Hopes and Dreams

Ian closed the palm of his hand, extinguishing the flame just as fast as it appeared, and turned to Iris, who had a satisfied smile on her face, leaving Athan speechless.

Taking her hand in his, they walked out of the garden, and through the corridors leading to the castle grounds.

Iris fell silent, thinking over the events and how easily Ian had managed to summon fire and control it without practice while she struggled to achieve the same.

She puffed her cheeks, feeling rather frustrated with herself and her failure to master something that should be her second nature.

" How?" that was all she could muster while looking at Ian, who looked ahead deep in thought.

" Emotions are the key! For me, it seems to be anger, while for you, it seems to be fear and pain!" he presented her his theory while stepping onto the castle grounds and stopping next to the bed of flowers.

"Oh! How do you know that?" she curiously questioned while looking into his warm eyes.

Ian smiled " Last night when you froze the water, what did you feel?" he questioned back, trying to make her understand how to get what she wanted faster.

" Fear and despair!" she answered while a small smile appeared on her lips.

" And before that?" he pressed for more while sitting down on the ground whilst Iris did the same.

Her smile widened, " Happy because I was with you!" she truthfully replied while shuffling to face him.

Ian grinned and controlled his urge to pounce on her that instant, thinking that maybe him training Iris wasn't such a good idea since his thoughts always drifted that way in her presence.

He cleared his throat " Try to remember that feeling, whichever comes first and let's see what happens!" he suggested while looking at her, his eyes unconsciously lowering themselves to look at her breasts; now Ian was sure that this was a bad idea.

Iris nodded and did as Ian suggested, closing her eyes, taking a deep breath and forcefully letting out.

Iris sat on the ground, trying to relieve the happy moments that she and Ian had shared, but for some reason, all she could think of was that moment in the garden when he almost became an angel of death.

Ian sat quietly, looking at Iris, that seemed to focus her thoughts on reliving pain or happiness; he didn't know if it would work, but it was worth a try since whatever she and Athan had been doing wasn't working.

A wisp of air brushed his cheek, making him smile, for him that was a sign that it was working since the air around them was dead still, when they stepped on the ground in front of the castle.

The air quickly picked up speed and swirled around, forming small whirlpools all over the castle's grounds that slowly increased in size and speed, turning the bed of flowers next to them into dust.

He watched her summon the wind but not control it, as it ravaged the castle grounds without any aim, " Iris", he called, trying to get her attention while struggling to keep himself from being sucked into one of the whirlpools that was dangesky close to them, but to no avail; she was deep in trance.

" Iris, think of happy moments!" he called again, hoping to get through to her, feeling the wind increased in speed ready to sweep them off the ground as the small whirlpools were now bigger and taller, swirling around them, threatening to swallow them at any moment.

Ian panicked and kissed Iris, seeing that calling her didn't work, and he thought in that moment he needed to distract her and divert he thoughts to something else that would awaken happy emotions in her.

As soon as Ian kissed her lips, the wind slowed down, and the whirlpools turned smaller,and slowly dissipated while the atmosphere tuned dead still again, as if nothing had happened.

Ian let out a sigh of relief and looked around to make sure that everything was still in place, but to his surprise, the castle grounds looked ravaged and if she would have carried on, she would have eventually destroyed it.

" That's why we don't use our emotions to summon the elements; they are unpredictable!" Athan preached while making his way to where they were, placing himself on the side between them, looking rather smug about the events.

Ian sighed, he had thought that he had gotten rid of Athan for the day, but he seemed to come back worse than the plague, he had a habit of butting in in the worse moments and ruin a good thing.

" I know, you are not being helpful; she will learn how to control them!" Ian confidently stated while looking up at Athan, who looked worried and deep in thought.

Athan clicked his tongue " She will burn the entire realm if she can't control her emotions!" he sullenly explained while Iris just blinked at them, not understanding why they were so gloomy; she could bearly contain her happiness that she had finally managed to summon the wind like Athan wanted.

Ian closed his eyes and heaved a heavy sigh " She needs to protect herself; you're forgetting that we have a witch and the guardian of Hollow hunting us; if something happens to her, trust me, I will wipe this realm out of existence!" he warned in a serious tone while getting up from the ground and looking around to have a better look at the damage.

