A Madman?

Dakran stood on the steps of Ironstone, looking in the distance. The sky was still covered with black rolling clouds. The pouring rain had finally stopped, and he was ready to go, but Haren seemed to be taking his sweet time. He had no idea what had happened to Iris or Ian. The hoards they saw pouring out of the portal earlier were nowhere in sight. The camps at the border stood no chance against them.

" I'm ready!" Haren's voice interrupted his thoughts. Haren's bruised nose and purple under eyes tickled him, but he swallowed the laughter lodged in his throat. The cunt deserved it. It was long overdue.

Haren walked past him and took the horse's reins from Maras, and pushed him aside. Haren was a hot head. Will he ever learn how to behave appropriately? He doubted that he ever will!

" Milord, what about the girl with red hair?" Maras asked, throwing glances at Haren.

" What about it?" Dakran asked, descending the steps and taking the other horse's reins.

Maras pursed his lips, his gaze went downcast " Sala said.." Maras paused for a moment and huffed," she is your soon-to-be wife! Is that true?" Maras asked offhandedly and looked at Haren.

Dakran hummed, " Yes!" he brooked and mounted the horse and turned it around.

Dakran glanced from the corner of his eye to Maras. He seemed to have more thoughts to share but held his tongue. Maras knew when to shut up and to speak. At least one person was sensible enough in this fucking rock. Dakran nodded at his thoughts, and Maras returned the nod.

" We will return as quickly as we can. In the meantime, make sure that you keep things running smoothly. I've sent a missive" Dakran paused. He threw his eyes up to the sky at the sound of a bird calling, stretched his hand, and Issare landed on his hand. Dakran pulled the note tied to the bird's leg and unfolded it with one hand. His expression darkened, let out a heavy sigh " Haren, we need to move! Shikari attacked the Trividon outpost!" Dakran said through gritted teeth and spurred his horse. Haren followed, turned to look one more time at Ironstone and saw Maya on the balcony watching them leave.

" Your future wife is watching! Haren snickered, halting his horse at the gate.

Dakran turned to look at her. She was asleep when he left the bed. His heart squeezed but mustered a smile. He was already dreading the coming days when he wouldn't be able to see her smiles and hear her sweet voice.

" Come on! Stop gawking like a fucking idiot!" Haren scoffed and moved past Ironstone gate.

" Shut your gob, fool!" Dakran scowled and moved his horse, following Haren.

Dakran glanced over his shoulder one more time, but she was gone. At least she will have little Dak to keep her company! He consoled himself. Replaced by a fucking dog! Dakran chuckled at his thoughts.

"Why are you laughing?" Haren barked, looking at him over his shoulder.

" Nothing! Don't you have anything else to do?" Dakran retorted miffy and raised his hand again when Issare cawed above him.

" No!" Haren shrugged and watched the bird land on his shoulder.

Hare scowled at the bird. Issare flapped its wings and let out a high pitched squawk.

Dakran chuckled " Not even the birds, Haren !" he paused for a moment and laughed some more " Nobody fucking likes you!" Dakran mocked, and Haren pulled a face at him.

" I don't give a shit!" Haren scoffed and waved him off.

Dakran laughter turned into a sigh of contentment " We need to find puddin'." Dakran stated in a grave voice.

Haren tuned to him and frowned " Pelham? Why do you need him?" He asked and turned to look ahead.

" Edýia is fading fast !" Dakran paused for a moment " I'm hoping he might know something! He has helped us before!" Dakran sullenly said, rummaging in his bag and pulling out a piece of meat and giving it to Issare.

" Last I heard, he was in an outpost in the white lands, Inari territory! Nya should know more!" Haren informed, looked over his shoulder and frowned at the bird.

" Send Issare!" Haren suggested," It would be faster!"

" I never taught Issare that route! She won't know where to go!" Dakran remarked and gave Issare another piece of meat.

" What route does Issare know?" Haren asked, pulled a flask out of his bag, took a sip but spit it out.

Dakran snickered " No more drinking! I replaced all the wine that you packed with water!" Dakran's laughter got louder.

Haren's miffed expression was so much better with a bashed face, he couldn't help himself but laugh at him. His brother was a pain, but he was the only family he had left aside from Edýia. His sister would be gone if they didn't find a way to help Edýia. Pudgy puddin' was their last hope. He was a seer, and he hoped that he might be able to help if they could find him in all this chaos.

" It's none of your business what I do or don't! I stay out of your way, and you stay out of mine!" Haren grumbled with a pout and gave Dakran sideways glances.

" I agree!" Dakran smirked " But this is just a little taste of what's to come if you dare to mess with Maya!" Dakran teased, pulled out a piece of paper from his bag and wrote something tied to Issare's leg, and the bird flew away from his shoulder.

" Where did you send Issare?" Haren curiously asked, watching the bird fly in a circle a few times above their heads and fly back to Ironstone.

" Never mind!" Haren raised his hand to stop Dakran from answering.

" I can't believe that she has turned your brain into mush! You can't even think straight anymore!" Haren spat and scoffed.

" And you do? Tell me, " Dakran paused for a moment and sighed " Tell me, Haren, what will you do if you ever were to fall for women? I doubt that you will but humour me!" Dakran challenged with a smirk.

Haren chuckled " It's the funniest thing I've heard in a while! " Haren pointed at himself, raised his eyebrows " That will never happen! Women are here to make babes and satisfy us. I'll fucking cut my cock off if I ever fall for a woman. Don't get me wrong, I like getting it wet, and hump them, and hear them scream my name while fucking their pussies until it's on fire, but love, fuck that! Never!" Haren ranted like a madman waving his hand in the air, scoffing and sorting.

Dakran rolled his eyes, he had heard that speech countless times, and it was getting rather old now. It was always the same over and over. Haren was hopeless. He was disdainful and disrespectful towards women. He didn't understand how he managed to get women to sleep with him. Haren paid most of the time for his pleasures, but it wasn't always the case.

" I don't understand how women agree to sleep with you?" Dakran voiced out his thoughts, and Haren laughed.

" Once they taste this, they always come back for more! Women like to be treated that way! Like whores! You fuck them well enough. They will come crawling back begging for more!" Haren pointed at his cock, and smirked.

His hand itched to slap him silly, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. Haren was set in his ways, and if he hadn't learnt up until now, there was no point to try and change his mind. Crazy as he was, Haren made a good point.