Brushing Elbows With Provisional Freedom.

" You knew this would happen?" Iris scowled. Her voice was harsher than she had intended, looking at Lund.

Lund took a step forward and glanced at Arkathira " Yes!" he paused " The source was made for our people! Azra is both. We will-

" What will happen if it doesn't accept him?" she barked at Lund, huffing because of the unbearable heat and the seething anger that bubbled inside her like hot magma while Lund was unseemly unbothered by the events.

" He will die! It's an hono-

" And you still let him do it? How could you do this? He is your blood! He is my child!" Iris raged, slamming her fists into Lund's chest, panting. Fear and loss gripped her heart, a knot lodged in her throat, and she couldn't breathe at the sudden pain that shrouded her.

Lund looked at her and waved his hand " Take her!" he ordered, and Iris turned to leave.

Though she didn't make it very far as the knights in the King's Guards picked her up, she kicked and thrashed, but it was to no avail. She wasn't as strong. She had broken the bond with the source. She screamed and burst into flames. At least that still worked, she thought. The knights released her from their grip. Her body kicked into high gear, and she ran to the nearest portal. She felt being grabbed by the arm and thrown on the ground. Gaelin's face appeared in front of her. The same dumb smile etched on his face.

" I'm sorry, Princess! This must be done!" Gaelin said, on his heels as he fished a pouch out of his tunic, took out a bracelet and placed it on her wrist. Her eyelids grew heavier, and she felt herself slip into darkness.

"It's time to return home!" she heard Lund's voice. It sounded distant.

" What about the boy, Your Grace!" she heard Gaelin ask Lund.

" If the source doesn't accept him, we will find another way!" Lund replied, and she felt lifted off the ground.

When she opened her eyes, Iris quickly realised she wasn't in Ellora anymore. The stone walls and the same shade of red that ornated the curtains and bed covers told her they were in Zandar. Iris pushed herself off the bed and looked at herself. She was still wearing the same clothes. She looked around the room for her bag, but it was nowhere to be seen. Lund took her bag.

In a few lunges, she was at the door, but when she pulled on the knob, it was fucking locked.

" Open the door!" she screamed, banging on the door.

" Forgive me, Princess! His Grace has instructed us not to!" the guard outside the door said.

" Fuck!" she hissed a curse and looked around the room. The windows were high. No way she could climb all the way there.

Iris paced around the room for a little while and sat on the bed and hugged her knees, looking at the door. Was Lund so desperate to bring her home? Why? It made no sense.

The clicking sound of a door unlocking broke her thoughts, and she stood up from the bed.

Lund walked into the room, wearing his royal attire and a crown.

" How are you feeling?" he sat on a chair and looked at her with a piercing gaze.

" Where is Azra?" she shot the question and stood up from the bed. Hands balled up, fiercely glaring at Lund.

Lund looked around the room and inhaled " I don't know!" he causally answered, as if he didn't give a flying toss about her son. He didn't, she concluded.

" You didn't wait to see what happened?" Iris hissed through gritted teeth and approached Lund.

Lund stood up and raised his hand in front of him " No! Now, calm down!" he answered with a straight face, and lowered himself back in the chair.

" He is your blood! He is my son! How could you?" she questioned in a trembling voice.

" It might be so! But his blood has been dirtied when you slept with that scum that you call husband! N'gatarkan spawn!" Lund grimaced, repulsed at the thought of her and Ian.

" He is nothing like N'gatarkan! He couldn't be any different! How can you still say that about him when he gave his own life to save me, from saving all of us!" her voice broke, and she slumped on the bed, buried her face in her hands and screamed.

" Gaelin is a worthy man! He is of our kind, and he will treat you well! The ceremony of your union will begin shortly! The handmaids are waiting outside! I trust that you will do your part and cooperate." Lund said in a gruff, assertive tone and stood up from his chair.

" The books? Where are the books?" she hurriedly asked without even bothering to reply to Lunds earlier words.

" I will return them to you once the ceremony is complete!" Lund said over his shoulder and walked out of the room.

A row of maids walked in carrying clothing, water, towels and whatever they needed to get her ready. She grimaced when one of the maids placed a dark red dress on the bed. The colour hurt her eyes. It didn't matter, she would take Gaelin as her husband, but she would never give herself to him. She had a husband.

" Your Grace, the bath water is ready!" one of the handmaids said with her head down.

She didn't bother to say anything to the maid and walked into the bathing chamber, followed by the maids. She raised her hand and turned to look at them.

" Leave!" she said bearly containing a scream.

The maid bowed and scurried out of the bathing room, closing the door behind them.

She looked at the tub for a while and finally slipped out of her grubby clothes.