Athan fell silent for a few moments; he knew Ian was right. Although she was stronger now, she wouldn't be able to defend herself against the witch and the guardian without her ability to control the elements. She needed more than combat skills when the time will come, since they had no clue what the witch or the guardian were planing.

Athan nodded " Will try it your way, and I hope that we will still have a roof over our heads once it's over!" he agreed with a pout and plopped himself on the ground next to Iris, sulking.

Athan took a deep breath in " Again!" he instructed in a serious tone while looking at Ian, which looked somewhat troubled.

Iris closed her eyes, and took a deep breath and forcefully let out and focused her mind to think of the memories of her and Ian together, hoping that she would be able to control the wind. She knew she could do it, with Ian guidance, he had a better understanding of her emotions and how to tap in to them and make them work for her rather than against her.

Athan was more suited for combat training since that was his biggest strength, he was excellent warrior and from him Iris had learn how to fight.

Ian felt a light breeze brush through his hair, and held his breath, bracing himself for the incoming destruction.

Although she tried her best to think of happy moments, the events of that day weighed heavily on her mind, and she couldn't help but feel fearful.

The light breeze that swept on the castle grounds intensified, and as expected, small whirlpools started to form again, and swept the ground slowly increased their size and speed with each passing second.

Ian looked around and decided not to let things go further, and took Iris's hand in his and leaned in " I love you!" he whispered into her ear and tenderly brushed his lips on her cheek.

The wind slowly turned into a breeze again, and Ian let go of her hand and turned it facing upwards " Now, summon the wind to you!" he instructed in a calm, soothing voice, knowing that barking orders at her wouldn't work, and it would stifle any progress they have made so far.

Iris smiled and focused on the wisp of air that brushed the palm of her hand.

Ian didn't have to wait long before a small whirlpool formed into her hand and lightly swirled around in her hand.

Ian's expression brightened up " Now, larger!" he instructed again while keeping his eyes on her hand to see what would happen.

Suddenly the little whirlpool increased in size, towering over them, making Ian and Athan jump back, looking somewhat terrified at sight of it, while Athan frantically panted and his eyes darted between Iris and the whirlpool in her hand wondering if she is going to do something about it.

" That's too much, Iris!" Athan chided in a shaky voice while gaping at the towering whirlpool, baffled at how fast she had manged to control the wind. Remembering that it took her months to summon and control fire, and the she could freely channel all the power she needed from Arkathira.

Iris's lips curled up in a wicked smile as she reduced the size of the whirlpool and closed her hand, catching a stray petal in her hand.

Iris opened her eyes and squeaked, unable to contain the euphoria, and pounced on Ian capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, that slowly deepened while Ian pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and tightening his grip on her, as not wanting to let go.

Athan watched the whole scene unfolding in front of him and couldn't help but give credit to Ian, that helped Iris to control her emotions and the wind at the same time. He was baffled at how easily she succeeded and wondered wether he had been the problem all along or there was something else that heightened her abilities.

Athan cleared his throat, seeing that they were getting rather handsy with each, and the kiss was slowly turning into something else, making him somewhat uncomfortable.

Athan cleared his throat a little louder again, making Ian break the kiss and glare at him for interrupting his precious time with her again.

Athan let out a nervous chuckle " I think I will go help Rhya with lunch!" he said while getting up from the ground and making his way towards the castle's entrance.

Ian nodded and turned his attention to Iris, giving her a satisfied smile, and captured her lips in another passionate kiss while getting up from the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist and walking in the opposite direction, entering the South Wing of the castle.

Ian broke the kiss for a moment " I think I will have a snack before lunch!" he said in a raspy voice while entering the castle.

Iris smiled and bit her lip." I'm hungry!" she informed in a sheepish tone while looking at Ian with a pleading look, knowing that he was looking for an excuse to have her, no matter what they did, he was always found a way to get between her legs.

Ian's lips curled up in a naughty smile and pinned her against the wall, kissing her lips, lifting the hem of her dress, and bunching it around her waist.

