
While the duo worked through the trauma, meanwhile, Iris roamed through the hellish realm she had found herself all of a sudden. Despite the unfamiliar and desolate surroundings, questions lingered heavily in her mind. Why that realm? Was she supposed to see something?

She knew she didn't have time to ponder the matter for too long; she had to find a way to leave the abysmal realm. Otherwise, her soul won't last much longer, and she will not be able to return at all to the waking world.

She had already tried using her powers, but there were of no use. She had no physical body to channel anything.

Whilst she walked through the thick smog, the whispers continued to be heard, but no matter how much she tried, she still couldn't understand what they were saying; the deafening shrieks and screams drowned everything else.

Iris gritted her teeth and cursed when she realised there might not be a way out, and now she was stuck in that plain of existence, doomed to meet her end in a forsaken realm.

The ground shook beneath her feet again, a sign that another hoard of creatures was coming her way, but this time she decided to follow her instincts and the hoard through the scorched terrain. She stayed close to them and, after walking for the longest time, could not see much around her other than the feet of the enormous creatures.

The hoard stopped and roared, making Iris's breath hitch, and her eyes widened when through the thick smog, a white circle softly glowed, the only light she could see.

" A gate!" she whispered in amazement while she approached the gate along with creatures who jumped through the gate and disappeared.

Iris nodded to herself, and she thought that whatever realm was on the other side, it couldn't be worse than that one.

She stopped in front of the gate, watching the creatures pass through it one by one, and reached her hand, trying to touch one of them but as soon as she lifted her hand, she gasped when she noticed that her arm was gone.

Iris let out a shaky sigh; she had no more time to waste and satisfy her curiosity. Now it was time for her to leave that realm; she reluctantly stepped through the gate, but before she had a chance to see what was on the other side, everything faded into darkness once more.

While Iris was trying to find her way out of the dreaded realm, Ian, on the other hand, was desperately trying to do whatever he could to help her return to him.

Iris sluggishly opened her eyes, only to hear the same whispers she had heard while she roamed in an unknown realm.

She turned her head to look at the person, only to see Ian sitting beside her bed, with his forehead in her hand, clutching it tightly. She could feel his tears drop one by one onto her skin, leaving a warm trail behind as they streaked down onto the bed sheet.

Iris's eyebrows knitted together, and now she realised that he didn't stop hoping that she would return to him.

Iris opened her mouth to speak, but she felt her throat parched and tight, and words didn't seem to want to come out.

She lifted her hand and lightly brushed his ruffled hair, making Ian lift his head and look at her with red eyes. Darkness filled his expression, and as soon as he realised that it was her who touched him, it turned into pure joy and relief.

Ian jumped from his chair and pulled her into a warm embrace trailing kisses on her jaw and cheek, stopping on her lips, giving her one tender kiss.

" You're awake!" he whispered against her lips, bumping his forehead on hers, closing his eyes while tears of joy and relief streaked his cheeks.

Iris nodded, and a sad smile curled on her lips. Taking a shaky breath and forcefully let it out; tears pooled in her eyes, slowly running down her cheeks.

" Water!" she uttered in a raspy voice while lifting her head to look at Ian, but he quickly jumped off the bed and returned with a jug of water and a glass.

Ian knelt on the bed and carefully helped her drink the water with a worried look on his face and many questions on his mind, but for now, he would have to be patient and wait for her to recover.

As soon as she finished the glass of water, he poured her another, quickly downed by Iris, who lowered the glass, resting it on her knee, lightly panting.

Ian watched Iris lick the little droplets of water off her lips while her eyes roamed around the room, looking for something.

Ian followed her line of sight that slowly returned to him, frowning, studying his tired and pained expression, and bearly managed to muster a smile.

" What happened?" she asked in a raspy voice feeling her throat hurt and tighten every time she tried to speak, making her wonder what the cause was.

Ian's expression darkened at her question, his jaw clenched, and his grip on the jug handle tightened so hard that the handle broke in his hand while the jug fell and spilt on the bed.

Iris looked at Ian, worried and wondering what had caused such a strong reaction. She knew Ian had a temper when it came to her, but she had never seen him so distraught.

She raised her hand, gently tracing his creased forehead, slowly moving down his temple, resting her hand on his cheek, while Ian closed his eyes and took a shaky breath in at the feel of touch.

Iris smiled, patiently waiting for him to speak, but his body trembled, and a lone tear slowly streaked his cheek, stopped by her thumb.

" Ian, my love! Are you alright!" she asked in a fading voice, while Ian just pulled her in his arms, burying his face in the crook of her neck and breathing in her scent.

" I thought I lost you when I saw you were lying on the ground, and he was draining every drop of life out of you!" he mumbled in the crook of her neck while tightening his grip on her, squeezing her hard, making Iris whine in pain.

