Showing His True Colours

The ride from the port was shorter than Iris had wanted it to be. Lund took just

his leave without saying anything more to Gaelin or her.

" Where are we going?" she asked Gaelin, giving him sideways glances.

" Where I can keep an eye on you!" Gaelin casually replied, looking ahead.

Iris's gaze went downcast, and her shoulders slumped " Where is that?" she pressed for more, but she already had an idea.

It was either the dungeons, if there were any, in the palace or his chambers. Iris internally cringed at that thought. The one thing she's been trying to avoid.

" I suggest you behave! I'm in no mood playing cat and mouse with you!" Gaelin said and halted his steps.

Iris didn't reply. She kept walking, thinking that they had cats in this place. Maybe they had wolves too. If Gaelin were planning to make her sleep in his chambers, she would have plenty of opportunities to sever his head and feed it to wolves. That little thought brought a sliver of solace.

" We are here!" Gaelin said, and she raised her eyes to look around.

The door leading to his private quarters was in front of them, with guards on each side who narrowed their eyes at her.

" No one is to enter or leave without my saying so!" Gaelin gave his order to the guards.

" Understood, Your Grace!" the guards chorused and opened the double doors for them to enter.

" After you!" Gaelin waved his hand and smiled, and she felt the content of her stomach on her mouth again.

Iris stepped through the door with heavy feet, and Gaeling followed. When she heard the sound of the doors closing for a split moment, she felt her soul leave her body. As they walked along the corridor to his chamber, her pace slowed, and she was ready to run back. Gaelin walked in front of her and pushed the door to his room open, and waited for her to reach him. Iris took a deep breath, turned on her heels, and ran again. She knew she didn't stand a chance, but she didn't want to share a bed with Gaelin. She would take the dungeons any day.

The footsteps echoed behind her, and she knew that Gaelin was chasing after her. She felt being yanked back, and her ass hit the ground.

Gaeling growled, " I told you I'm not in the mood to play chase with you! Your little escapade earlier interrupted my precious time with the young maid!" Gaelin pulled her off the floor, gripping her arm tightly, dragging her back to his chambers.

" If you're so fond of her, I have nothing against it as long as you stay the fuck away from me!" Iris raged and pulled her arm out of his grip with a death glare.

Gaelin lips curled up in a wicked grin " Oh!" he chuckled " I see the little mouse can bite! I prefer my mice obedient, but you'll have to do for now!" Gaelin amusedly said and pushed her through the door.

" Undress!" Gaelin said as he took his cloak off.

" No!" Iris barked and crossed her arm in front of her.

Gaelin chuckled " You are a lot of work. I prefer to put all the effort in more pleasurable endeavours." he tried to sound charming but failed miserably as he approached her, unbuttoning his jacket.

" Even though you're not a maiden anymore. I bet you're a good fuck. I'm always looking to try new things, and I can do with you as I please. You're my wife, and you will do what is asked of you!" Gaelin brooked, uncrossing her arms.

" Undress!" He asked again, looking into her eyes " Or I will do it for you !" he said with a wicked smile on his lips. His eyes hungrily racked her face and stopped on her bosom.

" I've never fucked a woman with tidies as big as yours! I can't wait to fuck your tits!" he crooned. His grin grew wider, palming her breast and he huffed aroused.

Iris blinked at him. She had no words to retort. That was no way to speak to your wife. She felt even more revulsed than she already was. Gaelin was as filthy as they come.

" I guess I will have to undress you myself." his voice strained as he tugged on her dress, revealing her breast.

Gaelin licked his lips, and leaned in to kiss her. Her hand itched to slap him silly. Before she realised what she had done, Gaeling stumbled backwards, holding his jaw and glaring at her.

In one quick lunge, he approached and grabbed her, throwing her on the bed. His expression darkened, and he looked angry.

" We will do it your way!" Gaeling snickered, unbuttoning his trousers, and pulled out his cock.

Gaeling grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed " On your knees! Suck me!" he ordered stiffly.

Iris gave him a venomous glare, but he didn't bother to take any notice of it.

" I'm sure you sucked a cock before!" Gaelin crooned, fisting her hair and shoving his cock in her face.

Iris closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had no intention of touching him or sucking anything of his. Gaelin growled at her refusal to obey him and pushed her onto the bed.

" Since you interrupted me earlier. I didn't get to finish what I started with the young maid, and I'm feeling a little on edge!" Gaelin loomed over her and took her breast in his mouth.

" Now, be a good girl and spread your beautiful long legs!" Gaelin crooned, raising his head to look at her.

She had already made up her mind on Gaelin. The man was a brute, and he had no idea how to treat a woman. She wondered if all men of her kind were the same. If they were, she felt happy that Seth had done what he did.

Gaelin climbed off the bed at her refusal to move and spread her legs, placing himself between them. She tried to cross her legs, but he was stronger than her, and his grip was so tight that it hurt.

Iris groaned in pain when his fingers dug deeper into her thighs, and Gaelin chuckled.

" If you moan like that when my cock is in you then this should be a delightful time for both of us!" Gaelin smirked at her and pulled her close enough that she felt his cock brush her folds.

" No!" Iris barked, trying to free herself. Gaelin chuckled and tightened his grip on her thighs.

" My little dove!" he crooned and paused momentarily " I don't think you understand! I'm not fucking asking. I'm taking it whether you like it or not. Just do us both a favour and pretend that you're enjoying this." Gaelin amusedly said and pushed her underwear aside, brushing the tip of his cock against her folds, letting out a pleasured moan.

Iris tried to pull away from his grip, but he was much stronger than she was, and she quickly grew tired.

" No!" she screamed and closed her eyes.