Tsavo Outpost

The golden glow of a burning fire and smoke rising from it up ahead wasn't a good sign. Tsavo outpost lay upon at the edge of white lands. Black snow covered the ground that was once white. They should rename the white lands, Darkran thought to himself.

" We are too late!" Haren remarked, looking over his shoulder.

" We've never made it in time, Haren! All we can do right now is pick up the broken pieces and help them tend to the wounded!" Dakran replied in a hollow voice.

Tsavo outpost was one the few places where people who lost their homes gathered to begin anew. Now, this has been destroyed as well. He hoped that Iris and Ian had successfully managed to gain control over the thing that caused so much chaos and destruction—putting an end to one of the most protracted battles in northern history—the battle of Miradon.

" There!" Haren pointed to the corpse of a shikari lying on the ground. Its corpse sprawled on the black snow in a pool of purple liquid, a sword poking out of its chest.

" At least they killed it!" Dakran said and pulled the horse to a halt and jumped off the horse.

But before he could take a step, the ground shook, and a roar pealed in the air, followed by a series of shrieks. Dakran turned to look around, and his eyes fell on two shikaris charging towards them.

" Shit! Run!" Haren shouted and spurred the horse, galloping towards what was left of Tsavo.

A series of screams from the men and women that had survived filled his ears, and he knew he had to buy time for them to escape to safety.

" Haren!" Darkran called as shikari charged towards him, stomping the ground beneath their feet.

Haren skidded next to him over the black snow, nodded, and took his fighting stance. Haren was a weak swordsman, but he was faster than anyone he knew, and that was what they needed.

They both nodded at each other. They fought alongside each other more times than he could count. They didn't need words in the battleground. Haren charged, gaining momentum, and the moment the shikari opened its mouth to spew fire at him, he slid on the snow under the flames and stood at the beast's feet. The only thing he saw after that was the purple liquid pouring on the ground melting the black snow as he kept the other shikari occupied. Evading and skiving its claws and the flames that followed him everywhere he went.

The shikari roared and followed him while Haren landed the final blow to the first one that fell with a ground-shaking thud. Dakran caught with the corner of his sword, six razor-sharp claws coming from his side, he turned around to face the shikari, but blazing flames came towards him, and he had to throw himself on the ground and roll out of the way.

The shikari tried to stomp him with its feet, but it missed him several times. His dark clothing helped him blend with the snow. Not so easy to find, and darkness played in their favour. A roar followed by a fading shriek, and he knew Haren had killed one of the shikaris. Now it was his turn to end the damned creature. It got on his nerve. He pushed himself off the ground and looked up. He was in between its legs. I couldn't have any better than that. He would get to live another day. The shikari spewed more flame out of its mouth, and it missed him by the hair. Dakran pushed himself off the ground, and when he looked up, he saw the shikari's groin. There was no cock or pussy between its legs. No wonder they were so pissed. I would be as well if would I were cockless. Laughter almost escaped his lips, but he shook his head and looked at the flames in front of him. What was left of Tsavo was now burning in a hot blazing fire.

Dakran swung his sword left and right in two arcs and gashed the creature's legs, but the shikari remained standing, shrieking in pain. It wasn't enough. Hot flames came toward him, and he ducked behind the creature's leg. And the beast burned its own foot and tried to stomp him again.

Dakran moved to the other leg, plunged his sword into it and gashed the leg to the heel. The creature lifted its leg and stepped back, spewing more flame at him.

Haren was fast enough, pulled his ass on the ground, slashing the other leg of the shikari. Roaring and shrieking, the shikari fell on its side, huffing. Hot liquid dribbled out its mouth.

" Liadan!" shikari roared and attempted to push itself off the ground.

Haren walked behind it and plunged his sword into the shikari's back but missed the heart.

" Liadan! Heth mian diasfi lenious!" shikari garbled. Haren ran his sword across its thick neck, but it didn't cut deep enough to behead the creature.

Dakran plunged his sword into the shikari again, and this time, he heard the creature breathing slowly fading. It was giving its last breath.

Dakran pulled out the sword and looked at it. It was slowly melting away, just like it happened with all the other blades they'd used on the creatures.

" Aelyn is working on making better swords. He thinks that ironstone and steel might make durable swords." Haren suddenly said, throwing his sword on the ground. It was useless now.

" What about the people in the outpost?" Dakran asked, his gaze shifting to the blazing flames burning the Tsavo remnants.

" They are making their way to the next one. I think it's Harnham outpost just outside Ianri territory." Haren replied, studying the two lifeless creatures on the ground.

Dakran looked around, and his eyes fell on the horse that stood next to Haren's horse. He had forgotten about it at the moment. He was surprised to see they hadn't run away. Everyone else did. They walked past the shikari, making their way through burned tents and pots and charred corpses. People that had fought the first creature before they got there. It was what usually happened. He considered himself lucky. Haren was a cunt but a skilled warrior, and without him, he would have been dead.

" I owe you life debt!" Dakran said as they approached the horses.

" You saved my life more times than I can count! Considered your debt paid!" Haren said, mounting the horse.

" I had to. You always came to the battleground half drunk! I think this is the first time you held a sword sober!" Dakran chuckled and shook his head.

" Probably!" Haren shrugged and went for his flask, but he shoved it back in the bag.

Dakran chuckled " I need you to be sharp! No more drinking, Haren, or we will die on these lands!" Dakran reasoned and mounted his horse.

Haren hummed " Harnham?" he asked, and Dakran nodded.