Letting Go Of The Past

After Dakran had left them at the edge of the lake, he returned in haste to Ironstone. Edýia was on her deathbed, and Haren was being a cunt. So, himself and Maya probably couldn't sit still and roamed around Ironstone, getting into trouble.

" Open the gate Maras!" he shouted as loud as he could to make himself heard. It was raining cats and dogs. He hasn't seen the sky split open like this in his entire life. Water streamed at his feet, black water. He scoffed. This wasn't a good omen. If it were the same in the whole realm, soon, everyone and everything would perish.

Maras pulled him by the hand. He didn't hear the gate open " Glad to see you made it back safe!" Maras shouted from the top of his lungs when he appeared in front of him. Maras was almost as tall as he was, not hard to miss. They both walked through the gate and pushed it to a close. Maras returned to the safety of his guard post, running through the rain as fast as he could. There was no point in having a conversation. They would've had to shout everything. He climbed up the steps to the main entrance in Ironstone. His feet moved pretty fast. He pushed the heavy door open and sighed, relieved when the deafening sound of falling rain stopped as soon as he closed the door behind him.

Sala appeared in front of him. The older woman seemed in better spirits now that her work had lightened up with the departure of the six of his companions.

" Milord!" she said, wringing her hands " The man with the red hair has broken his hand. I had Jutt look at it, but it is pretty bad!" she gave him a weary look and swallowed the rest of her words. Sala was old fashion. He knew she disagreed with Rom being in Edýia's room. They weren't married. He didn't belong there, but she held her tongue, for how long that will remain to be seen.

Dakran looked up and took his cloak off his shoulder " I need to change clothes, and I will check on him and Edýia! Has he eaten anything? Dakran worriedly asked as he walked up the steps, and Sala followed.

" No, milord! He sits on the bed with the young miss! Why is he here? They are not wed, milord! He shouldn't touch her or share a bed, milord! It's sinful, milord! An offense to the Revered Mother!" Sala halted her steps when they reached his quarters.

For fuck sake, he thought, the girl is dying, and that's what you're worried about? He scowled at her, and Sala clamped her mouth shut and disappeared out of his sight. He was sure that Sala had thoughts on him as well. With Maya sleeping in his chambers, it probably irked her to no end. He would probably hear about it sooner rather than later. The woman shared her thoughts on some issues, even without anyone asking.

Dakran pushed the door to his chamber open. The fire burned brightly in the hearth, and the warmth wrapped around him and seeped into his frozen bones. Maya was tucked in under the covers, facing the window. He walked straight for the wardrobe and shed his drenched clothes on the floor.

" You're back!" Maya beamed from behind him, she was happy to see him, and he was bearly keeping his shit together at the sound of her voice.

He pulled on a clean shirt and a pair of trousers and turned to her, her eyes raked his face, and the red tinge in her cheeks got redder as her gaze lowered and stopped at his cock. He let her study him. She would be his wife, and sooner or later, Maya would see him naked anyway. So, why not!

" Yes!" he curtly replied after a few moments of silence, and his eyes flew to the brown, blackish patch on the bed.

He let out an exasperated sigh " Maya !" He let go of the clothes he was holding and strode to the bed, butt naked. With his muscular legs and tight ass, she closed her eyes to stop thinking about how it would feel to touch him. When Dakran pinned against the door and touched her quickly flashed in front of her eyes, and she felt short of breath. Oh, my!

" I told you he can't sleep in the bed with us!" he chided, and broke her dirty thoughts of him. She swallowed and opened one eye. He was still naked, in all his glory. She bit her lip and closed her eye again.

' C-c-c...clothes!" she bearly managed to put one word together.

Dakran turned to look at her. His feet padded across the floor and stopped in front of her " Open your eyes, little red!" his low voice rumbled in his chest.

Maya shook her head and caught her lips between her teeth " Clothes!" she stammered, eyes very closed.

" We will be married soon! You'll have to look at me at one point or another!" he chuckled

" I'm dressed!" he chuckled again

Maya opened one eye and let out the breath that she was holding.

" He can't stay here!" Dakran brooked, looking at the volsa on the bed.

" He is not fully healed yet, and you can't put him out in this rain!" she walked to the bed and climbed on it, stroking the volsa cub.

Maya gave him a pleading look, frowned, and picked up the volsa in her arms. The beast yawned, squeaking, stretched its paws, opened its round brown eyes, and blinked at him.

" He is adorable. You can't just throw him out!" Maya said with a pout playing with the volsa's paw, and the cub curled in her arms again.

Dakran grumbled something under his breath and closed his eyes " Fine! Have you fed him at least?" he asked and walked around the bed, towering over it, looking at little Dak.

" I can't believe you named him after me!" Dakran chuckled and pushed her hair off her shoulder, kissed her cheek, and placed his hand on the volsas head.

Maya nodded " Yes, I gave him leftovers from supper. He looks a bit like you!" she smiled the brightest smile and looked at him with adoring eyes.

His heart swelled, blood rushed to his groin again, and Haren's words rang at the back of his mind again. Fuck Haren! Dakran chuckled at his thoughts. Her smile fell, and he frowned.

" What is it?" she pouted and put the volsa back on the bed, and stood up to face him.

Dakran took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak. He wanted to share his thoughts with her, but he changed his mind.

" I'm happy that you're here!" he lied with a straight face and cupped her face, and kissed her forehead.

" I need to check on Rom and Edýia! Sala said that Rom broke his hand!" He sighed and frowned.

" I'm coming too !" she hurriedly said and picked up the cub off the bed.

Dakran gave her a questioning look.

" Maybe it will make them feel better!" she said, half shrugging.

Dakran nodded, circled his arm around her shoulder, and nudged her to the door.