Hold me

Siting in silence on the forest floor and waiting for the rabbits to take the bait. Iris's gaze shifted to Ian whom was looking at the forest in front of him lost in his own thoughts, a serene expression on his face.

Iris gently grabbed his hand that was laying in his lap and squeezed it to gain his attention, Ian turned his head to look at Iris, his amber eyes were like two glowing suns in the shaded forest.

Smiling she intertwined her finger with his .

"Hold me" she said with a wisper, her voice fading in with the rustle of the leave that were swaying in the gentle forest breeze.

Ian nodded, without saying a word he put his arm around her shoulder and gently pulled her to him until her head laid on his chest.

Feeling his warmth, Iris closed her eyes ,taking in a deep breath and letting out in relief.

Closing her ,tears started to roll down her cheeks, staining Ian's tunic.

Feeling the sudden warmth on his shirt Ian looked down at Iris, seeing that she made no sound ,letting go of her hand that was resting in his lap, he grabbed her chin making her look up at him.

Tears streaked down her cheeks, Ian frowned at the sight in front him, he bent over and gently placed a kiss on her lips, pulling back a bit, spoke against her lips in a wisper

" Don't worry! I'll replace all the pain with joy and laughter!"

Opening her eyes, she grabbed his wrist and held it tight .

" You promise?" she asked in a shaky voice

" Yes, Iris " he said in a matter of fact tone

Sniffling she placed her head back on his chest, closing her eyes she slowly drifted to sleep.

Looking at her sleeping peacefully, Ian decided to let her be and revelled in the moment and the woman in his arms and all the feelings that she brought to the surface.

Closing his eyes he decided to join her and have some rest for himself.

The peaceful moment was broken with a clack, a sign that the rabbits have taken the bait, lunch and dinner laid in the hole that he had dug ealier, he chuckled at his own thoughts.

Opening his eyes, he sighed at the short lived moment of peace, looking down at Iris , he gently grabbed her chin lifting her face for him to look at.She looked so peaceful, as if nothing ever happened. His eyes fell on her full lips, bitting his own lip, he remembered how good it felt the touch of her lips on his.Bending down, he gently kissed her lips, bringing out a small moan from Iris

" Mmmmmn "

Keeping close to her lips he whispered gently

" Iris..... it's time to go home"

Pulling further back he looked at her sleeping face and gently started rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Waiting for Iris to wake up his thoughts drifted at their current situation, wondering if Iris was having the same thoughts as he did. That the whole thing was extremely unsual and it couldn't be just a plain coincidence.

Shifting his attention back to the girl in front of him, he decided to make an another attempt to wake her up.

" It's time to wake up" he said a bit louder this time

Opening her eyes, Iris looked up at Ian with an apologetic smile gracing her face, she pulled herself away from Ian's chest and let out a yawn.

" I'm sorry " she apologised in a sheepish voice

Ian let out a chuckle at her apology and expression plastered on her

" You can rest some more once we get home, your body is drained of energy and sleeping is a good way to replenish " he said trying to ease her worries

Iris nodded at Ian's words and Ian stood up on his feet and extended his hand to help Iris up.

Grabbing the bags off the forest floor they made their way to were the trap with the rabbits.

Pulling the makeshift lid away he grabbed the rabbits by their ears and stuffed them in the bag that was hanging across his chest.

Looking over his shoulder to Iris

" It's time to go home and have Lunch or Dinner!" he said pointing at his bag amused at the names that he kept giving to the rabbits.

With a wide grin on her face Iris nodded

" Why do you even bother naming them" she asked curiously

" Before you came , it was just me and once in a while travellers lost their way in these parts , so naming the rabbits made it easier to have conversations with" he answered in a serious tone, realising what he just said made him sound a bit wierd

" After my parents died, I had no one to speak to and I like to stay here in the forest since I find peaceful, rabbits are good company " Ian added trying to fix his previous mistake.

Iris was listening intently what Ian was saying, after a few moments of silence, she added her thoughts

" The outside world can be a cruel place but also full of wonderful things and people"

" Maybe one day, when you're ready, you can go and experience all the things out there. The good and the bad they both come together "

Looking at Iris and listening to what she just said, he asked

" You seem to have expirienced both".

" Yes , I have seen good people and bad people and cannot judge everyone based on one person's actions. Good and bad must exist together, how else we would know the difference " Iris spoke her voice regretful

" I guess, maybe one day I will join you in one of your travels and experience all the things the world has to offer " he replied in serious voice.

" Do you miss your adventures?" he asked curiosity getting the best of him again, trying to figure out at the same time if Iris is going to leave as soon as she recovered without him asking directly.

Iris's brows furrowed hearing Ian's question and made her realise that she hadn't really thought about what she will do once she recovered.

Ian was looking intently trying read her expressions to see what she was thinking, since she became silent at his question.

" Someday, maybe once I'm ready to face the world again, for now if its possible I would like to stay here, in the forest ". she replied with thoughtful look on her face.

Hearing what Iris said he nodded in agreement, Ian felt giddy on the inside with a wide smile plastered on his face kept quiet and walked on the forest ground like he was walking on clouds.

Silence reigned between the two for good while, both kept walking lost in their own thoughts.

Soon the hut came into their view and Ian sighed

"Home" his voice full of relief and happiness.

Iris looked up from the ground that she was looking and smiled.

" Yes, home" her voice joyful as if she had lived there all her life

Grabbing Ian hand, she quickly pulled him up rushing up the small hill in front of them, as if she couldn't wait anymore to get there.

Stopping in front of the hut, she looked at shabby hut and she felt safe and at peace for the first time in the longest time.

Watching how Iris was glowing at the sight of the hut, Ian felt for the first time happy, truly happy and wanted to stay like that forever just to keep waching her smile .