Why did you do that?

Edýia, in her turn, felt her cheek burn and did the same as Rom did, lowering her eyes to look at her hands that were tightly fisting her dress, feeling embarrassed at the sudden praise.

" Is she kind? " Edýia murmured while looking at her hands, feeling she wasn't ready to look Rom in the eyes.

Rom let out a silent sigh " She is kind! Her husband, not so much!" Rom absently muttered while looking at Edýia's face, taking in her features and memorising them, making sure not to miss any details as that would be the face to keep him warm during those long and lonely nights.

" Does she have any children of her own?" Edýia asked again, making Rom frown at her question and how she phrased it, but his mind turned blank when she lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. He could see that something troubled Edýia, and her curiosity wasn't just a whim as he initially thought.

" Not yet, but she is with child!" Rom answered while intently looking at Edýia and studying her expressions, and in her eyes saw disappointment and pain when he replied to her question.

" Oh!" she softly breathed out and closed her eyes, heaving a heavy sigh while his shoulders slumped and her head lowered.

Seeing her looking so vulnerable, Rom pinched her chin to make her look at him " Why do you want to know?" he asked in a soft voice while looking into her eyes that sparkled despite their sadness.

" I thought she was my mother!" Edýia answered while she lowered her head again, making Rom frown at her answer.

" Why would you think that!" Rom questioned while he lowered himself to the floor to see her face, not trusting himself to touch her again as he could already feel his blood drain out of him when he did.

" The seer said that I carry her mark!" Edýia shyly muttered while Rom pushed himself up in split of a second to stand next to her, knowing well what mark she was referring to.

Edýia lifted her head to look at him, prompted by his sudden move, and her face lit up again, her eyes shining with hope.

" May I see it?" Rom politely asked while his eyes moved to her shoulder, knowing where the mark for her kind was.

Edýia nodded, letting off the dress that she had been fisting until then; she slowly moved her hands up to untie the laces of her dress with trembling fingers.

Rom frowned " Edýia, you don't have to! If you're not at ease doing it!" he tried his best to reassure her, but Edýia shook her head and continued to pull the laces of her dress while keeping her eyes on her hands.

Edýia tried her best to steady her hands, but since she had never undressed in front of a man, she felt his eyes watching her every movement, making her a little apprehensive.

When she finished untying the laces of her dress, Edýia pulled the dress off her shoulders, letting it pool around her waist, while she tried her best to cover her breasts with her hands but failed to do so since her hands weren't big enough to protect them.

Rom felt his blood again drain out of his entire body and pool into his groin, feeling his member harden instantly and stand up to attention like never before.

He swallowed the lump in his throat several times, but for some reason, it wouldn't go away. The sight before him was too tempting, and only a dead man would remain unmoved by her beauty.

Her eyes sparkled as she finally lifted her head to look at him, her trembling plump lips called him to capture and ravish them, and his eyes slowly travelled down and settled on bossom that was peaking from under her tiny hands, unable to contain them.

Rom was lightly panting and trying his best to control his urges threatening to take over the last shred of the reason he had left in him.

" Rom!" her whisper broke through his daze bringing him to reality, and he could help himself and cursed under his breath, making Edýia blink owlishly at him.

Rom took hold of himself and pulled the last shred of self-control he had left, leaning to look at her shoulder. The lines on his forehead deepened when he couldn't see anything.

" There's nothing on your shoulders!" Rom stated while he pulled back to look at Edýia, who gave him a shy smile and turned her back towards the fire, facing him.

Rom took a sharp breath in when Edýia's face stopped a breath away from his, and her hands were touching his, while her eyes lowered to look at their hands that brushed against each other.

When she looked up, and her eyes met his, his last thread of will broke, and before he knew it, his lips were on hers while he was cupping her face with his hands.

Feeling the soft touch of his lips, Edýia closed her eyes while trying to understand what he was doing and why he was putting his lips on hers. Maybe that's how men greet women around these parts, she thought. Since they arrived in southern territories, she found the people strange and somewhat unwelcoming.

Pulling himself together and gathering his wits, he slowly pulled away from Edýia. He opened his eyes to look at her and saw that her eyes were closed and her eyebrows knitted together.

He touched his lips and wished that the feeling that her lips left behind would never fade away. Edýia's eyes fluttered open; she unconsciously brought her hands to her lips, and to 👋 never-ending frustration, he could see her full perky breasts that called at him.

Rom raked his hands through his hair to keep them busy since they were itching to touch them.

A shaky sigh escaped his lips while Edýia was lost in a daze as her fingers tips lightly brushed her lips.

She looked at him with questioning eyes, wanting to know what that gesture meant. She had gathered that it was too intimate to be a way of greeting someone, and now she was curious.

" Why...Why did you put- your lips on mine?" she shyly asked while she looked at Rom with pleading eyes and her eyebrows knitted together.

Rom gave her a sweet smile " It's called a kiss! It's what people do when they like each other!" he explained in a calm voice while shifting from his spot to look at her back again, to see what she wanted to show him before he lost himself.

Rom's eyebrows shot up, almost touching his hairline when he saw the mark that covered her entire back, and it was more intricate than he had ever seen on any of her kind.

Sitting back down in front of Edýia, he did the only thing that he could do and pulled Rom dress up, tying the laces of her dress as tight as he could, hoping that maybe it would be enough to stop him from putting his hands on her as he wanted.