On The Precipice

Iris stood on the edge of the bed, feeling more tired than before she went to bed. She had spent most of the night crying. The pillow was soaking wet with her tears. Pushing herself off the bed and shuffled her way to the mirror with heavy steps. She looked worse than she felt. Red puffy eyes darkened her expression. She quickly turned away from the mirror. She couldn't look at the woman staring back anymore. She heaved a shaky sigh puffing her red cheeks, and shuffled her feet into the bathing chamber. She sunk her face into the washing bowl and stayed like that until she had to pull her head out of the water, gasping for air.

It was early, and probably none of the handmaids wouldn't make their presence known for a while since everyone assumed that she and Gaelin had consumed their marriage.

She washed her face and walked back into her sleeping chamber. Rummaging through the wardrobe, and pulled out the only dress that didn't make her want to throw up the contents of her stomach. The light blue dress covered everything, and her thoughts returned to Ian. Iris chuckled at the memory of Ian entering a fit because of her revealing dress.

" You promised me!" she sniffled, and another tear fell on her cheek. It seemed an eternity since she had the last saw Ian.

Iris took a deep breath. She needed to stop crying. She had to find a way out of Zandar. She donned the blue dress, tied her hair in a bun, and sat back on the bed. She was wondering what had happened to Azra. Iris hoped that Arkathira had accepted him. During her anointing, that didn't happen. It came as a shock when Arkathira took him. She wondered how many people had died trying to control the blasted thing. Probably too many.

A knock on the door broke her thoughts, and she pushed herself off the bed and opened the door.

" Your Grace!" one of the maids bowed.

" We are here to help you get ready!" another maid said with her head down.

" No need! I'm already dressed!" Iris walked back to the room, and three maids walked in carrying bath water and clothes.

" His Grace has instructed us to help you!" one maid said.

" Who?" Iris asked. Everyone was their Grace in this place. It was hard to tell who they were referring to.

" King Lund!" another clarified, looking at the floor.

" As I said, you don't need to do any of that!" Iris tried to keep calm, but the maids annoyed her. Not because they've done anything out of place, but she didn't want to be there, in Zandar. She was forced to marry and live the life Lund had envisioned.

She had been competent in dressing herself and bathing without the help of maids so far. She didn't need to be coddled.

" Please, Your Grace! Let us do our work!" another maid pleaded.

Iris narrowed her eyes at the maid, but she couldn't see anything with her head down.

" Let them do what they are here for, Khiah! I told you to stop behaving like a petulant child!" Lund said as he sauntered inside her chamber. All overbearing and suffocating.

" You look like you need all the help that you can get! Your face is swollen, and you have red eyes! It seems you spent your night crying instead of doing your duty as a wife!" Lund plopped himself in a chair and pinned her down with his gaze. He was heavily glaring, lips set in a thin line, and his hands strangled the chair's armrests. He was furious. It was clear that the news had reached him already. Her request to Gaelin had been made known to Lund.

" I have to say I didn't expect any less from you! Gaelin is your husband, and if you don't warm his bed, someone else will! I'm sure that someone already did!" Lund said with conceited calmness. His gaze went to one of the younger maids. Her hair stuck out from under her head cap. Compared to her, she was a child.

Lund clicked his tongue and waved the maids to leave, and they scurried out of the room. Leaving her and Lund alone.

" Gaelin is a man, and like any other man, his appetite needs to be sated! " Lund began what seemed a lengthy speech " Now, you can sulk all you want and cry for that scum you call husband, but you have a duty towards your people and your husband. I expect you to fulfill that duty. Both, in fact, with the utmost grace and enthusiasm." Lund paused momentarily and stood up from his chair " In Zandar, you'll have everything you need or could want! You're the crown princess and the future Queen! People love you, and I suggest you stop chasing that man. Even if you succeed in helping him to regain his soul, there is no place for him in Zandar, and I would never allow you to leave Zandar. Not unless I'm dead" he grabbed her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. He kept calm." This your home Khiah! Let go of the past and embrace your future. Gaelin has told me that you asked for time to mourn your loss! You will do your marital duties and seal the bond between you and him tonight! Do you understand?" Lund's fingers dug into her shoulders so deep that it hurt. He wasn't asking. It was an order.

Iris didn't say anything. Despite being in pain, she kept her composure and held her breath. Her time just got shorter. Lund wouldn't let her off if she didn't bed Gaelin. The bond that she and Ian had is what he was talking about. Their lives would be connected, and their souls as well. Of course!

That was it. Ian wasn't completely lost. Their souls were still connected, which meant there was still hope.

" I don't understand why it is so important to you that I and Gaelin-

" This is a kingdom, and like every kingdom, its politics are intricate. There was an uproar when you went missing. When there was no heir to the Zandarin throne. The echelon had requested that someone from the founding houses be named heir." Lund explained, still holding to her shoulders, his grip loosened a tad, but it was a firm hold.

" You don't want to lose the crown! Of course!" Iris scoffed, emerald eyes stared into emerald eyes—the endless chase for power, where people would murder one another just to gain control.

" No! It is mine! I brought our people into this realm. It is mine! I saved them, and now they want someone else to take my place. Your marriage with Gaelin has solidified my claim, and I will pass on the crown to you. Our name will be carried forward." Lund was getting angrier as he spoke, and his face furiously contorted.

" The children you will bear from Gaelin will carry the Garrone name forward!" Lund wasn't giving her a choice. His tone was decisive, and his expression hardened.

Lund finally let go of her shoulders " You should get ready! Gaelin said you wanted to see the lands and meet the people! He is waiting for you! And remember, tonight, when you return, you will bring Gaelin to your chamber and bed him! Otherwise, there will be consequences!" Lund threatened and walked out of the chamber without sparing her another word or a glance. He was cold, nothing like the father she would have imagined.

The maids were waiting outside the door, and she was sure they'd heard the conversation between her and Lund.

They all walked in and bowed " Your Grace!" one of the maids approached with a green dress in her hand.

" The crown prince had this arranged for you to wear, Your Grace," the maid said, head down as if looking at her. It was forbidden.

Iris didn't reply. Lund had made it very clear there was no way out. Whether she liked it or not. Once again, she had become a puppet in someone else play.