Live in the moment

Pulling himself together, trying his best to calm his racing heart after whatching Rhya slowly climbing out of the pool showing him her beauty in all her glory, he couldn't help but scold himself internally at how stupid he had been for so long.

Raking his hand trough his hair, he sat in the pool trying calm his raging member that now was standing to attention thanks to Rhya.

Rhya on the other hand just sat with a pleased smile on her face knowing full well what she had just done. At first she had no intention of doing anything of the sort but upon hearing his confession, she had thought to herself that going the old fashion way would be just plain boring, so she decided to up her game and give him a little peak at what she had to offer.

Seeing that Athan wasn't coming out of the water, she thought that he needed a little push" Are coming out of water or should I go by myself?" she asked in an mischievously while not taking her eyes off him.

Athan sighed, despite the feel of the cold water his member didn't seem to relent and continued to stay hard in spite of him " I'm coming out, could you please turn around?" he politely requested with a deep frown, feeling a little frustrated that she had turned the tables into her favor.

Rhya chuckled " No, you saw me naked now it's my turn!" she retorted while gesturing with her hand for him to come out of the pool.

Athan finally started to make his way out of the pool just like Rhya did, using his hands to cover his groin while stopping next to the clothes that he had dropped on the ground earlier.

Rhya just watched Athan how he clumsily tried to dress himself with jus one hand, skipping the drying part " If you use both hands it will be so much easier ." Rhya jabbed him while wearing the same satisfied smile on her face, enjoying every moment of it.

Athan huffed and scowled at Rhya, feeling a little frustrated without saying a word he finally took his remaining hand of his member allowing Rhya a full view at him.

Rhya mouth slightly fell open, her eyebrows raised in surprise that quickly was replaced by a naughty smile while her eyes were gleaming with mischief, clearing her throat she gathered herself and looked at Athan's face instead, who upon seeing the quick reaction that flashed across her face, Athan smirked at Rhya keeping quiet, thinking he will be in trouble with her if he opens his mouth again and the wrong thing comes out of it.

Pulling on his pants he gathered all the things scattered across the ground " You will have to wait until morning to greet the Queen and King."Athan stated fimly while they started to walk back to the cave with Rhya.

" We have King now, huh?! Rhya half asked half stated while walking along Athan while looking around at the forest that hasn't changed that since she has seen it last.

Athan nodded " Not just any King, his mother is Sadhya and his father is Medrik.' he proudly stated while holding his head high with a pleased smile.

Rhya halted her steps, looking at Athan to make sure he was being serious about what he just said " That can't be right, right?! she exclaimed in suprise at the news, that the king wasn't an ordinary man.

Athan nodded grining from ear to ear barely containing his excitement " They must've broken one of the seals otherwise I can't explain his existence." he added controlling himself from bursting into yet another joyful spree.

Rhya opened her mouth to speak but knowing that he might be right she decided to just nod in agreement and started walking at a slow pace, seeing that there was no need to rush since the Queen was resting.

" How is he treating her? Is he being good to her?" she curiously asked while stealing glances at Athan that kept grining like Cheshire cat.

" Mhm, he is very possessive and he cares about her, they haven't known each other for that long but they are very taken with each other. She seems very happy and so does he. His kethar is awakening now, so he is a bit different but that will settle down once his kethar is awakened" he gave her the short version of events not bothering with details since he wasn't very good at that, all the while keeping the same expression plastered on his face.

Rhya who kept looking at Athan from the corner of her eye, was finding his constant grining a little unnerving " Would you stop that." she lightly chided with a frown while she playfully ruffled his hair.

Athan turned to look at her " Stop what?" he questioned a little surprised at her request, thinking he had done something wrong and he wasn't aware of it.

" The constant smiling, it drives me mad." she admitted while gesturing with her hand at his face.

" Don't you like my smile?" he queried trying to figure out, what was wrong with the fact that he was smiling.

Rhya quickly realised that he had misunderstood what she had said " No, you have a beautiful smile Athan but it's a little unnerving when do it so much." she truthfully replied while feeling a little guilty.

" I know." he quickly agreed confidently while continuing to smile.

Rhya giggled, reaching out with her hand to ruffle his hair again which was quickly caught by Athan before she could touch it pulling her to face him, looking into her eyes " I could use my lips for something else, if me smiling drives you mad" he wispered in soft voice while leaning in close enough for their lips to brush against each other.

