
In Vellai Castel, an anxious Iris paced up and down inside the chamber before the bed as Ian watched her.

" You worry for no reason, Iris." he calmly stated " If Ettrick accepts the offer that I have made him, dealing with the witch will be easy. Without Ettrick, she is nothing more than just a witch. Nothing more than the dust under our shoes." resting his chin on his knuckles. He looked tired. His hair was longer now. The trials they have been through have left their imprint on him.

Since she had placed the sword in the case and locked it there, he felt again like his old self. Calm and collected, able to reason. He felt like he could breathe again, and he felt refreshed.

" What if he doesn't? We have nothing against them. Azra is another issue that we will eventually need to deal with. He is a threat greater than the witch and the monsters in the North. They will soon make their way to the southern territories. We will have to deal with them. There won't be another way." she reasoned out loud, still pacing inside the room like a caged beast. She was worried, a little scared, weary as he was.

Ian clicked his tongue " Call me crazy, but I think all of this will come together and, soon enough, will have the answers to our questions. As for Azra, we will deal with it when the time comes. Ettrick might be able to offer us some answers. If not, we will have to find a way to contain him. One issue at a time!" he reasoned back, his frown deepened, gaze lowered but looked up when she finally halted her steps to look at him.

She looked at him askance. A smile quickly settled on her lips.

" Fine!" she answered with a sigh, her shoulders dropped.

" Now, come here !" his voice lowered, and he smiled seductively and patted the spot on the bed next to him.

Iris smiled " Are you trying to entice me?" her voice held a hint of amusement. She approached the bed with small steps.

Her luscious hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her hips swayed, hugged by the silky golden dress. The shine of the dress emphasised her generous curves, and her breast peaked through the keyhole gap of her dress.

Ian hummed " maybe...it is working? His lips pulled up in a lop-sided smile. His eyes shined with lust and hunger, caught his bottom lip between his teeth, and hissed.

She placed one knee on the bed. Her gaze was on his. She looked beautiful, and the smile stayed on her rosy lips, she unconsciously licked them a few times, and he felt tempted to capture them.

She slowly pulled on the string tied at the base of her slender neck.

Iris smiled again, but this time, there was a hint of wickedness as she leaned in, and her full bosom came into his view.

" I'd say it is working?" she finally replied as she brushed her lips against his ear. His hair stood on end.

" I'm not certain if it is me doing the seducing and not the other way around!" his voice wavered here and there as he spoke.

She hummed as she kissed his neck " You're not that hard to seduce!" she amusedly spoke as she brushed her lips against his cheek.

Ian wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her into his lap swiftly.

His finger traced her jaw, slowly descending her neck and settling on her bosom. His thumb brushed the tip of her breast. Iris bit her lip, a soft sigh escaped her lips, and her gaze lowered and followed his, her lips parted, and her breathing was erratic.

He took his eyes off her breasts and looked up into her eyes, his lips pulled up in a satisfied smile, and he clicked his tongue" I would be a fool to resist a wonderful creature such as yourself!" he praised, his voice was low and enunciated the words 'fool' and 'wonderful. '

Ian let go of her breast and settled his hand on her cheek. His thumb played with her lips, brushing them with a light touch. A soft sigh escaped her lips when he slipped his hand between her legs, his fingers gently caressed her wet lips, and he closed his eyes and hummed.

" So wet ... " he pulled his hand away and licked his fingers " still delicious." he licked his lips, relishing her taste.

His eyes opened, peered at her from behind his lashes. Ian's gaze was fixed on her, and he studied her expressions. His smile slowly slipped off his lips and turned serious.

" After all this time, I find you even more enticing and more beautiful than ever." his voice was low, a little gratifying. Iris's gaze lowered to look at the bulge protruding from his trousers.

Ian followed her line of sight and smiled " Is my breasts that you are so fond of." she replied with a hint of amusement in her voice, and her eyes shone with mischief.

He hummed " It's more than that, but I have to say your plump bosom", he inhaled and lowered his eyes again," are a gift to which I'm grateful to mother nature for having given them to you." he admitted with a warm smile, tracing her shoulder with his hand, pushing the dress and revealed her generous breast.

Ian took a sharp breath, his eyes hungrily eyed the breast, but he lifted his head and looked at her.

" I can always," he spoke against her neck as his lips brushed her skin, leaving soft kisses." ignore them if you'd like."

"I doubt you'd be able to," she amusedly said. Her hands combed through Ian's hair and lightly tugged it, and a sigh escaped her lips.

" It has been a while...' he lifted his head to look at her and cupped her face, nibbled on her lower lip" since I last had you ..." he pressed his lips on her jaw, a very light kiss bearly brushed her skin " so maybe not today..' his hand traced her neck down to her shoulder, pushing the dress off " but some other time, maybe "his voice was low as he spoke, he pressed his lips on her neck, tracing her skin with his lips to her shoulder.