
The chuckles slowly subsided, and everyone returned to whatever they were doing. Azra and Ian continued their conversation. Tyla told Rhya about what had happened between her and Haren, to which Rhya burst into a fit of laughter, and everyone turned to her with questioning looks.

Feeling scrutinized, she clamped her mouth shut, but she couldn't hold it in any longer.

" Haren got drunk on Galanthian wine and tried to sleep with Tyla, and Tyla hit him in the head and knocked him out," She blurted out as fast as she could and clamped her mouth again, bearly containing another round of laughter

An awkward silence quickly settled in while everyone looked at each other and then at Tyla. Tyla's tall and relatively thin frame was deceiving. Haren could've easily overpowered her, and she had managed to knock Haren out, showing she could devise and follow through, despite the apparent disantavage. Tyla flustered, her cheeks tinted pink, her gaze downcast " I'm sure that if he had been sober, he wouldn't have done such a thing," Tyla mumbled.

Dakran chuckled " That's where you're wrong, Tyla. He would've and then some. You don't know Haren like I do. Haren would stick it into anything, regardless," He amusedly said and felt Maya stiffen against him.

Dakran sensed her unease " We're brothers, but that doesn't mean we are the same. My taste in women is more..." he paused and buried his nose in Maya's hair " More refined," He said low enough to be caught only by her ears, making her furiously blush and cover her cheeks with her hands.

Athan glanced sideways at them, and he could easily recognize the look on Dakran's face, determination. Maya didn't look comfortable with the attention directed at her and decided to change the subject.

" So, up north, "Athan began his speech, "You'll have to forgive me. I've been locked up in a cave for some time. How did you hold off the creatures?" Athan curiously asked

Dakran's expression darkened, narrowed his eyes looking ahead " At a great price, a price that my people paid with their lives. " He paused for a few beats, and Athan regretted asking the question almost instantly " We train for many seasons. We start young, and no one shies away. We have camps around the lake, at different distances. If the creatures escape one line of defence, they eventually get caught in the next or the next one. The Inari people heavily guard borders. A tribe from deep in the northern territories, the White lands. The cold and harsh lands make them resilient, and they are remarkable warriors. Our alliance with them has helped us a lot in keeping the creatures within the borders. But I'm afraid something has changed." His eyebrows wrinkled further, and his grip on Maya tightened even more.

His jaw ticked, lips set in a thin line. He was worried, scared, of whatever they would have to face.

Her heart ached, bleeding, but she couldn't imagine what he was going through. He must've lost people that he loved or cared for countless times. Living through the same pain as she was, and for a moment, she had forgotten about her sorrows. Only for a moment, she focused on someone else's pain. Lost in her thoughts and the desire to bring him comfort like he did when she needed it. She leaned into his chest and placed her hand over his, intertwining her fingers with his, and squeezed his hand.

Dakran responded, squeezing her hand back and kissing the crown of her head " Thank you," He whispered and kissed her head again.

Iris observed the exchange from the corner of her eye. Although Maya wasn't ready to let go of Sylus and let Dakran into her heart. Determination exuded out of Dakran, and he didn't seem to relent in his pursuit, hoping to sway her heart. The horse snorted and whined, breaking her thoughts. She returned to the present and heard the soft murmur of water trickling not very far away from the path they were on.

Iris looked around, searching for the source of the water. A ridge caught her eye " There is water," she pointed towards the bank " We are almost out of the forest, and the horses need rest and water," She pointed out over her shoulder. Ian nodded and tugged on the reins, and turned to the ridge.

The others followed. The sound of running water became louder, and Iris halted her horse on the summit. She looked down into the small ravine to find a way down.

" There," she pointed towards a small path that led to the river. "There is a path," she tugged on the reins and spurred the horse uphill " The path is small, so we will have to take turns," she said over her shoulder and halted the horse, jumping off the horse.

" You go first," Ian got off his horse while the others did the same. Iris nodded and climbed down the path with her horse.

They'd been riding for almost a full day. His bones, muscles that he didn't know he had ached. Ian guessed the other felt the same since they grimaced and kept rubbing their thighs, calves, and bottoms.

Dakran chuckled and shook his head." You better get used to it. We have a long way to Gaerwen if you think you're in pain now. By the time we reach Gaerwen, you'll be so battered and broken, you'll pray for the end of your days," He cackled, leaning against a tree, waiting for his turn.

Rhya stepped forward, glaring, " We may not appear much to you, but we are stronger than we look. Don't worry about our asses, and worry about your own," She huffed, turned on her heels, and pulled the horse, seeing that Iris appeared on the bank.

Dakran cleared his throat and clicked his tongue " Will see about that," He mumbled playing with a leaf he'd pulled off from one of the branches above him.

Iris approached with slow steps, walking past Rhya. She seemed in a sour mood. What had happened while she was gone? Worse than children.