
After days of riding on the horse along with Pelham, Ironstone had finally come into their view. Its bright flickering lights in the distance gave Dakran peace and calmness. He had left Maya alone in Ironstone. He hoped she hadn't gotten into trouble while he was gone.

The blooming feeling in his stomach had quickly turned restless, and the more he looked at the mountain in front of him, the further it looked.

The horses were tired. They hadn't had food or water since he left Ironstone. The pace was so slow that he was sure if he had walked, he would have made it home faster.

Pelham sighed " I hope the young miss hasn't given up, and she is still breathing!" Pelham said with a heavy heart whilst looking at the rock called Ironstone.

" I hope so too!" Dakran mumbled, looking somewhat lost in his thoughts.

He was responsible for Edýia's state if he had listened to Pelham when he told him that Edýia was more dangerous with the stone tied to her neck than without. She would have survived Ruma just fine. But he didn't believe puddin'. He thought that the man was rambling and had a few bolts missing.

" Tell me at least that you can do something to at least wake her up!" Dakran broke the silence, looking for reassurance from Pelham. Guilt already weighed him down for what he had done. If Edýia passed, he wouldn't be able to overcome it.

Pelham hummed " I can, but I must warn you. If she is in a poor state, there won't be much else I can do!" Pelham said in a grave tone, and this time, Dakran believed the man. He had to.

Dakran nodded " I trust you will do the best you can!." Dakran said with his eyes on Ironstone.

Issare cawed above his head, and Dakran stretched his hand for the bird to land.

" I'm home, sweet girl!" Dakran caressed the bird's head as Issare flapped its wings, cooing at his words.

" I hope you treat women as lovingly as you treat the dang bird!" Pelham chuckled, snorting like a wild gilt.

" I do!" Dakran retorted and looked in the at Ironstone that finally was closer, and he felt his heart soaring, and his stomach knotted into bundles. The thrill of seeing Maya was a much-awaited and dreaded feeling simultaneously. What if she had changed her mind?

" I find it hard to believe!" Pelham scoffed and snorted some more at his words.

" Believe what you want, Pelham! I'm nothing like Haren!" Dakran waved him off while Issare returned to her flight, hovering above his head.

" What comes out of a cat mouse catches!" Pelham retorted, scoffing again, and waved him.

" I saw how you and Haren pushed Edýia around like she was a puppet! I find it hard to believe you would treat women with respect when you can even extend the courtesy to your sister!" Pelham mocked Dakran, and if he would be able to see his face, he was sure Pelham was giving him dirty looks

Dakran had no words to excuse his behaviour towards his sister. Pelham was right, and he knew it. Even though they did it to protect Edýia and others, they should have looked for better ways to handle the situation.

Dakran halted his horse in front of the Ironstone gate and jumped off the horse. Pelham followed his lead. The horses were huffing, out of breath, and he was sure they would collapse any moment if they didn't get food and water in them as soon as possible.

" Maras! Open the gate!" Dakran called, and the sound of steps descending put a smile on lips.

" Welcome home, milord!" Maras shouted, straining to open the gate

" I see you found what you were looking for!" Maras said, tipping his chin towards Pelham.

' Yes! How is she?" Dakran asked as he walked through the gate, followed by Pelham.

" Not well, milord! Maya said," Maras paused when Dakran grumbled something "the young miss is just skin on bones!" Maras informed in a quiet voice and took the horse's reins.

" The horses need food and water! Make sure that you give them plenty!" Dakran said to Maras, but the young man didn't move his feet.

" What is it?" Dakran curtly asked, sounding harsher than he had intended.

" We are running low on food and water milord! We still have a few days, maybe a week's worth of food and water, but after that, we will be like a fish on dry land!" Maras explained and took his leave, taking the horses with him without waiting for Dakran to respond to the news.

" Crap!" Dakran cursed some more under his breath, unhappy with the news. It was to be expected but not this soon.

Their supplies came from beyond the border, and now with the creatures that have gone past it. He had no clue where to turn. With the dark clouds covering the skies, black rain poured out of them. Soon the entire realm will perish from famine. There was no need for monsters; the black clouds sufficed to wipe them out of existence.

" You can worry about it later!" Pelham broke his thoughts as he walked up the steps, utterly unbothered by the fact that there would be no food in less than a week.

" There is no later Pelham. The journey across the border and back is long, and in a few days, there will be no food or water." Dakran worriedly said as he followed Pelham inside Ironstone.

Pelham hummed " You're right! I suggest you get ready for your next adventure! I need to be fed properly!" Pelham patted him on the shoulder and looked up the flight of stairs before them.

Dakran fought the urge to punch Pelham. He was a pudgy man. He couldn't understand how he remained the same despite everyone struggling to put food on the table.

" I will leave once I've had some rest!" Dakran sighed heavily and resigned, fighting his fate of constantly being away from home. First the monsters, then the Southlands and the list went on and on.

He had just returned and hoped to spend some time with Maya, but now he had to leave again. He wasn't happy with how things were working out for him.

" You have returned safely, milord! It warms my heart to see you safe and sound!" Sala spoke from behind him. The woman appeared out of nowhere. She seemed genuinely happy. Which was odd. Sala was just as sulky as he was.

He had known Sala for as long as he could remember, and she had never given him a warm welcome. The woman was colder than the mountain.

Dakran halted his steps and turned to look at Sala. He was sure his mind was playing tricks on him. He hadn't slept, he didn't remember last time he had closed his eye to sleep.

" Glad that you're in good spirits Sala!" Dakran greeted back and Sala bowed and smiled at him. She could smile . He had never seen her smile.

" I will prepare a bath for you milord!" Sala offered with a bow.

Dakran narrowed his eyes at her " There isn't much water left ! Save it for cooking and drinking ! Just bring a washing basin with warm water to my chambers. It will suffice!" Dakran resumed his walking without waiting for Sala to say anything more.

He wanted to see Edya and Maya more than anything else in that moment.

Dakran waved Pelham to move his feet and pointed at the door that layed in the middle of the corridor. Dakran heard quick steps behind him but he ignored them thinking it was Sala but a few moments later, someone crashed in his back and arms wrapped around his waist.

He knew those arms.They were hers.

" You're back !" Maya beamed and he felt the exhaustion leave his body in a blink of an eye. His lips curled up in a satified smile. His little red was happy to see him. And he couldn't get enough of it that feeling of being wanted and loved. He wished to stay in her arms like that for an eternity.