
Iris walked out of the dining room with Ian in tow; as they made their way with unhurried steps through the corridor leading to the kitchen.

Iris fell quiet, mulling over the prophecy and maybe that could be a way to end the relentless battle that has been going on over the one thing everyone coveted.

As they stepped inside the kitchen, her eyes fell on Athan, who was busy washing the plates and utensils they had left after they finished cooking.

Letting go of Ian's hand, padding across the floor to one of the cupboards and picked a towel and started drying whatever Athan washed, thinking that now it was just them and no one else to do these mundane tasks, but it had to be done.

Ian frowned when he realised that Iris and Athan were doing all the work, and he was standing there, looking very much like a statue.

Moving from his spot and making his way to where Iris was, " Have some rest!" he calmly suggested to Iris while taking the plate and the towel out of her hand.

Iris smiled and nodded " Alright! Will you help Athan?" she softly asked while taking a seat in a chair nearby

Ian nodded and took over from Iris, drying the plates as soon as Athan had finished washing them, wondering how life was in the castle for Iris when there were many more.

" How was your life in the castle before everything happened?" Ian asked while drying the last plate that Athan washed.

" I enjoyed it! It was fun at times but boring most of the time!' Athan answered while rinsing his hands with his head down, focused on what he was doing.

Ian chuckled " I wasn't asking you, Athan, but good to know!" he stated in an amused tone while he leaned against the counter, turning his attention to Iris.

Iris gave him a small smile " Crazy! So many things to worry about, and moving between realms wasn't easy! There was always something happening, and I never had a chance to get bored!" she explained, stressing the last words and lightly glaring at Athan.

Athan let out a nervous chuckle " I do apologise! Since I began my service with you, I never left this realm, and sometimes things got a little dull!" he explained while folding the towel, trying his best to avoid looking at Iris, who most certainly was giving him a death stare that he would not rather see.

Iris mustered a stiff smile hearing Athan's words " Maybe it is time for your service to end, Athan since you find things dull!" she pointed out, feeling irked, and she couldn't understand why he even stayed in the first place if he thought that way.

Athan took a deep breath and turned to look at Iris " You misunderstood! I was happy to serve you and still am! This has nothing to do with you!" he explained while giving Ian a knowing look, making Ian chuckle and place his hand on Athan's shoulder.

" I see! Did your priestesses travel with you between Ellora and this realm!" Ian asked while trying his best to contain his smile while Athan's shoulders slumped, and he looked down.

" Yes! Why do you ask?" Iris replied while she looked at Athan's sulking demeanour.

Ian's smile widened " He is not lying! He wasn't bored because of his job; he missed Rhya!" For how long you've been in love with her?" Ian questioned while Athan heaved out a heavy sigh.

" Since the first day I met her!" he breathed out while lifting his head and releasing an exasperated cry.

" Oh!" Iris managed to muster, feeling guilty that she had lashed out at Athan before asking more questions.

" Does she feel the same about you?" she curiously asked while patiently waiting for Athan to answer, but he kept quiet and looked heartbroken.

" No!" he whined after a few moments of silence and slumped in a chair with his elbow on the table, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.

Iris giggled " Are you sure, Athan?" she curiously asked to confirm, hoping he had taken the time to ask Rhya.

" She said that she doesn't see me that way!" he whined again, feeling desperate that no matter how much he had tried to win her heart, nothing seemed to have worked.

" Right! Rhya is very good at hiding her emotions since she is one of the few people of our kind that know when someone isn't being truthful!" Iris informed while Athan frowned and looked a bit surprised.

" She can!" both men exclaimed while they looked at each other, a little doubtful at Iris's words.

" If you don't believe me, lie to her and see what happens!" Iris replied in a soft voice feeling sorry for Athan.

Athan nodded and smiled; he was already making plans in his head on how to pull the information out of Rhya.

If he had to tie her up and keep her like that until she finally came clean about it, he would do just that.

Iris stood up and took Ian's hand in hers " We should go have some rest!" she suggested while tugging at his arm and walking out of the kitchen, leaving Athan alone, that seemed to be lost in his own world.

" Did you enjoy your time as a Queen?" Ian enquired, looking at her profile and trying his best to pay close attention to her expressions.

" Sometimes, it isn't always easy; if I had to make a choice, I would prefer a simple and quiet life!" she admitted while lifting her head to look at Ian, knowing well why he was asking that question.

Ian smiled " You wouldn't mind living in the forest with me when this is all over?" he curiously asked while his eyes squinted at the sudden bright light that caught his attention, and he remembered what Iris said earlier about the sun not moving from the sky.

Iris looked up " No! As long as we are together! Why hasn't the sun moved? she wondered out loud while looking around the castle grounds trying to find anything that would indicate something wrong, but everything looked as before.

Ian followed Iris's line of sight " I think the castle is in a sort of a loop, frozen in time!" he uttered in a low voice, a little uncertain of his theory, but to him, it was the only thing that made sense.

" Oh! You might be right since it happened as soon as I sealed the gate! No one has ever tried to seal the gate before, and we couldn't possibly know the effect will have on the castle!" said Iris, who walked along Ian on the castle grounds looking around and couldn't help but agree with him on the matter.