A Slice Of Normality

At the clatter of plates and utensils hitting the wooden table, Dakran languidly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to chase away his sleepy daze.

His eyes fell on Sala, who was busy placing the food on the table. He was surprised to see her in the room. Sala never entered his quarters without his permission. He took a deep breath and looked at Maya, who was glued to him. Her head rested on his chest, hugging his waist. She was blissfully asleep in his arms. She looked peaceful, and he stilled himself and looked at her, taking that moment in. She was so beautiful. He couldn't take his eye off her. With her button nose, sweet soft lips, and freckled cheeks, she was adorable, and he felt the urge to caress her face but lowered his hand down when Maya mumbled something in her sleep.

" Milord!" He heard Sala call to him as she approached the bed and looked at Maya. She looked at her differently " Supper is served!" Sala informed without taking her eyes off Maya.

Dakran frowned, his gaze lowered and looked at Maya. Little Dak jumped off the bed and climbed into the seat at the table, sniffing the food.

Sala jumped and took the volsa off the chair, giving little Dak a disapproving look " You already ate today twice!" Sala whispered, scolding little Dak, and he had to swallow a chuckle at the scene. She used to say the same thing to him and Haren when they were little whenever she found them in the kitchen rummaging for food.

Maya grumbled, jumped up and looked around the room, startled and panicky.

" Oh my!' Maya exclaimed, covering her cheeks, and climbed off the bed as if her feet were on fire " I need to go help Falkirk clean up the kitchen!" she worriedly said and grabbed the cloak off the hook and rushed toward the door.

" It's alright, dear! Falkirk can handle cleaning the kitchen himself for once" Sala tried to ease her worries and bowed to Dakran.

Maya's shoulders slumped, pouted, and reluctantly returned to bed and plopped herself on edge. Sala gave her a small smile and patted her shoulder, and Dakran had to blink. He hadn't seen that woman smile in ages. Maya gave her a small smile and reluctantly nodded.

" You can help me clean up the plates later," Sala said, making her way to the door, and Maya brightened up. He couldn't help himself anymore and chuckled.

Maya turned to him and gave him a questioning look. Dakran pushed himself off the bed and gave Sala a nod as Sala left the room.

Dakran grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes" Maya! You don't have to do any of this", his lips curled between his teeth " We will be married soon, and you will be the Lady of Ironstone!" Dakran grinned " My wife, Lady Vamadar!" he pursed his lips and gulped.

Maya frowned " This is not a time to play ranks, Dakran. Sala needs help. She can't do everything on her own. I'm happy to help, and so is little Dak. Isn't that right, my sweet boy?" Maya babied the volsa, rubbing its ears.

Dakran chuckled and reluctantly nodded " All right! You will do it anyway once I leave." Dakran amusedly said, letting go of her shoulders. There was no point fighting her on this. Maya would do as she saw fit, but she didn't need to.

Maya grinned, and he knew he was right.

" Come, let's eat! I need to check on Edýia before I leave." Dakran kissed the back of her hand and stood up, striding to the table.

Maya nodded and followed him to the table. Little Dak followed and jumped in her lap the moment she sat down. Dakran looked at little Dak and then at her and frowned.

" He sits with me when I eat." Maya said in a small voice, " He is good company." Maya grumbled as she patted the volsa's head.

She already knew Dakran disapproved of little Dak, but he had kept her company while he was gone. Now she wasn't so sure that she wanted to let the volsa go.

Dakran hummed after a few moments of silence and picked up a piece of bread from the table, and little Dak licked his snout, eyeing the bread, and whined.

Dakran's eyebrows raised." I don't think so! You might have her wrapped around your paw, but I won't fall for that look you're giving me!" Dakran said to little Dak, and the volsa curled up Maya's lap.

Maya rubbed the volsa's head and looked at him askance.

"What?" Dakran shrugged, eating his food.

" You don't speak like that with Issare, do you?" Maya asked with a frown.

Dakran took a deep breath " No!" he calmly answered, and his eyes flew to the window.

" Issare doesn't share a bed with me." Dakran amusedly said and carried on eating his food.

" No, but Sala said you treat the bird rather well." Maya grinned and gave little Dak a piece of bread.

Dakran closed his eyes " Issare is useful!" Dakran retorted and looked at little Dak.

" He will be, too, when he grows!" Maya said in a small voice and gave him a pleading look.

" We agreed, little red! He goes!" Dakran crooned and returned to eating his food.

Maya's gaze went downcast, and she pouted " I'll look after him!" she mumbled and sighed.

Dakran sighed and leaned in his chair, looking at little Dak. He clicked his tongue, but nothing came out.

" I will think about it!" Dakran mumbled, picking a piece of bread from the table and giving it to little Dak.

Maya's despondent disposition quickly brightened up, and she finally began eating her food, sharing with little Dak some of it. He wasn't sure if he should tell her or not. He'd never found the right moment, but he will have to bite on it sooner rather than later.

She was mothering little Dak, and she would have been a great mother, but fate had other plans for her. Perhaps not knowing at all would be better for her. He had to come up with a plan.

Maya took the plate in front of him and gave it to little Dak, and the cub wiped it clean in a blink of an eye. Maya giggled and gave him her plate as well.

" He is good at cleaning!" Maya beamed. Her eyes sparkled with joy.

" Yes, he is!" Dakran agreed with a chuckle and leaned back in his chair.

Maya picked up the empty plates and stacked them on top of each other on the table " I'll take them to the kitchen! I want to speak with old grump anyway!" Dakran took the plates out of her hands and stood up.

" I'll meet you in Edýia's chamber." Dakran pecked her lips and tipped his chin to the door.