Rhya felt her throat tighten and no matter how much she tried to retort, the words didn't seem to come out.

Seeing Rhya at a loss for words, he dropped the things that he was holding and wrapped his arm around her waist closing the distance between them.

He placed a feather like kiss on her trembling lips, gently nibbling her lips, his hand cupping one side of her face, with the other one tightning his grip on her waist.

Rhya closed her eyes at the feel of his lips against hers, being caught by suprise by his sudden action and how gentle he was in touching her, she could tell that he was taking his time and she had never thought that Athan had this seductive side of him.She had always seen him as a goof but never as a seductive man.

Now she was curious what else he was hiding other than his extremely attractive body and his the very well endowment, that right now was poking at her nether regions, raging.

Athan slowly captured her lips into deep passionate kiss taking his time and enjoying every moment of it, making sure that he will remember every detail, since he had a feeling that Rhya wouldn't let him get this far any time soon again.He could feel his body blazing and his member screaming at him that was almost painful but all he wanted to do right know is taste her lips and for some reason he couldn't find the strength to pull away, he found her lips mesmerising.

Lost in the heat of the moment Rhya wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands gripping tight on his wet hair and finally kissed him back with hunger, low moans coming from both them, while his hand started slowly moving up cupping her soft and perky breast, rubbing her hardened peak with his thumb, making Rhya moan a little louder.

Rhya was finally snapped out her daze by her own moan, suddenly pulling herself from the kiss, panting like she had just been for a run, looking into Athan's eyes that were swirling with lust, slowly gathering herself she quickly realised that she was covered in thin sheen of sweat, heat pooling in her belly, her insides acking and wet from just one kiss.She could feel her body reacting violently to him and for some reason she found that really unsettling.

Athan looked at her, swallowing the lump in his throat, feeling completely lost and wanting more of her, he could see that she was fighting her urges and he was doing his best not do anything that would endanger what he has achieved so far.

Knowing how stubborn and hot headed Rhya was, she would just walk away from him just to spite herself and him.

Gently brushing her lips with his thumb, he wanted to kiss her again but refrained himself in doing so for now, he will wait.

" Your lips are everything I thought they would be and more!" he wispered while leaning in and placing a kiss on her forehead instead.

" What did thought they would be?" she retorted while looking into his eyes with an awkward smile on her lips while trying to gather her bearings

" Sweet and delicious " he answered while placing a kiss on her temple.

" I never thought that you could sweet talk a woman!" she retorted pouting while looking intently into his eyes waiting for his answer as he had never seen him trying swoon other women as he spent most of his time with Iris, she had thought that he was in love with her.

" I'm trying to sweet talk you now.How am I doing Rhya? he curiously asked in a serious tone of voice, genuinely wanting to know since he had stooped engaging with other women since the he had met her.

Rhya gave him a warm smile " Uhm, it's not bad but not the worst I have heard." she answered truthfully while unwrapping her arms from around his neck, grabbing his wrist.

" Hmm, what am I doing wrong?" he asked wanting to know her opinion, since she was the one he was trying seduce, he thought to himself that there was no better person to ask than her.

" You're holding back, tell me truthfully what you really think." she requested while looking into his eyes, she could see that he was torn about what to do.

" If I do, you will run away and I don't want that!"he replied while shifting his gaze to look at the sky that was showing a tinge of reddish orange.

" I might not, you won't know until you tell me." she retorted pouting feeling a little sullen.

" I'm not sure if you're ready to know what I truly want and feel for you. I find it a little scary myself." he added while letting go of her putting some distance between them " I'll have to think about it." he finished his thoughts on the matter.

Rhya nodded understanding how he felt, for now she felt that she would wait for him to be honest about how he felt about her but she knew she wasn't sharing his feelings, all she felt for him was lust. She giggled internally at that thought, Athan and lust in the same sentence, didn't make much sense to her but she will try change the way she saw him.

Athan gathered the things sprawled on the ground thinking about what Rhya said to him, since he had layed eyes on her the very first time she had come to serve the queen, he had lost interest in other women, somehow his heart only yearned for her.

It has been a long time since he had seen her last but nothing has changed, his heart still yearned for her no matter what he did or how much he had tried to brush it away.

Now it is a good time as any to finally come to terms with that fact but before he does anything stupid he will try to win her heart one way or another, hoping he would succeed in his endeavour.