Reconciling Differences

Rhya opened the door looking all squeaky clean just like Tyla did but Rhya still wore her priestess attire, which was a rather simple robe that they wore while in service of the Queen.

Rhya bowed, lifting her head to look at Iris and did the same as Tyla craning her neck to look on either side of Iris and behind just to make sure that Ian wasn't around before she opened her mouth and spoke.

" How can I be of service, my Queen?" Rhya asked feeling relieved that they can finally show Iris the respect that she deserved without fearing that Ian would burst into flames.

Iris giggled, seeing that Rhya behaved the same way as Tyla did and could only shake her internally in disapproval, knowing why Ian was so protective of her and couldn't help but understand his point of view.

" We are going to cook something for us to eat, would you like to help!" Tyla was the one breaking the short lived silence, feeling that they were being a little too obvious showing that they held such strong feeling towards Ian's behaviour.

" Yes, of course!" Rhya beamed just like Tyla did since she was already feeling a little bored with the life in the castle that now felt dull to her, after having the opportunity to live out in the world and experience more exciting things.

Iris and Tyla nodded and made their way towards the castle kitchen to prepare the food.

Tyla and Rhya kept stealing glances, giving each other knowing looks and making hand gestures behind Iris's back.

Iris sighed in annoyance, since she had already noticed what was happening, seeing the two weren't very good at hiding what they were doing.

" What is it?" Iris asked a little annoyed that they kept gesturing and nodding at each other without saying whatever they had to say.

Tyla gave Iris an awkward smile " Uhm...We were wondering, when will you open the gate to Ellora? " she shyly muttered while looking down at floor that, they were walking on.

Iris sighed " Not yet Tyla! Something is happening with Ian and there to many things that occurred in my absence! I don't even know if Ellora is safe and opening the gate would cause more problems than it would solve!" she reasoned, thinking that she needed to know more before opening the gate, she knew they wanted to return to Ellora that once was a safe haven for them but now, she wasn't so sure about it anymore.

Tyla and Rhya nodded " We understand, my Queen!" Rhya was the one to reply since Tyla feel silent and just looked at the floor.

" What is happening to Ian?" Tyla questioned engrossed in her own thoughts while still looking down.

Iris took a deep breath in " I don't know Tyla but he is changing and don't into what or who! That's is one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to open the gate to Ellora! I'm wondering if something went wrong in my absence and it is affecting Ian somehow!" she explained further trying her best to make them see her point of view and the danger that might lie on the other side of the gate.

Rhya and Tyla both frowned, giving each other knowing looks " We are here for whatever you need us, my Queen!" Rhya offered in compassionate tone of voice while placing her hand on her shoulder and gently squeezing it.

" Thank you for everything!" she replied in soft voice while letting her shoulders drop feeling the heaviness of their current situation weighing heavily on her.

Finally reaching the castle's kitchen, they all did their part and started cooking the food while Ian and Athan were rummaging through the mountains of scrolls and parchments in the library, hoping to find the answers that they were looking for.

" Athan!" Ian's voice broke through the daze that he was in, bringing his attention back to what they were doing.

" Huh?" Athan questioned back not having heard a word of what Ian said to him, as his mind had wandered to the events that happened earlier in the garden, still trying to understand what was happening to Ian.

" Where are the ancient scrolls? Ian repeated himself, feeling a little frustrated at Athan's aloof atitude.

" In the corner by the big table!" he answered while pointing in the direction that he was talking about.

" Are going to help me or you're here just to keep me company!? Ian sarcastically smirked whilst making his way to where Athan was pointing.

Athan sighed heavily, thinking that he had already read through the scrolls and parchments in the library more than one once. He was confident that, there was nothing in the records that could offer them the answers they were seeking.

The sound of a chair being dragged across the floor, made Athan wince and snap out of musings and turn his attention to Ian, who was trying to use the chair to get a scroll off one of the top shelves.

Athan clicked his tongue and couldn't help himself but be tickled by Ian's attempts to grab the scroll by jumping up and down on the chair trying to get one lonely and dusty scroll that hadn't been touched since the beginning of time.

Athan chuckled and walked across the room from where he was standing and pushed the ladder on wheels next to Ian" If you use this, it will be easier!" he ironically pointed out in an amused tone of voice while Ian glared at him displeased that he could've mentioned the ladder earlier but he stayed mum.

Ian let out an exasperated sigh " You know Athan, you're lucky that I like you!" Ian snickered making Athan frown and gulp at the thought what Ian would to him if he keeps pushing his buttons.

Athan let out a nervous chuckle " You're playing tricks on me, aren't you? he questioned in a sheepish voice, hoping that would be the case.

Ian smirked " Try me, if you want to find out!" he challenged him to carry on further with his antics, wanting to see how far Athan would go, just to irk him.