Easy on the eye

The majestic castle looked as pristine up close as it looked from afar. Arches and columns with sophisticated etchings on them decorated the entrance to the castle. Large windows, wide corridors, and passages could be seen from afar. The rich architecture was a sight for sore eyes. The crest carved above the entrance was a gryphus, with its wings spread wide, and its beak carried something that looked like a ball. Interesting, Haren mused to himself. The creatures no longer existed; they'd been wiped out, and he guessed they were in the right place.

His musings were suddenly interrupted when his eye caught three figures approaching.

Three comely women, swaying their hips, with luscious hair spreading over their shoulders, their attire wasn't noteworthy, but their curvaceous figures caught his eye. They were easy on the eye, very easy.

" Not a good time to look for a wife, Haren." Edýia annoyingly commented, grimacing.

" All womenfolk in the North look nothing like this. Can't I have a moment to at least feast my eyes." he scoffed irritably and continued eyeing the women.

" Good day!" a blonde woman said as they halted his steps in front of him.

" You seem to be lost. Can we help?" the dark-haired woman politely offered, smiling.

An uncomfortable silence slowly settled in; Haren was intensely preoccupied with eyeing the three women in front of them. Haren was right about one thing, the three women were indeed good-looking. Their pleasant demeanour was what caught her eye the most. Their gentle gaze switched from her to Haren as they carefully studied their figures and expressions.

" We were wondering if you know of a man named Dakran who supposedly came here looking for a woman," Edýia spoke since Haren fell mute and stared at the three women starry-eyed.

The woman with a plump bosom stepped forward. "Who might you be? If you don't mind me asking?" her voice was soft and sweet, and her breasts were all Haren could see.

Edýia slapped his shoulder " Stop staring. You'll get us into trouble!" she hissed quietly and smiled at the three women.

" I'm Edýia, and this is Haren, my brother! Dakran is our brother." she introduced them with a crooked smile.

" I see. Follow us." the big-bosomed woman said, turning around with the other two and walking back to where they came from.

Haren finally stopped staring and followed them, keeping silent while his eyes bounced from one behind to another, with an idiotic grin plastered on his face. She could swear that he was drooling over the appearance of the three women.

"Iris and this is Rhya and Tyla!" she introduced them while the women nodded over their shoulders.

" Pleased to make your acquaintance. It is not every day that my eyes are met with such a wonderful sight." Haren seductively smiled, lustful.

Edýia slapped him again, leaning in " I think the one in the middle is the Queen. Watch your tongue unless you want your head to ornate the gates." She whispered.

Haren mustered a semblance of an apologetic look, but again she knew he wasn't sorry.

Haren was a man like any other man, and he never shied away when he spoke about women. His thoughts weren't exactly the most respectful ones. Rumours in Gaerwen have reached her ears once in a while through Dakran. Supposedly he was the village bull. Whatever that meant, she had no clue.

" Oh my, men never cease to wonder!" Rhya exclaimed amusedly.

Iris hummed and giggled, " No, they don't! I think Dakran is in the armoury. We will leave the castle soon, and your timing couldn't be more right. I'm guessing that you would like to speak with him. Lunch will be served soon. Rhya and Tyla will show you around. If you like to rest first, they will show you to your chambers." said Iris, and she took her to leave, walking inside a chamber.

" What would you like to do? I can place you in the nearest chamber from Dakran and Maya!" she said, pointing at a room at the end of the corridor.

" Maya?" Haren and Edýia echoed in unison, looking a bit surprised.

" Rom's sister. I can tell that you have-

" Bastard!" Haren annoyingly cursed " That's why he took so long, he found himself a woman, and now he can't stop sniffing the flower", he grumbled with a scowl.

Edýia glanced at Haren for a brief moment " Rom, is he here?" She shyly asked, with a tinge of red in her cheeks.

Tyla smiled " He is in the garden with Athan and Azra!" she said while pointing at the lush orchard at the back of the castle.

" Oh, no, no! you're not going to see him. that good for nothing, are you? Have you lost your mind, Edýia? He is not worthy of you, and you know it!" Haren rambled on and on, outraged.

" That's for me to decide. Not you!" Edýia bristly replied, stomping her foot, fisting her tiny hands

" Fine. Have it your way but don't come weeping later," he said dismissively, walking past the other two. One frowned, and the other shrugged.

" Where is the room ?" he rasped rudely.

" The end of the corridor, the last one on the right," Tyla explained and turned her back attention back to Edýia.

"Your chamber will be the one next to Dakran's ' Tyla continued speaking, but it seemed that it fell on deaf ears since Edýia stared at Rom from afar and didn't seem to hear a word of what she was saying.

" Is he alright?" she softly asked and finally turned her attention back to them.

" Some bruising here and there and a wounded ego, but he is alright!" she briefly explained.

" Why do you ask?" Rhya's eyebrows raised.

" We are betrothed!" she absently replied, still looking at him.

" I will go, have some rest and wash!" said Edýia and walked past them with her head down.

While Edýia and Haren settled in, Iris stood in their chamber. Inside a circle. Runes covered the floor, and not far on a box seat laid a case with the blade inside.

She plopped herself on the floor, staring at the golden chalice embossed with different stones and intricate runes. The chalice looked old, ancient even. The markings weren't in the language she spoke. It looked different.

" Dagger!" she stretched her hand to him.

" If Ettrick doesn't step inside this realm. I will have to go inside the Hollow," said Ian, placing the blade in her hand.

" Will do what we have to do and get it done. No more...Ahhh. Shit, it hurts." she complained, looking at the gash in the palm of her hand as blood trickled inside the chalice.

" That should be enough, shouldn't it?" Ian said worriedly, looking at the blood pooling in the chalice,

" A bit more", she fisted her hand and squeezed some more blood "cloth?" Iris stretched her hand again, and Ian handed her a piece of cloth to wrap her hand in.

" Pass me the Damodar?" she stretched her good hand with a grimace.

Ian passed her the book, a little reluctant " will you be safe?" he asked, still holding on to the book.

" Don't worry. I will be fine!" Iris said, feigning confidence, but her eyes shined with doubt and fear.

Ian hummed " I know you're lying!" his eyebrows raised, and he tilted his head.

" It will be alright. Ettrick is more interested in the sword than me right now. I'm hoping he has decided to back away." she reasoned, a little distant.

" He wants you as much as he wants the sword. Open the gate, and I'll go inside the Hollow. It would be best if you leave the room as soon as the gate opens. " he proposed and stood inside the circle with her.

" He has no interest in me whatsoever. So let's not be foolish and give you to him on a silver platter. What do you say?" continued looking at her, pleading.

Iris nodded and took the book. She opened it at the marked page and began reciting the incantation " Khiah meihr hamonuis gadellis Hollot." a light breeze brushed against her skin, and soon enough. Smoke appeared suspended in the air, swirling around. Little sparks of fire began to mix with the smoke, the blood rose from the chalice and mixed with smoke, and the gate began to appear, crystal clear in the middle, encircled by a mix of smoke, blood and fire, constantly rotating