Reacquianted With The Past

Gaelin smiled, licked his lips and threw a glance at the man that claimed to be her father. He seemed to have more to say.

" Gaelin! Now is not the time! Open the box!" the man curtly ordered, cutting him off before he added more.

Gaelin nodded and fished a key tied on a chain around his neck, unlocking the box. As if it was the most prize possession. He carefully pushed the lid open and began fishing out of the box little trinkets and bits and bobs, laying them at her feet.

" This is a lock of your hair!" the man said, pointing at it " This is your first tiara! This is the first drawing we made of you, but you were just a babe then, so it doesn't count much!" he chuckled and scrunched up his nose. And took a piece of paper and unfolded it, placing it in front of her " This is a portrait of your mother! You look just like her !" his face lit up, and he smiled, looking down at the woman in the picture with candour and longing.

Iris took the paper, studied it and glanced at the man several times. The woman in the portrait looked like her down to her generous breasts. Ian loved her breasts! She swallowed at that thought and closed her eyes to hold back her tears.

" Let's say I believe you! What is it that you want from me? she coldly asked and placed the paper back on the bed. Her eyes darted from the man that claimed to be her father to Gaelin, who stared at her.

The man straightened himself and cleared his throat " To take your rightful place by my side and rule Zandar! And one day, it will be yours one day!" he stated his intentions, and Iris chuckled. It was the most absurd. How can he imagine that he could waltz in and say such nonsense

" Have you looked outside? The veil between realms is collapsing! I can't leave this realm! I'm doomed to live in these lands for the rest of my days!" Iris scoffed and rolled her eyes.

" I know! The source of all our powers and all of our problems lies on a mountain. It cannot be left without a Guardian! You're right! But it is not your problem anymore! You're the crown princess of Zandar, and your people need you! Ellora is lost! We can anoint your son as Guardian. Our blood courses through his veins, and he has already agreed to take the responsibility!" the man stood up and walked to the foot of the bed. He was speaking the truth, and he was right. Ellora was no longer a place that she could call home. She didn't have a home anymore. Ian was her home.

" Your future husband will be by your side!" the man pointed at Gaelin. Gaelin bowed and smiled. The idea was preposterous, and she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" I look forward to our union Princess!" Gaelin politeness was getting on her nerves. He seems nice enough but overly pretentious.

" I have a husband!" Iris hissed and stood up from the bed in a bid to make her point.

" Yes! He is the Guardian of the Hollow now! There is no turning back! He has willingly surrendered his soul to the darkness!" the man pointed out what she was already aware of. There was no need to twist the knife.

" For me! He did it to save me! To save every fucking thing! You can't just tell me to wipe my hands off him and call it a day!" Iris huffed, panting ' I love him!" she cried, tears streaming down her face " He was at my side when no one else was. He sacrificed everything for me!" she cried, burying her face in her hand and screaming. The audacity of the so-called father to come into her life and behave as he'd always been there.

" Khiah! I understand! This is very hard for you! But right now, we need to take you home!" the man said and grabbed her shoulders. They locked eyes. His expression turned grim and disappointed.

Gaelin stood up " I will await to mourn your loss, princess!" Gaelin bowed and packed the little things back in the box. He tried to appease the tension between her and the so-called father. It didn't, but at that moment, she had no interest in explaining herself to anyone.

Iris couldn't believe what she was hearing. Become princes, marry a man she met a few moments ago and forget about Ian. They were out of their mind. Crazier than the witch and Ettrick put together. She had different plans.

" No! My answer is no!" Iris lowered her hands and looked at them fiercely. This wasn't up for discussion. She had to find a way to make a mence. Repair the damage that she had done.

" If you want me to rule your kingdom! I want my husband at my side!" she roared and stormed out of the tent.

Only to see a sea of people in front of her, all dressed in the same colours as she was., the moment she stepped outside.

" What ? " she barked and walked away, stomping the ground beneath her feet with such force that marked the already charred soil.

The sky was clear, and there were three suns shining brightly in the sky. The heat was unbearable.

" Mother!" Azra called " Where are you going?" he worriedly asked and rushing to catch up to her

" I need some air and stay away from nonsensical people for at least a lifetime!" she huffed, halted her steps, looked around, and her eye fell on Gaerfyrddin mountain.

Iris turned on her heels and made a beeline for the mountain with Azra on her tail. She needed answers. The book that Ettrick had was the same as the one Bastos had.

" Is everything still there? How long have I been asleep?" she shot the questions one after another as she rushed towards the mountain.

" No one had touched anything! Grandfather's orders! A fortnight!" he panted, struggling to keep up with her quick pace.

" Where is Athan, Rhya and Tyla?" she asked again, taking no notice of Azra's struggle.

" Slow down!" Azra panted and stopped." Ian took them!" he huffed and ran to where she was as fast as he could. His mother was a force of nature when she was angry.

" Why? It makes no sense! He wouldn't give a damn about them! He lost his soul when he became a servant of the Darkness! He wouldn't feel anything! Greed maybe, but that comes with the darkness!" she reasoned more for herself than for him. It made no sense. Once he'd willingly surrendered to the darkness, Ian could only serve its purpose.

Iris face lit up when her eyes fell on the book, picked it up and hugged it to her chest " Where are my things? My bag and Ian's?" she hurriedly asked as she looked around, trying to find their belongings.