The Endless Night

Five days later, after the events in Shaddow Valley had left a sweet, bitter taste in everyone's mouths. They were getting closer to the North with each passing day. The sky didn't turn anymore as days passed. It stayed the same. Dark, rolling clouds loomed over the lands as far the eye could see, kissing the horizon from one end to another. Not a single ray of light passed through. It was endless—the endless night.

Edýia grumbled and slowly opened her eyes. She felt like a horse had kicked her in the head. She rubbed her temples, trying to soothe the ache, but it didn't do much.

Rom was looking ahead. He had noticed her awake since his grip tightened and squeezed her hand.

" Where are we ?" she asked in a broken voice, scrunched up her nose and hissed.

" We are almost at the border!" Rom replied with a frown and pointed at the banners on the guard posts ahead. Cobalt blue and white were the colours of Arrington Kingdom. The house crest was a wolf bearing its sharp teeth, standing on top of its prey.

" How long have I been like this?" she asked in the same pained voice, and Rom lowered his gaze to look at her " Almost five days, Edýia! Ruma did a number on you!" he frowned and looked worried. He had tried to wake her up, but nothing worked. They rode without stopping since then, which cut their journey short by a few days. Athan did say if she is the vessel to Ruma, then her body wouldn't contain her for much longer. Athan guessed that Ruma was keeping her asleep so she wouldn't die.

Edýia lifted her head off his shoulders and felt every bone in her body stiff, every muscle ached, and she could bearly feel her ass.

Dakran pulled his horse next to them " You're awake! How do you feel?" he worriedly asked, frowning and studying her expressions.

" Like I've been kicked by a horse and dragged to the white lands and back!" she amusedly said with a small smile. The smile quickly fell, and she grimaced.

" Where does it hurt?" Rom asked, looking ahead " Ian might have something. He is a healer, after all!" he whistled, and heads turned around. Rom raised his hand, and Ian halted his horse, letting the others pass him until Rom reached him.

" Do you have anything for pain in that magical bag of yours!" Rom tried to be funny, but his expression was stone-like.

Ian fumbled in his bag and pulled out a bottle with a green concoction, and Maya grimaced in disgust at the sight of it. She was all too familiar with the contents of the bottle. Ian called it a pain elixir. That was nothing like any elixir she'd ever tasted.

Edýia raised her brows in question " That will kill you before Ruma does. It tastes awful!" Maya pulled faces, and Ian gave her a pointed look " But it helps with the pain!" she continued in a small voice, making Ian smile at the compliment, and puff his chest.

" I aim to please!" Ian quipped with a crooked smile and spurred his horse to catch up with the others.

" I need to move ahead. We are approaching the guard posts! If you need anything, just let us know!" Dakran leaned in and ruffled her hair.

Edýia hummed, nodded and gulped down the pain concoction. As soon as it touched her tongue, she felt revulsed at the taste, and she almost spat it out, but Rom covered her mouth and forced her to swallow it.

Edýia glared red-eyed at him. A tear ran from the corner of her eye. She bit his hand as soon as she swallowed the damn thing, and he was forced to pull his hand away, hissing in pain.

" I'm sure that poison tastes better!" she wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, and she looked like she was about to throw up.

" You heard Maya. It will take the pain away!" he coldly replied and continued to look ahead.

Silence settled in, and she looked around. One couldn't tell whether it was day or night. She remembered the Shaddow Valley and what happened. Ruma's words echoed in her head. She would be dead soon if Ruma continued to use her. She wondered what Rom was going through.

" Rom !" she called, brushing his cheek with the back of her hand. Her soft touch was gentle, and he wanted to halt the horse, so he could hug her and tell her how scared he had been since that day. When she wouldn't wake up, he thought he'd lost her for good.

" Are you alright?" she looked up, waiting for his answer. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. He didn't want to burden her with useless things.

Rom nodded. His adam's apple bobbed up and down, swallowing his words. She would die soon. Now, she knew what awaited her, but Rom would be left behind dealing with the pain of her loss. The thought of not being able to see him again, feel his warm embrace, his sweet voice, and look into those caring blue eyes of his. Despair quickly bloomed in her chest, a pang of pain shot through her heart, her chest tightened, her stomach bundled up in a tight knot, and she felt her eyes sting. She buried her face in his chest and let the silent tears fall down her cheeks. No sob escaped her lips, no whimper, no whining. Nothing,

Rom's hand circled her shoulders and kissed the crown of her head " I'll follow! Wait for me!" he said in a choked-up voice, squeezing her shoulder.

Something warm touched her face. She wiped it off and looked at it with blurred vision. It was a tear, his tears. Edýia circled her arms around his waist and buried her head deeper into his chest, gave him a tight hug, and she glued herself to him.

He closed his eyes and tried to blink the tears away. Edýia was his first love. He had never loved anyone as he loved her. The light she had brought in his life couldn't be replaced. No one could replace her.

Rom took a deep breath and forcefully let it out. He didn't feel like speaking, death had cast a long shadow over her, and it was only a matter of time before it would come to collect. He had hoped for more time, he threw his eyes towards the sky, but he knew it was pointless. The goddess that he would have prayed to was hugging his waist.

He felt the need to scream the skies down and battle with gods, but again, he was left lacking. He had no power. He was just a measly spot of dirt unable to help the one held dear to his heart.

Edýia loosened her grip on him, her hand brushed his neck and settled on his cheek.

" I love you, Rom!" her voice sobered him up. He would have jumped out of his skin, and run around naked any other day. Now, he felt his soul pulled apart, ripped to shreds, his heart sunk and broke into tiny pieces. She would be no more.