Unopened Bud

Edýia brightened up and cupped a few fistfuls of water while the lump did the same. Both looked tired and beaten. He wondered how far they had travelled to get there.

" You haven't told me where you travelled from?" he asked the two, that had their faces deep in their palms, drinking water.

" As I said, you kept talking, so there was little time to answer. We are from the North, a town called Gaerwen, Arrington kingdom. We are here looking for our brother, that came to find the Queen or a woman that used to live in this forest a long time ago, said to wield great power. We have questions, and we are hoping she will be able to give us some answers. Our brother hasn't returned, and we are worried. Now we are here with you." Haren half lied, halt told the truth to Bastos, who just raised an eyebrow at him in question.

" You complained about me, but you can talk too, I see. Right! What questions? Maybe I can be of some help?" Bastos politely offered as he began walking again.

" Liadan?" Haren asked clearly, curtly

Bastos hummed " Music to my ears, I tell you. That's my mother tongue, you see. It means pure or white. What of it? You came all this way just for that." he snorted, dismissively waving his hand.

" What else? You said questions. That was just one," he remarked over his shoulder.

" Her, Edýia! She carries a mark on her back, and we have been told by a seer that Queen bears a similar one." Haren explained, pointing at her, and Bastos stopped.

" Seers, Oracles, clairvoyants. All charlatans," he scoffed " Future cannot be predicted. It is not decided yet." Bastos lambasted and looked at Edýia with a penetrative gaze.

" The mark, let's see it!" he asked in a crisp tone, a sharp turn from his casual and carefree attitude until then.

Edýia frowned " You want me to take my clothes off in the middle of the forest, in front of you and my brother?" she asked in disbelief, glaring at Bastos.

" No, of course not. It's just your shoulder," Bastos said defensively.

" It's not on my shoulder. It covers my back entirely!" Edýia explained with a pout.

" I see! Interesting. I must say, you would be the first sithrian to bear such a mark, but I doubt that you are one of them. Do you know your parents? he inquisitively asked, his gaze on Edýia.

Edya shook her head " You don't look like one anyway. Curios. You said you were brothers. Do you have one lump?" he turned his attention to Haren.

" My name is not lump. It is Haren. And yes, brothers, not by blood. We took her in when she was small. Found her next to a lake." Haren's crusty reply made Basto frown.

" If you would've told me your name when I asked this", he waved with his shrivelled hand between them", this wouldn't have happened. Very good. So, you don't belong in this realm. I see. That stone that you carry around your neck dampens your abilities. If my memory serves me right, it's called Dierite, hard to find." he explained as he lowered himself to her level and looked into her eyes.

" Fire, you're fire element but not just any kind. Your flame burns white and cold. Am I right?" he hazarded a guess looking between Haren and her.

Haren nodded " She doesn't remember, so she wouldn't know. But yes, white and cold." Haren confirmed and squeezed her shoulders.

" Very interesting. Rare, you see. Not many are born like her, you see. Let's go." Bastos said. He turned and began walking.

Haren rolled his eyes and stomped the ground, following Bastos " Could you speak clearly. I understand that this is very interesting to you, but she doesn't understand, and I don't understand what she is?!" he said, walking behind Bastos.

" Your sister is a Rense. Her flame may not harm you, but it can harm anything created by magic or uses magic. They will be nice and crisp when she is done with it." He explained as he continued walking up the hill.

Haren halted his steps " How about creatures from another realm? Would that work? " he asked, looking up at Bastos, that stood on top of the hill.

" She hasn't reached her full potential yet. She is still an unopened bud, you see. Never seen one until now, but legends say they are magnificent creatures. I still have to see the mark she is bearing to be sure, but to answer your questions might work." he explained and walked.

" Why do you mean that she is an unopened bud?" Haren asked, suspiciously

Bastos chuckled " Well, difficult to explain to you. I would rather explain to her. She is the unopened bud", he amusedly said.

" Explain?" she curtly asked.

" In front of him? Are you sure?" Bastos surprisingly asked.

" How about I tell you my story while you figure it out? It's not that hard." Bastos causally commented.

Edýia frowned as she listened to Bastos speaking but didn't give her a chance to think of anything else. He talked so fast, and so many words poured out of his mouth that no more room left for her to think of anything.

" If by the time I. finish my story, you still haven't divined it, then I'll tell you. To hell with it." He jokingly said and looked up at the sky and then at his hand, an arm that looked even more shrivelled.

" Time is short. So, best I talk fast. Hold your questions till the end." he advised and took a deep breath, and began walking again.