Who is she?

Maya gasped at the sight of the woman covered in blood, she bent down placing her fingers under the woman's nose, she felt her faint breathing.

Rom looked at his sister " Who is she?" he asked tipping his chin while staring at his sister who was dumbfounded.

" I'm not sure, she looks familiar." Maya mumured while looking at the woman laying on the floor.

Sylus looked around through the trees, seeing that they weren't thick enough to hide them if the guards would pass, he turned around " We should get going, we are out in the open." he whispered to the other two with a worried look on his face

Rom frowned looking at the woman lying on the ground" What are we going to do about her?" he asked while still looking down at the woman conflicted wether should they leave her there or take her with them.

Maya looked at Room, knowing the look on his face all too well " No, Rom we are not leaving her here!" she gave her thoughts on the matter, knowing full well that Rom or Sylus will have to carry the woman until she comes to her senses.

Sylus looked at the Maya and Rom with one eyebrow raised " Which is it then?" he questioned the two while pushing his thumb inside the sword strap.

At Sylus's question the siblings fell silent staring at each other, waiting for the other one to say something.

"We need to go now!" the urgency in Sylus's voice broke the silence bringing the brother and sister out of their daze

"We will take her with us for now and leave her in the next village!" Rom suggested while his eyes darting between Sylus and Maya looking to see if the two have something against it.

Maya's lips curled up in a bright smile, happy that they won't leave someone to die like this and Sylus just nodded in agreement.

"We should continue heading east to the next village, we will need to get some supplies from there!" Rom added while pointing in the direction that they will be heading.

Maya checked the woman's breathing again, quickly having a look over the wounds on her body to see if her condition would worsen, seeing that she had no wounds on her upper body, she looked at Rom and then at Sylus " She should be alright if one of you carries her over the shoulder!" she whispered to the two men all the while waiting to see which one will offer to carry her.

Wanting to make a good impression on Maya, Sylus took a step forward " I'll carry her first " he offered with a sweet smile while staring at Maya.

Maya blushed, quickly covering her cheeks with her hands she got up from her spot on the floor and turned around facing away from the two men.

Rom rolled his eyes, running his hand through his thick red hair "I told to keep your grubby hands off my sister" he muttered under his breath while glaring at Sylus.

" I did not touch her" he defend while stressing every single word, annoyed that the girl that he was in love with was out of reach because of Rom

Hearing the two men bicker because of her, Maya turned around glaring at Rom " Rom I'm a woman now and I like Sylus, he is good to me!" she made her plea while grabbing Rom's hand, looking at him with her eyebrows raised and a small smile

" You do?" both men questioned at same time baffled at what Maya's said, catching both men by surprise.

Maya giggled " You two are thicker than these walls!" she mumured in annoyance while pointing at the citadel walls.

Both men let out a nervous chuckle, looking a little embarrassed at their own failure to see what was right in front of them.

Rom sighed " We should get going, before night falls!" he suggested while looking at Sylus with one raised eyebrow waiting for him to recover

He still looked in disbelief because what his sister said he seemed to have gotten lost in his own thoughts.

Rom cleared his throat to get his attention, seeing that didn't work, " Sylus!" Rom called out his name a little annoyed that they have wasted enough time already.

"Huh?" Sylus questioned back, finally snapping from his own musings.

" The women, you said that you will carry her first!" Rom reminded Sylus while gesturing at the women lying on the floor with his hand.

" Yes, that!" Sylus hummed while bending over to pick up the woman on the floor, throwing her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

" Finally!" Rom mumured to himself while watching Sylus and his sisters walking ahead next to each other.

Stealing glances at Sylus, who looked ahead lost in his own thoughts with a wide grin plastered on his face. Maya couldn't help admire how handsome Sylus was, his blond hair swaying with breeze, shining in sunlight, his full lips stretched in a smile, wondering how they would taste like.

Maya quickly blushed and giggled at her own thoughts.

Hearing her giggle caught Sylus's attention and looked at her from the corner of his eye, seeing her cheeks tainted red under her beautiful freckles " What are you thinking?" he whispered knowing that Rom wasn't that far behind.

" Umm...I'll tell you some other time!" she answered in shy voice blushing again while looking over her shoulder at Rom

Rom rolled his eyes, annoyed that he will have put up with whispering and giggling of the two from now on.

" Why were you smiling just a while ago?" she asked Sylus in soft voice while walking along side him.

Sylus turned to look at her with a charming smile on his face " I was smiling because now I have a chance to win your heart Lady Maya!" he stated in giddy voice unable to contain his happiness

" I've been dreaming of this moment since I laid my eyes on you!" he continued sharing his thoughts while like looking at Maya's blushing face that kept getting redder the more he spoke.

Seeing her reaction to his words he decided to seize the moment and make his first move to woo Maya " You're the most beautiful maiden I have ever laid eyes on and I cannot wait for the day you will become my wife!" he sang her praises stating his intentions to her to make sure that she knew what he wanted.

Maya blushed even harder at Sylus's words, feeling her cheeks burn hot, she quickly covered them with her hands to hide them while looking at Sylus baffled at his straight forward words, her mouth opened to speak but she closed again not knowing what to say, she looked at the ground instead.

Sylus looked at Maya, seeing her reaction to his words he quickly regreted that he had opened his mouth, he gathered that she wasn't ready for that, he will have to take things a little slower.

" Don't cover your face Lady Maya, I love it when you blush like that!" he spoke in a seductive voice, suprising himself how quickly his earlier resolve went out the window.

Maya slowly took her hands off her cheeks, smiling at Sylus " You do?" she asked curiously while looking up Sylus.

Sylus just nodded and smiled, thinking that it would best for him to keep his words to himself before saying anything else that would scare Maya away. That would be a disaster he thought to himself.