" It will be a quick snack then!" he murmured against the crook of her neck while sheathing himself in her depths, making Iris gasp and moan at the sudden pleasure.

Ian bit his lip and lifted his head to look at her beautiful emerald eyes that gleamed with pleasure and happiness.

Ian thrust his cock into her core while tenderly peppering kisses on her lips and wherever he could reach.

" Ian...haaa! she moaned, running her fingers through his hair while Ian himself tightly gripped her buttocks and slowly thrusted into her core, taking his time to show how much he wanted and loved her.

" Oh...hmmm...Iris!" he moaned in the crook of her neck, breathless. " I would destroy and rebuild the world for you!" he whispered in the shell of her ear, heavily panting and revelling in the sweet moment, trying to memorise every second of it.

Iris's breath hitched " Ian..I....haa... love.... mph..you!" she breathed out the words between moans, feeling her release approaching and her mind slowly getting hazy, unable to register anything else than the sheer pleasure of being loved by him.

Ian captured her lips in a tender kiss, he knew that words weren't enough to describe how ashamed he was, and he vowed to himself to show her with every opportunity he had, his undying devotion to her.

Iris moaned in the kiss; she felt her body fervently burn as she reached her peak, while he broke the kiss and buried his head in the crook of her letting out a loud moan, feeling breathless.

Iris rested her head on his shoulder, riding on the high of their love-making session, revelling in bliss as silence settled in the corridor; the only thing that resonated in the empty hall was their pants and pleasured hummus.

Ian lifted his head to look at Iris, who did the same when she felt him move, and they both looked at each other as they truly saw each other for the first time.

Ian felt more confident than ever that Iris was the one meant for him, he couldn't imagine a life without her, and no matter how much he had tried to reason with himself about it, he knew his life without her wouldn't be worth living.

While Iris herself pondered on her own feelings, now realising that Ian was her fated one and that she didn't stumble into the forest by chance, it was fate's s way of showing her the path to him.

" Iris, you are the Queen of my heart, and I'll be by your side until the day I die!" he uttered in a shaky voice, swallowing the lump in his throat, feeling overwhelmed by his love for her.

Iris gave him the sweetest smile, bumping her forehead on his " My love, you and our child are everything to me, and I love you now and forever!" she confessed with tears in her eyes; happiness and heartache both occupied her heart.

Ian tenderly kissed her lips and reluctantly let go of her letting her stand on her feet, and pulled her into a tight embrace, not feeling ready to let her go. He knew that their moment together had been happy, sometimes filled with pain and sorrow but he also knew that he had to cherish them as he could feel that something was brewing in the air.

" You make me so happy that I can't even begin to explain!" he muttered, loud enough for her to hear him, while a shaky sigh escaped his lips.

His body trembled, and he felt every muscle and bone quiver at the intensity of his emotions and the thought of the witch or the guardian hurting her, she might not make out with her life intact when this would be over.

Iris frowned when she felt Ian tremble in her arms and gulped, not knowing what to make of it.

" Ian, my love, are you feeling alright?" she asked in a worried tone while pulling away from the embrace to look at him.

Ian cleared his throat and pulled himself together " No need to worry about me! Let's have some food!" he quickly changed the subject, not wanting her to know what he was worried about.

Ian grabbed her hand, pulled her along with him, dragging into the first chamber he saw, and walked into the bathroom with her.

He sat her down on a stool a grabbed a towel to clean her but was quickly stopped by Iris, who took the towel from him and cleaned herself.

" You know, there is a bed in here!" he informed in a serious tone, his eyes darting between her and the bed in the chamber.

Iris raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for him to continue his thoughts, but Ian fell silent when he remembered that she was hungry and he was being selfish without any regard to her.

Ian chuckled nervously, seeing the look on Iris's face, and understood that he had pushed things a little too far and he needs to find a way to control his urges around her.

" Let's have some food!" he said in a sheepish tone while walking along Iris into the hall and making their way to where the others were.

As they walked across the castle grounds, Iris looked around at the destruction she had caused during her training and hoped that when she learned how to control the other two elements, she would be able to contain them better and avoid destroying the castle all together.

