A little longer

Leaning his head against the tree trunk looking at the moonlit sky, Sylus felt Maya's head slowly slipping of his shoulder, looking down he realised that she had fallen asleep.

Smiling he gently picked her up and placed her in his lap, gently shifting on the ground to make himself more comfortable for her to have a good night's rest, placing one last kiss on the crown of her head " Good night red" he wispered before closing his eyes with a satified smile on his face, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Maya softly moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer to Sylus, who softly grunted at the feel of bottom grinding against his already swollen member " I'm definitely not going have a peaceful sleep" he mumbled while sighing softly.

Meanwhile Tyla and Rom sat there quietly, lost in their own thoughts that they haven't noticed Sylus and Maya are yet to return.

Throwing the last piece of wood on the fire, Rom was the one to break the silence that settled between them" So what is it going to be?" he questioned while staring at Tyla, without wasting too much time with polite words causing Tyla to finally snap out of her daze.

" Uhm...I cannot make that decision, I will have to speak with the Queen." she plainly explained while playing with a small stick that she had picked up earlier of the ground.

" Hmm! I gathered as much!" Rom agreed while taking in a sharp breath to prepare himself for what she will say next.

"I hope you understand but I can't take you to her, I will go and tell her about your proposal and I will return in two days time with your answer." she explained while puffing her cheeks feeling a little guilty that she will have to leave them at mercy of the forest, she knew that they would be safe if they stayed in one place.

" I understand." he curtly replied while looking around for his sister and Sylus.

Seeing the worried look on his face, Tyla realised that he was looking for his sister " Let them be." she requested while looking at Rom with a pleading look.

" Nothing will harm her as long as she doesn't have ill intentions and your sister doesn't have even an ounce of evil in her bones." Tyla added while watching Rom closely who frowned.

" How do you know that she doesn't?" he curiously asked, raising one eyebrow with a playful smile.

Tyla smiled back, tucking a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear "It's just something that my kind has the ability to tell, when someone isn't truthful or has ill intentions." she plainly explained while looking at Rom who was keenly staring at her through his fiery red locks.

" What about him?" he asked while tipping his chin, holding his breath waiting for her answer.

" Sylus is a good person but he is torn about something." she replied truthfully while shifting on her spot and layed down on the ground looking at the starry sky.

" And you don't know what it is?!" he half asked, half stated to confirm what he was thinking.

" No, that's not how it works." she plainly answered while placing her hand over her eyes.

Rom nodded in understanding and layed himself on the ground just like Tyla did, his lips set in a thin line, thinking about what Tyla said regarding Sylus.With that thought in his mind he slowly drifted to sleep.

Tyla looked at Rom from the corner of her eye, seeing that he was deep in his slumber, slowly standing up from the ground, placing her hand on the ground she closed her eyes, soon vine like lines appeared on the ground glowing with a dim green light, spreading all the way to the edge of the forest seeping into every single plant and tree, she stayed like that until the vines retreat back in her hand.

Nodding to herself, she picked her sword and made her way into the forest disappearing into the darkness of the night without a trace.

The night passed uneventful letting the three people left in the forest have their rest without anyone or anything disturbing their rest.

Slowly dawn started to take over, letting the dim light spread over the forest and letting the three people in the forest know that a new day has begun.

Sylus slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times for the sleep to dissipate, feeling a little stiff he quickly brushed it away, when he realised that Maya was laying flat on top of him, with her arms circled around his neck and her face stuck to his bare chest. He lightly tighten his his arms around her, engulfed in that moment not realising that Maya was awake, he placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her head " Good morning beautiful." he wispered thinking that she couldn't hear him.

Maya quickly closed her eyes again, a small smile appeared on her lips, taking a small breath, silently breathing it out content that that Sylus had not returned to the camp and they spent the night alone and got to enjoy this little moment waking up in his arms.

Sylus didn't move and sat there quietly while gently brushing his hand against her back " A little longer." he wispered when he felt Maya let go of his neck to push herself up, gently with the palm of his hand pushing her back against his chest.

Maya lifted her head to looked up at Sylus with a sweet smile " You're very comfortable to sleep on." she wispered softly while looking into his eyes.

" Hmm, then you should use me as a bed more often." he offered his body for her to use with a dashing smile that made Maya's heart skip a beat.

Maya giggled, pulling herself up to have a better look at Sylus, she brushed against his hard member with her hip, making Sylus grunt at her touch. Maya's eyes widened " Are you hurt?" she quickly asked while looking at his body to see if there are wounds that she didn't know about, her eyes settled on the buldge in his pants.

Maya's lips parted and unconsciously licked her lips while staring at his hard member, making Sylus to pull her down on top of him, the tip of their noses touching, feeling each other breaths on their lips.

Sylus looked into Maya's eyes that sparkled gently carresing her lips with his thumb, he slipped his hand at the back of her head pulling her in a kiss filled with love and desire.