Return to Fiahthyr

A knock on the door broke the silence in the shabby looking room, causing all three to frown while staring at the door. Shortly a second knock followed " Who is it?" Rom questioned wanting to know before opening the door worried that someone might have followed them.

" I'm the healer that you have requested!" the soft voice of a woman echoed from behind the door.

Rom made his way to the door, taking a few moments before opening it preparing himself for the worst, grabbing the hilt of the sword he finally swung the door in one swift move.

Seeing that the woman looked a little taken aback at his sudden actions, she was staring at his hand that was on the hilt of his sword.

Rom let go of his sword and moved to the side to allow her to enter the room.

The woman hesitated for a few moments, eventually moving from her spot and entered the room.

Maya and Sylus smiled and bowed, greeting the woman that entered the room, moving from their spot next to the bed, the other woman laying motionless on the came into her view.

The healer gasped upon seeing the women " What happened to her?" she asked in soft voice while making her way towards the bed leaning over, placing her fingers on her neck to check on her.

" We found her on our way here, in the fields! We don't know what happened to her?!" Rom answered the question while giving Maya and Sylus a knowing look to keep quiet.

" That was very kind of you to help her even though she is a stranger to you!" the healer praised them with her eyes on Rom.

" My name is Dahlia !" she introduced herself with her eyes on Rom giving him a sweet smile.

Feeling flustered at her constant staring " I'm Ron and they are my siblings Linus and Lean!" he introduced them lying again, this time about their names causing the other two to glare at him because of the names that he had chosen for them

Dahlia nodded " Pleased to make your acquaintance!" she politely greeted them while she looked at Maya and Sylus.

Maya and Sylus just nodded and smiled choosing to follow Rom's advice and let him do the talking for now, while stealing glances at each other.

" We are in a bit of a hurry, could you please have a look at her. We need to be on our way!" Rom plainly explained without giving too many details

Dahlia nodded and turned her attention to the woman on the bed, gently pulling her dress to have a look at her wounds "Could you please get me a bowl with clean water and a cloth?" she requested without taking her eyes from the woman on the bed.

Rom quickly made his way to the bedside table grabbing the bowl from under it and filling it with water that was in the jug, grabbing the rugged looking towel that was hanging on a hook, he gave them to Dahlia.

Dahlia took the bowl and cloth out of Rom's hand with a sweet smile " Thank you!" her voice almost a wisper to which Rom nodded and returned back to his previous spot in the room letting her do her work.

Dahlia gently started to clean her wounds and the blood of her face, when that was done she fumbled in her bag that was strapped across her chest, getting some ointment out of it she started applying it on the wounds gently. Once that was done, she fumbled in her bag again and pulled out a small bottle with some green liquid in it.

Seeing the bottle in Dahlia's hand made Rom take a step forward to have a better look at it " What is that?" he asked curiously with his eyebrows furrowed

" This will wake her up!" she explained while giving Rom a sweet smile that lit up the room.

" I was wondering about that, her wounds don't look bad enough to explain why she is still not waking up!" he mumured the lines on his forehead getting deeper.

" I've never seen this before but my teacher talked about it a lot, it's some kind of sorccery!" she explained trying to shed some light on the mistery.

Rom cursed under his breath closing his eyes, now he understood what happened to the woman

His eyes snapped opened, his expression hardened " Wake her up!" he deadpanned while staring at the woman.

Dahlia nodded, bending over she opened her mouth and poured the liquid in the women's mouth until was nothing left.

Finishing her task Dahlia got up from her spot, brushing her creased dress, she turned around at Maya and Sylus she bowed at them, with the two returning the bow .

Turning around she looked at Rom wearing the same sweet smile she had given him until then " It was a pleasure meeting you Ron! Have safe travels!" she wished him in soft voice while making her way towards the door.

" Pleasure was all mine, Lady Dahlia! Thank you!" he expressed his gratitude while returning the bow his eyes followed her.

Stopping at the door with her hand on the door knob" If you ever come through this village again, come find me!" she spoke while opening the door and making her way out of the room not giving Rom a chance to answer to her request as she closed the door behind her.

Rom stared at the door, not knowing what to make of her words rubbing the back of neck, sighing in frustration.

Maya giggled seeing her brother was confused, she decided to shed some light on what just happened " Rom she likes you!" Maya beamed in an amused voice looking at her confused brother.

Hearing his sisters words he turned to look at her in disbelief " No, she doesn't! She was just being nice!" Rom retorted in a mocking tone while scowling at his sister

" Yes, she do-.....!" their bickering was suddenly interupted by the woman's groaning.

Their attention quickly shifted to the woman on the bed, waiting holding their breath for what's to come next.

The woman softly groaned again, slowly opening her eyes, blinking a few times, staring at the ceiling. Slowly lifting herself up, resting on her elbows she looked at the people around the room a little taken aback, not knowing what to make of it.

" Who are you and where am I?" the women asked curiously while looking around the room and at the people in it whom she had never met before.

Her questions echoed in Roms ears, slowly blinking at the women in front of him a little taken aback now that he could see her features, black hair like a ravens feathers, golden amber eyes, milky white skin, full rosy lips he couldn't help but stare at her.

Seeing her brother stare at the woman, Maya decide to speak to ease her worries and let her know that they mean her no harm.

" We are at an inn, in a little village called Lathian not very far from where we found you and ....." she paused for a few moments to look at Sylus who shook his head understanding why she stopped speaking " we are Ron, Linus and my name is Lean!" she finished her words while staring at the woman waiting for her to tell them her name.

" I must return Fiahthyr!" she stated in a firm voice while slowly getting up from the bed wincing at the jolts of pain that shot through her body when she moved.

Rom slowly snapped out of his daze hearing her last words, making his way towards the bed, towering over her " The forest?" he asked while staring at her, his curiosity peaked because that was the forest where he lost the Mytrhrian Queen.

" How should we call you?" he shot the next question his eyes never leaving her, thinking that if she is going to Fiahthyr there must be a reason for it, since most people avoid that forest because they know it is cursed.

She looked up at Rom, her amber eyes locked with his blue eyes staring at each other .

" Rhya!" she plainly answered while she looked at the look at the floor.