Rhya met them at the entrance to the East Wing and gave them a warm smile" I was about to come and find you! Food is ready!" she informed while walking along with them.

Iris smiled awkwardly, knowing why they had taken so long to join them but decided not to explain herself.

" How are you, Rhya?" she politely asked while walking into the kitchen where Athan and Tyla were.

" I'm very well, thank you for asking!" she beamed while taking a seat at the table.

Iris nodded and turned her attention to Tyla " How are you, Tyla?" she curiously asked, since she hadn't seen them in a few days, being busy with her training, and Ian took care of all of her meals, bringing them to her chamber since Athan was adamant in keeping her out and training until she had no strength, not even to lift a finger.

" I'm well, thank you for asking! How are you feeling?" she returned the question while placing the plates with the food on the table and taking a seat herself.

" I'm doing very well! Athan might have already told, but today I finally succeeded in controlling the wind!" she beamed, taking a bite from the food on the table, looking around to see how they would react.

Rhya and Tyla nodded " I guess we will be going back to Ellora sooner than expected!" Rhya concluded while chewing the last bit of food in her mouth, hoping she will finally open the gate to Ellora.

Iris gave Ian a knowing look, to which Ian nodded " We will deal with which first, and we will open the gate once that is done!" Iris informed in a serious tone while Tyla and Rhya frowned and looked displeased with the decision.

Athan had a goofy smile, making her wonder why was he so giddy over a decision that wasn't in their favour, and that they would have to wait even more before they could regain their powers.

Iris shrugged at her thoughts and continued her meal while Rhya and Tyla looked somewhat worried, and stayed silent at the news that their return has further delayed.

Everyone fell silent at the news, and they continued their meal without any of them uttering another word to each other.

Once they finished their meal, everyone scampered away from the kitchen and retreated to their chambers, leaving Ian and Iris on their own in the kitchen.

" They don't seem happy with your decision!" Ian pointed out while wiping his hands with a towel.

Iris clicked her tongue " Mhm! I won't open the gate until we would have dealt with the witch! I don't know, if Ellora is safe and we will have another problem to deal with, and I don't think I can deal with that and the witch at the same time!" she reasoned while Ian gave her a warm smile and he couldn't help but agree.

Ian nodded " I understand, but they don't seem to see it that way!" he pointed out while taking a seat next to her, kissing her temple and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him.

" I know, but I can't take unnecessary risks! You said yourself one mistake and we would pay for it with our lives!" she replied in a worried tone while tightly fisting her hands on the table, feeling frustrated because of how selfish and childish Tyla and Rhya were.

Ian let out a forceful sigh; he knew that she was right, and Rhya and Tyla will have to wait a little longer to go back to Ellora.

" I will ask Athan to speak to them!" Ian suggested while getting up from his seat and offering his hand for Iris to take.

" It has been a long day and it's time for you to rest! Tomorrow will continue your training!" said Ian whilst walking along Iris through the corridor leading to their chamber, halting their steps in front of the door.

Ian pushed the door opened and made his way to the bathroom and noticed that the ice was finally gone and began preparing the bath for him and Iris.

Iris plopped herself on the bed, feeling every single bone in her body had been drained of energy and unconsciously placed her hand over her swollen belly that seemed rounder and a bit bigger than before. She lay on the bed and absently caressed her belly, thinking about the unborn child, despite the time he would be born into, he would be the ray of light into the darkness that surrounded them, and with that thought she slowly drifted to sleep.

Ian returned into the room only to find Iris fast asleep and couldn't help but feel fearful for her and the unborn child. A child that will be born in the middle of a war between all mighty entities, he could only hope that he would be able to protect them and keep them safe.

Ian sighed and padded across the floor and slipped into bed next to her, gently placing his hand on top of her, intertwining their fingers.

Ian closed his eyes, only to feel something push their hands up and quickly lifted his head to look at her belly, and realised that it the baby was moving; his face lit up but decided to contain his excitement, not wanting to wake up Iris and looked at it for a while completely amazed at the life growing inside her womb.

He couldn't wait to meet the little trouble maker and he could only hope that things will work out in the end.