Ian loosened his grip on her and pulled away from the embrace, and looked at her with pleading eyes, making her even more curious about what had happened.

" I don't understand!" she replied in a small voice while looking intently at him, waiting for more details.

Ian raked his hands through his hair and heaved out a heavy sigh, and took her hand in his.

" Azra, he used you to grow, but he if I wouldn't stop him, you would be dead now!" he replied in a shaky voice, the images of those moments flashing in front of his eye as they had just happened.

The memory was so vivid, and he relived it every single time Azra stood in front of him. His hopes and dreams about fatherhood were shattered, and now more than ever, he was determined never to father a child.

Iris smiled " It's alright! It's something that our kind has to live through. Most of us survive, but the unfortunate ones don't!" she calmly explained while looking at Ian, who had a shocked expression on his face and fell deep in thought.

Ian stood up from the bed, walked to the window and sat there for a while, looking at the window silently.

" You knew this would happen!" he uttered in disbelief, still looking out the window.

Iris stood up from the bed, and with clumsy steps, she walked and halted behind him " It's never this sudden, it happens over a long period, and only the weaker ones don't survive!" she explained while placing her hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to look at her but he stayed glued to his spot.

" Ian, I will be alright!" she tried to appease him, but he didn't move, his jaw ticked, and his hands balled into a fist, hard enough that she could see the veins pop.

Ian wryly chuckled " Falling unconscious for almost two days, was that supposed to happen as well!" he hissed at her through gritted teeth while looking at her over his shoulder.

" No! It was because he took too much, too quick!" she explained further, hugging him from behind and resting her head on his back.

" I know what you're trying to do, but you can forget it! I won't forgive him, and he is no son of mine!" he thundered while peeling her hand off his chest and turning to look at her.

" He almost killed you, and for me, that's unforgivable!" he hissed through gritted teeth. He couldn't believe she was trying to get him to forgive Azra.

" He is our son Ian! You can't do this to him!" she pleaded while caressing his cheek, hoping to sway his heart and forgive Azra.

Ian chuckled in disbelief " No, and it's final!" he bluntly replied while closing his eyes, unable to bear despair in her eyes.

" Please, for me! Can we just have a peaceful moment as a family!" she pleaded again, looking at his angered face, hoping that he would at least do it for her sake and their dream to have a big happy family.

" I'm doing this for your sake, and it's for the best!" he gave his final verdict, taking her hand in his and kissing the back of it.

Iris smiled " Will speak of it once you feel calmer, and maybe you'll have a change of heart!" she retorted while glaring at Ian for his stubbornness and reckless behaviour.

Ian scoffed " As you wish, but my mind is made up!" he stated in a serious tone, pulling her to sit on the bed, and he sat next to her.

" I'll get Athan to bring you some food. You need to recover!" he said calmly while getting up from the bed and pulling on the cord to call for Athan.

Iris nodded and felt her throat tighten and itch and began to cough; Ian handed her a handkerchief, and when she pulled it away from her mouth, a thick brownish stain was on it.

Ian's frowned when his eyes fell on the handkerchief and slowly moved up to look at her, who had a worried look in her eyes.

Ian tilted his head " And you want me to forgive him!" he calmly stated while taking the handkerchief out of hand to better look at it.

Iris opened her mouth to speak, but a knock on the door made her close it and keep quiet for the time being.

Ian turned to the door " Come in!" he curtly beckoned while turning his attention back to Iris, who looked worried and stared at the palm of her hands.

Iris lightly gasped when she remembered that one of the creatures had touched her and wondered if that was something that her spirit carried away once it crossed into this realm.

She lightly pulled on her tunic, her eyes widened, and she took a shaky breath when she saw six red lines across her chest.

She hurriedly pulled her tunic before Ian saw them and became more aggravated than he already was.

Tyla peaked her head inside the room, wary of Ian. She knew from Azra that he was in a foul mood and tried her best to stay out of his way since she didn't want to deal with unnecessary drama.

" Athan is out in the forest with Rom and Rhya, gathering the herbs you have requested! Is there anything that you need!" she cautiously questioned, making sure she would brush him the wrong way.

" Can we have some food!" he curtly replied while turning his attention back to Iris, who now looked terrified and wary.

Ian frowned and wondered why she was scared all of a sudden. Was it him? Was she becoming fearful of him? He questioned to himself.

Tyla pushed the door opened, and her gaze finally fell on Iris, that sat on the edge of the bed and looked distressed and distant.

" Iris, is everything alright?" Tyla asked in a worried tone while walking to where she was, kneeling in front of her.

Iris frowned and clicked her tongue " I don't know how it happened!" she breathed the words while looking at Ian with pleading eyes.