Awakening (2)

She licked her lips, nibbling on the inside of her cheeks, she looked at him with her eyebrows knitted together, deep in thought.

"Mmm....we should most certainly have dessert....after?" she hummed, her lips curling up in a naughty smile, raising one eyebrow in question.

" Such a naughty little angel!" he chided with an amused voice while picking her up in his arms and sitting down at the table, with her in his lap.

Cupping his face with one hand, she gave him a tender kiss on the lips, pulling back just enough to speak.

" I really love this dessert!" she spoke against his lips in a seductive tone while cupping his cock with her other hand.

Ian took a sharp breath at the touch of her hand, he was feeling that last shred of self control slowly slipping away, breathing out shakily, he swallowed the lump in his throat and said,

" We should eat faster!" he suggested in a rushed voice while shoving a spoonful of soup into Iris's face.

Iris giggled and took the spoon out of his hand and gulped down the soup, she grabbed another spoon full of spoon and fed it to him. Gulping down the soup without even breathing properly between mouthfuls, the soup quickly disappeared from the bowl.

Swallowing the last bit of soup Ian grabbed the spoon out of Iris hand, throwing it on the floor, the bowl followed quickly landing on the floor with a clatter.

Turning his attention back to Iris, he picked her up in one swift motion and plopped her on the table, placing himself between her legs.

Wrapping his hand at the back of her head he pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss, nibbling at lips and licking them.

With his other hand tightly gripping on her hip, pulling her to the edge of the table closer to him, rubbing her folds with his throbbing cock,

"Mmmm....." both moaned in pleasure at the feel of their acking cores touching, engulfed in their kiss

Pulling away from the kiss just enough to breath, both panting out of breath.

" delicious!" he hummed against he lips while he slid himself into her core, feeling his own realease coming as soon he felt her inside clenching around his cock

" Ahhhh.....!" she moaned between pants, climaxing the moment she felt him inside, wrapping her arms around his neck burying her face in his chest.

Pinching her chin, he gently raised her head to look at him, slowly pushing her down to lay flat on the table, looming over her, he captured her lips in a ravenous kiss, their hands roaming all over each other.

Pulling back from the kiss, he stood up, his eyes raked all over her body stopping at their joined sexes, Iris followed his gaze and pulled herself up to rest on her elbows, while he gripped tightly the back of her knees.

Bitting his lip, he looked back at her, his amber eyes clouded with hunger and lust.

" Mmmm....what a heavenly sight! he hummed gently sliding in and out of her while looking into her eyes not wanting to miss seeing losing herself in pleasure

"Haaaa...mmmm!" Iris moaned and squirmed in pleasure, her breasts gently bobbing up and down at his thrusts.

He picked up the pace, thrusting faster, moans and the sound of their bodies slapping against each other quickly filled the hut.

Iris felt her body burning up, tingling and every fiber of her being was electrified at the sight of their sexes slapping against each other, she couldn't take her eyes off it, moaning and panting with every thrust.

His well toned mucles tensing under his skin that was glistening with sweat, his movements were elegant and smooth,like a panther on a stroll.

Moaning and grunting he kept a steady pace taking his time to enjoy their moment together to the fullest, he could feel her clenching around his cock and it was bliss, it turned his soul and body on fire. He would've wanted to stay like that day and night, he couldn't get enough enough of her. Her moans, her face contorting from pleasure, her breasts bobbing up and down, made him even harder, he could feel his blood rushing down his lower body.

Iris felt him slamming harder into her, feeling her elbows weakening, she laid flat on the table, moaning and screaming out his name like a prayer.

"Mmmmmn....touch your breasts, Iris!" he encouraged her, breathless.

Without hesitating, she started kneading her own breasts and pinching her peaks just like Ian did, making her moan even harder and louder.

Seeing her touch herself, riled him up even more, making him pound her deeper and faster.

" Haaaaa...aaah...mmmm.....Ian!" she screamed out his name while she squirmed and her body convulsed in pleasure while reaching her peak.

" Iris...." he called out her name while reaching the his own peak at the same time as her, colapsing on top of her, his throbbing member pulsating spreading his seed deep in her woomb.

Panting and breathless they laid there on the the table, with Ian slumped on top of her, his face buried in the crook of neck.

" Mmmm.....that was something else!" she teased panting licking her dry lips.

"Yes....more?" he teased back, while nudged his hips forward, burying himself deeper into her core.

" Mmm....drink first!" she asked in a choked up voice, feeling her throat tightning, licking her lips.

Lifting his head up to look at her, the corner of his eye caught a faint white light coming from her shoulder.

" Iris your mark is glowing!" he informed Iris suddenly being jolted out of his daze.

Iris eyes snapped opened, her eyes quickly darted on the shoulder where Ian's mark was. "Yours is glowing too!" she informed him in a surprised voice.

Lifting his head to look at her face, his eyebrows knitted and his mouth fell open to speak, failing to comprehend what he was actually looking at.

Her green emerald eyes were shining, her irises were swirling, creating wave like movements.

Iris who was looking at Ian had the same expression plastered on her face, she gasped.

" Ian....your eyes...are glowing like the sun!" she spoke in small voice, shocked.

Ian blinked, snapping out of his daze " Yours are glowing too!" he confirmed with a confused look on his face.

Suddenly the marks on their shoulders glowed brighter, the light enveloping them and they disappeared from the hut without a trace.