The Right Answer

" A Reanse?" Athan parrotted, deep in thought, as if whatever Iris said after that had gone past him.

Iris's raised her eyebrows " That was all you heard, Athan?" the man was so deep in thought that he had failed to hear or answer the question.

Ian rolled his eyes " Athan, wake up!" he said, a little exasperated.

"Mm? What?" Athan mumbled, still a little lost.

" Not a good time for you to daydream, Athan." Iris chimed in, a little amused at his aloof attitude.

Soft chuckles escaped, lips pulled contained smiles, and the air seemed somewhat breathable again.

" No, I was just thinking, and I think you are wrong, and so was Bastos. She is neither a reanse nor the girl from the prophecy. " Athan said and stretched his hand for the piece of paper in her hand. Iris pushed the piece of paper across the table and passed it down to him from one hand to another.

He looked at the piece for a little while, and everyone grew a little unsettled while they waited to hear his answer.

" She is not of our kind, I'm certain of it. She isn't the girl from the prophecy either. I believe, although this might sound very peculiar. I think she belongs to a different realm than this one or Ellora. The mark she is carrying is very similar to our marking, but if you look closely, there are some minor differences here and there. I think you are right about Arkathira. Left unchecked, it had been thinning the walls between realms, and she had somehow ended up in this one by a mere accident. How old was she when you found her?" he asked and raised his head to look at the two brothers.

" We don't know for sure, but if I would have to guess, around two years old." Dakran answered in a pensive tone.

" So she wouldn't have memories of her own," Athan noted in the same tone, tapping his fingers on the table.

" No, I highly doubt that she would remember anything," Dakran confirmed his suspicions and looked at Edýia.

" When did it all start? When did she begin to manifest?" he curiously asked, turning his attention back on Dakran.

" When she was around five, it was nothing much at first, but as she grew, the outburst

grew as well. We kept her as far away from people as possible, afraid of what they would do If they caught wind that she wasn't exactly human. Then five years ago, we met Pelham, and he helped us find the stone she is wearing around her neck. It helped since she stopped bursting into flames randomly. We have been cautious and kept her away from villagers just to keep her and everyone safe. Anyway, there hasn't been an incident in a while and .." he stopped speaking and narrowed his eyes when Edýia and Haren turned small and looked down at the table.

" When?" he coldly asked.

" In one of the villages not far from here, a few days ago!" Edýia shyly muttered and turned even smaller under Dakran's piercing gaze.

" There is no point in asking how or why because I can only imagine what, knowing you!" he commented enunciating the last word, a little miffed, as his gaze shifted onto Haren, who pulled faces at Dakran.

" You're the worst! I swear I don't think there is something in the box that you call head other than bitterness and hatred ." Dakran continued in an irritated tone, displeased with how he handled Edýia.

The exchange between the two brothers turned the air in the hall frosty.

" Nonetheless, no matter who she is or what she is. She is welcome in our home, where she can be who she wants. She doesn't have to hide while she is here. I'm sure with time, we will find the answers to our questions. " Iris said after a few moments of silence.

" Thank you!" Edýia shyly mumbled and shuffled in her chair.

Iris nodded, and smiled at Edýia " We will go along the northern border, just to have a better grasp of the situation and to see if the creatures that you spoke of have advanced into the South lands. If anyone wishes to join us, they are welcome to do so. If there isn't anything else to be discussed, we can all have dinner. " she said, and she stood up from her chair.

Ian stood up and met her halfway " You were amazing!" he praised with a coquettish smile.

Iris smiled back " Thank you! I forgot how nerve wrecking court duty is, and this wasn't half as bad as the ministers that I had to deal with before I got dragged to the Hollow." she amusedly said as they passed the inlaid door of the kitchen.

As expected, everyone followed and chatted with each other about what it has been discussed.

Everyone took their seats at the table, one by one, while Iris and Ian helped Athan serve the food.

Seeing Iris wasn't shying away from work, Dakran stood up to help " Dishes will need to be washed once we are done." Iris stopped him, and Dakran sat back down and nodded.

" Very well. It is so." Dakran curtly said and turned his attention to Maya, who looked at him with a shy smile on her lips, and her cheeks was tainted red

Iris pulled from one of the cupboards a few large carafes and filled them up with mead, and placed it on the table " We normally do not drink, but since we have guests. I know it is customary to serve it with food. So please help yourselves. It will help ease your rattled spirits, and hopefully you'll sleep better." she said as she took a seat in her chair with Ian sitting on her right and Athan sitting on her left.

" Thank you for your hospitality!" Dakran said in a grave voice a poured himself a glass of mead.

" We are peaceful people, and we always have lived in harmony. We do not seek to trouble anyone. Now that circumstances have brought us all together, I believe that there is no reason to fight amongst ourselves. Working together will yield more favourable results. Enough with politics. Eat, drink, enjoy yourselves. " Iris raised a glass of mead and nodded.

" Long live the Queen! " Athan cheered, and the others followed. The hum quickly faded, and everyone began eating their food. Edýia was the first to empty her plate and ask for more, making Dakran chuckle and pat her on the back.

" Before everything turned into dust, what did you do for entertainment in the North, Dakran?" Ian curiously asked " We have had a rough patch lately, and I know everyone would enjoy some good old fashion fun." he said, leaning in his chair and looking around the table. Everyone's attention was on Dakran, waiting for an answer.

" We sang, danced, the men sparred. We had balls and tea parties. Games, drinking games mostly." he answered, a little uneasy as everyone's eyes were on him.

" How about a game or some singing and dancing after dinner? Maybe you can teach us some songs from the North." Ian suggested, giving a glance around the table. Everyone looked more than eager to try it.