In the dimmly lit cave in the Fiahthyr Forest, Ian slowly opened his eyes when he felt Iris shift and softly moan in her sleep, Looking at the cave entrance he could see the faint orange glow of the early dawn.

Hearing footsteps outside the cave, he pushed himself up, picking up the dagger that Athan had given him earlier, he made his way to the cave entrance, leaning against the wall out of sight, he stood there listening to the footsteps that were getting closer and closer, seeing a woman with blond hair stopping in front of him, in one swift move he stepped behind her, placing the dagger at her throat which made the woman gasp and freeze in her spot.

" Speak." he deadpanned in a low threatening tone of voice, he wasn't planning to spare anyone who dared to endanger his beloved.

The woman, caught by suprise took a few moments to gather her courage, she could tell that man behind her wasn't playing games and he was dead serious " I'm here to see the Queen". the woman eventually uttered in a chocked up voice, while her eyes searched the cave for her Queen, her eyes settled on the two thrones in the middle..

" And?" he drawled gritting his teeth while pressing the dagger against her skin lightly cutting it drawing blood that trickled down her neck.

The woman gasped at the feel of the dagger digging into her skin, not knowing what to say " I'm here as a humble servant." she finally gave her answer feeling her life hanging by a thread.

"Who are you." he possed another question while lightly pressing the dagger a little more seeing that she wasn't very generous with the details by all accounts she could be an assassin sent by the damned witch.

Feeling the dagger dig deeper into her skin "I'm Tyla, one of her Majesty's priestesses." she revealed her identity in the hopes that she would get to keep her head for the time being, she had never met this man but he didn't seem to be a man of many words.

" Who sent you?" he continued his questioning the same low menacing voice that now had Tyla break in cold sweat seriously fearing for her life like never before.

Tyla slowly gulped, feeling the dagger pressed against her throat " No one, I came here on my own since I received news that the Queen has finally returned."she spoke truthfully while feeling the dagger being pressed a little more against her throat.

" Who told you." Ian asked again not relenting his thirst of knowing who dared to enter the cave.

Struggling to breath because of the dagger that was pressed against her neck, getting difficult to speak "Tthe mark!" she replied briefly, gasping for air while pointing with he hand at her shoulder.

Ian pulled on them of her dress to look at her shoulder, seeing the mark that she was bearing was similar to Iris's and his.

He leaned closer " You will die by my hands!" he hissed in the shell of her ear while pressing the dagger against her throat more feeling the woman going limp and crumple on the ground.

Iris finally woke up whe she heard the thud that the falling women had caused, rubbing her eyes to chase the sleepiness away, she looked at the spot next to her and the looked around the cave, to see Ian standing up his eyes glowed golden while staring at her.

She quickly got up from the ground, knowing that he wasn't himself at the moment and made her to way to him and soon her eyes fell on the woman slumped on the ground that looked lifeless.

Taking a few quick strides, she lowered herself to check on her to see if she was still alive, seeing that she was still breathing she got up and grabbed Ian's hand slowly taking the dagger out of it and throwing it on the ground a little further away.

Cupping his face with both her hands she looked at him worried, not knowing what is happening to him " What happened ?" she softly asked while gently carresing his cheek.

She waited for a few moments for him to answer but when no words came out of his mouth and he just stared at her " Athan!" she called hoping that he would be close enough to hear her.

When Athan didn't came to her call, desperation filled her heart, knowing that he was like this because of her, feeling her heart break at what she had done to the man she loved the most in this world, her lips trembling, tears flowing down her cheeks, sobbing quickly filled the cave and she fell down on the ground next to the woman.

" No." she screamed in pain gripping at his legs.