Dismal Outlook

" If you weren't so damn annoying, I would love to sit and chat with you!" he smirked while pulling his dagger out of his waistband and slitting her throat before she even had a chance to utter another word.

Ian wiped the dagger on the sleeve of his tunic, slid the blade back into his waistband, and turned on his heels to walk away. After taking a few steps away from the woman that was giving her last breath, the gate of the castle creaked open again, and the sound of heavy footsteps thumping the ground beneath their feet quickly filled the air, making Ian halt his steps once more and his face contorted in anger and displeasure.

" You think I was foolish enough to come alone!" one of the heavily armoured men spoke in the same blank voice.

" No, I figured as much!" he retorted while looking over his shoulder, turning on his heels to face them and unsheathing his sword.

" I hope there's more where these have come from!" he huffed in annoyance while waving his sword at the knights standing in formation in front of him to emphasise his words.

" Oh, there are many more! Meet my pride and joy, the Vaikas Apollyon Knights!" the man standing in front of the knights uttered while stiffly waving at the knights behind him.

Ian chuckled" You don't know when to stop, do you!" he rhetorically questioned while approaching the Knights.

The man wryly chuckled " I want what it's rightfully mine!" the man uttered again in the same blank tone, expressionless while pointing at himself.

Ian closed the distance between him and the Knights and sized them up; he knew if the knights in front of him were themselves, he wouldn't stand a chance to land a blow on them. They looked highly trained and skilled men, but with the witch controlling them so poorly, he knew he wouldn't have the slightest problem obliterating them.

Ian softly scoffed " I think that soon you will run out of puppets, and I wonder what you will do then?!" he rhetorically questioned again while he pushed his sword between the plates of the armour straight through the knight's heart.

Ian pulled the sword out swiftly, and the knight fell on the ground with a thump, blood oozing out of his mouth and from his wound, pooling around him.

All the knights drew their swords, standing ready to begin the battle, but they stood there frozen in their spot with their arms in the air, making Ian chuckle again.

The gate cracked again, and a tall, burly man stepped inside carrying a woman with fiery red hair covered in blood and bandages.

" Help!" he said in a desperate tone while looking in disbelief at the scene unfolding that quickly turned into displeasure.

" Maya!" Rhya was the first to react to Dak entering the castle grounds, recognising the girl he carried in his arms.

" Help her. She is badly wounded!" Dak pleaded while making his way to the woman with raven hair that looked stunned at the sight of them.

Rhya nodded and took her from his arm " I will see what I can do!" she softly added while disappearing into the castle with Maya in her arms.

Ian frowned at the sight of the burly man; he had gathered that he must be with Rom and the other two since he had walked in with Rom's sister in his arms.

Dak stepped in front of the knights and gave Ian a questioning look, to which Ian shrugged" I'm Dak Vamadar!" he introduced himself, unsheathing his sword, wondering why the knights looked like statues while getting ready for their attack.

" Put your swords away. That won't be necessary!" Azra's voice echoed behind them, making Ian frown since he had been quiet since he had spoken to him.

Azra walked between them and stopped in front of the knights with his hand fisted, looking sullen.

Azra took a deep breath " I guess that's why he was in such a rush to help me grow!" he said to no one in particular while squeezing his fist even tighter and releasing it while the knights fell on the ground, lifeless with blood dripping from the corner of their mouths, convulsing and shaking. Finally, one by one gave their last breath.

Ian looked at Azra and then at the knight's corpses on the ground and couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to kill all of them with just one simple gesture.

" How?" Ian questioned in disbelief, now feeling fearful of his son.

Azra softly chuckled " Blood is mostly water!" he vaguely replied while walking away from them, and entering the castle, leaving the two men staring at his retreating figure.

Despite his displeasure with Azra's deeds, he couldn't help himself but be proud, the boy was cunning, and by the looks of it, he had inherited his ruthless nature.

Ian snapped out of his daze and turned his attention to the mountain of a man standing next to him who stared at the corpses lying on the ground, stunned, unable to say anything.

" Ian Mallaik!" he introduced himself, extending his hand for Dak to take, but after waiting for a while and Dak was still in shock, he lowered his hand to the side and patted Dak's broad back, finally snapping him out of his daze.

Dak turned to look at him and nodded " I gather that this is just a regular day around these parts!" he commented in an amused tone while turning to look at Ian.

Ian nodded " One could say that!" he replied, shrugging while looking at the corpses on the ground.

Dak softly chuckled, letting out a shaky sigh " The witch seems hell-bent on getting what she wants!" he commented while sheathing his sword and looking around, trying to remember which way the woman with raven's hair took Maya.

Ian followed his line of sight " Where is the brother?" he curiously asked while narrowing his eyes at Dak, wondering if he was still breathing the same air as they did.

Dak shrugged " I left him at the hut!" he curtly replied while leaving Ian behind to go find where Maya was; he couldn't care less if Rom lived or died at that moment.

Ian heaved and followed Dak inside the castle, wanting to see Iris and if she had woken up yet. The memory of Azra draining the life out of her flashed in front of his eyes, and he felt his heart enveloped in darkness and hatred towards his son.

Halting his steps in front of the door, Ian took a deep breath and stepped inside the chamber, only to find Azra and Athan next to Iris, who now lay on the bed, still looking as if she was asleep.

Ian scowled at Azra, who was sulking in his chair, looking like a lost puppy, while Athan curtly bowed and stepped out of the room ⁰ them alone.

He sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand in his and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, looking at her sleeping face, and he only hoped that she would soon wake up and end his nightmare.

Ian leaned in and placed a tender kiss on her soft lips; now, the only thing that he could do was wait and hope that she would wake up, so he could hear her sweet voice again and see her sweet smile that had been taken for granted until that very moment.

The knock on the door broke the stifling silence in the room, making the two men turn their attention to the creaking door.

" Athan has sent me to change her clothes and bathe Iris!" Tyla shyly muttered while closing the door behind her and disappeared into the bathroom, quickly returning with a bowl of water and a towel in her hand, halting her steps at the foot of the bed and staring at the two men.

" Could you please leave us!" she politely asked, seeing that the two men were glued to their spots glaring at each other.

Ian nodded and stood up from the edge of the bed, kissing Iris's forehead. He made his way out of the chamber but not before holding the door for Azra wanting to make sure he would follow as well.