

"Who would've thought ..." the man said drawling his words

"Thought what?" she said panting , trying to catch her breath, a sliver of anger in her voice.

" That I would find here, in this desolate forest, I've been searching for you for two decades " the man offer his explanation with a chuckle, almost in disbelief.

" I can't believe my luck" the man added whilst looking around the forest as if to taking a mental note of his surroundings.

" It's not over yet....yes, you found me but you are yet to capture me ...I wouldn't celebrate if I were you" the young maiden replied with a hint of amusement in her voice.

Hearing her reply the man in front of her turned sour and with a slash of his sword began his attack, the young maiden jumped back , raising her own sword deflected his attack, spinning on her feet , swinging her sword across the man's abdomen at such speed that the man in front of her didn't have time to see it coming.

Stumbling backwards the man look down only to see that her sword had went through his steel armour and managed to wound him...

Looking up at her with a shocked expression .

" How intriguing....." he said with a scowl, " I guess I'll have to put some actual effort in order to bring to your knees and beg for your life, just like the other ones" he said with a heavy tone in his voice.

" You're more than welcome to try ...." the young maiden replied in a mocking tone.

Soon enough the man began to attack once again with a tenfold intensity and speed, baffling the young maiden in desperate attempt to deflected his attacks not leaving her much room to land any attacks of her own.

The fight went on for the longest time, leaving the young maiden panting and her body covered with slashed from her attacker, seeing that he wasn't relenting or getting tired , she finally decided to take one last blow that would end her life and escape the army of men that have been chasing her since she was a young child , looking back into the past and all the horrors she had to go through in order to stay alive and hidden away, then there she decided that it was her time to rest and have some peace.

Deflecting on last attack she decided to speak, her breath rugged and her voice hoarse, face covered in sweat.

" I guess I won't be any different from my sisters then..." she said trying to catch her breath.

The man chuckled " No, you're nothing special....I only need one thing from you, that's why you're still breathing....I need you alive"

Hearing the man's reply , the young maiden closed her eyes and gripping tight on the hilt of the sword pointing it tworwards her heart, a smile on her face , opening her eyes for one las time, she said " I guess this is goodbye then...." pushing the sword in her chest, she plopped on the ground lifeless
