A Way Out

The carriage finally stopped, and Gaelin took his eyes off the window and looked at her. He had been silent. She didn't dare to ask what was on his mind. The man was just as slippery as a toad. He could hide his thoughts very well.

The carriage door opened, and Gaelin climbed out and offered his hand for her to take, helping her to climb out of the carriage.

" I will see you at dinner!" Gaelin said as they climbed the steps of the Palace.

Iris hummed and nodded with a polite smile on her lips. As they walked through the corridors leading to her chambers, the servants bowed to them, and it felt refreshing. The servants were giving him the respect that he was owed, finally. He was no longer just the High Vizir. He was the next King of Zandar. No longer a vassal to his liege. He would have a political say and be one step closer to the throne.

Gaelin halted before the door and kissed the back of her hand. Even though she hadn't eaten anything since morning, she needed to throw up. She couldn't stand his touch, but she had to swallow it down—no other choice.

" I have some matters to look into, but I will meet you in the dining hall," Gaelin said, letting go of her hand and pushing the door open.

Iris smiled " I will see you then !" she said and walked into the room.

Gaelin briefly glanced around the room, nodded and closed the door as he retreated.

Iris looked at the stone she'd been holding since they left the market. The liantur stone would help Edýia if she could only get to her. Her heart squeezed at the thought of the poor girl suffering. She hadn't done anything to deserve what was happening to her. She didn't know what Ian was doing. Was he alright? Did Ian still remember her? Will he keep his promises? She will try to keep hers!

A knock on the door broke her thoughts " Come in !" Iris beckoned and tucked the stone in her bosom.

The handmaids pushed the door open and bowed " Your Grace!" they both chorused.

Iris looked at the two older maids. The younger one was missing.

" Where is the other one ?" She pinned the maids with her gaze, but she knew they wouldn't be able to see it with their heads down.

The maids were flustered but remained silent.

Iris stepped forward and pinched their chins, raising their heads to look at her.

" The truth!" Iris ordered, and the maids gave each other sideways glances.

" Forgive us, Your Grace, but it is not our place to speak of such things!" one maid spoke in riddles.

Iris narrowed her eyes at them " What things?" Iris played dumb, and the maids took a step back.

" The girl you're asking about", the other maid spoke " She has been asked to visit the chambers of our future king!" the maid finished speaking, biting on her lips, while the other one glared at her.

" I see!" Iris smiled at the maids, and this time it was a genuine one.

" Do you mind fetching her for me!" Iris feigned politeness, and the maid that spoke the truth bowed and left the room.

" While we wait for the other two to join us, you can help me get out of this dress!" Iris walked to the dressing table and sat in front of the mirror.

The maid placed the clothes she had brought with her on the bed, and Iris grabbed the candle holder from the dressing table and knocked the maid in the head with it. The maid fell on the bed and groaned in pain, and Iris hit her on the head again, and the maid finally lost her senses.

Iris quickly slipped out of her dress and undressed the maid as fast as possible. If Gaelin had taken the younger maid to bed, then she had time to change into servant clothing and slip out of the castle unnoticed. The realm's safety was its weakness, with no other threat. No gates and most guards were placed around the portals. So not that many in the palace.

Iris shoved as much of her hair as she could under the cap, took the purple stone and dashed out of the room. The books that her father had would have to stay behind. She had no other choice. As she walked through the corridor outside the castle, Iris kept her head down, trying not to look at the passing guards or other servants. When she reached the entrance, she looked behind to see if anyone was following her; and climbed down the steps as fast as she could, looking down the road to see if anyone was patrolling the steep road. Even if there wasn't, she couldn't stay on it. With that thought in mind, she climbed down the rocks that guarded the road on either side. It wasn't easy. Her feet kept sliding on the smooth rocks. She'd dropped the stone but quickly caught it before it fell into a crevice in the face of the mountain. The guards at the portal were a different matter. The moment she stepped off the steep rocks, she heard a commotion up on the hill. They knew she was gone. She needed more time.