A Tender Moment

Dakran sat down with her in his lap, crossed his legs under her bottom, peering at her from behind his black lashes. As she looked at his ruffled raven hair, his bushy beard and full lips, she realised that Dakran was a handsome man. She had been so preoccupied with drowning in her sorrow that she hadn't noticed those details about him in their time together; nonetheless, he'd ceased to show her that he was there to stay.

Dakran licked his lips, wrapped his arm around her waist her and seemed to be thinking of something. There was a strange shine in his brown eyes.

" What's on your mind?" Maya softly asked, twiddling with his beard.

' I don't want to leave again!" he candidly answered, his thumb brushing her lower lip, pinching her chin.

" I can come with you", Maya beamed, overly enthusiastic. Her fingers combed through his beard, and it was soothing. He'd never enjoyed this kind of intimacy with women.

" No, little red !" Dakran brooked, " It best you stay in Ironstone. But I need you to make me a promise." Dakran pulled her closer to him and stopped a breath away from her lips.

" I need you to stay away from Haren. I know how that nutter thinks, and it's best to keep your distance." Dakran warned in a severe tone. His brows quirked up, waiting for her answer to his request.

Maya nodded " I can handle Haren. You don't have to worry about me." Maya's confidence in her abilities to protect herself from a prick like Haren did nothing to the thought that incessantly badgered him. Maya clasped his face and kissed his nose to assuage his tensed spirit.

Dakran closed his eyes " Just promise me you'll keep your distance while I'm gone. Please!" Dakran's eyes opened. He seemed concerned about her and Haren. Haren wasn't easy going as Dakran was, but she hoped she would eventually warm up to him.

Maya ran her fingers through his hair. Her eyes racked his features, and she hummed after a few moments of silence. Dakran brushed her lip with his thumb " Good!" he said, buried his face in her neck, and kissed her shoulder.

" Have there been any news from the border!" Dakran took a deep breath and raised his head to look at her.

" I sent Issare to the border as you asked, but she has returned without an answer." Maya traced his eyebrow with her finger; Dakran caught her hand and softly kissed her palm.

Dakran's lips set in a thin line, his gaze lowered, and the frown on his forehead deepened. He seemed to be pondering on something. When she sent the message to the border, she had followed Dakran instructions, so there was room for errors.

" I'll stop at the border on my way to the Southlands. There may be too many injured, and they couldn't travel. The Ianri have returned to their lands. My people are the only ones left to return." Dakran sullenly said and looked over his shoulder at the window. Perhaps he hoped to see something to ease his worries, but nothing was there except for the perpetual darkness.

Dakran hissed a breath " Our wedding" Dakran paused for a moment as she impatiently waited for his following words. Dakran snuggled closer and smiled the most dazzling smile she had yet to see on his lips. Her heart stopped momentarily, and she melted again, caught in his charms.

" I'll arrange to wed you once I return from the Southlands." Dakran cleared his throat, mainly to contain his ever-increasing excitement at the thought that they would be husband and wife soon.

Maya blushed and cupped her face. Her cheeks burned bright red, and he loved to see the joy shining in her green eyes. Maya's candid reactions were something he had never seen in a woman. She was an open book, her expressions betrayed her thoughts, and he didn't need to ask if she was happy with his plans. The answer was all over her face.

Dakran grinned, showing his perfect teeth, and she felt the tip of her ears burn. Once they are wed, she and Dakran share a bed as husband and wife. Angst slowly crept into her already galloping heart at that thought, ready to jump out of her chest and run around the room. She would have never thought that she would marry a man like Dakran. This was the first she had seen Dakran naked, but she had never undressed in front of a man. Her body was scarred, and she felt ugly. What would he think of her scars? The scars weren't exactly a pleasant sight.

Dakran pushed the dress off her shoulder and kissed the scar on it " You shouldn't worry about it!" Dakran hummed in the crook of her neck as he continued to sprinkle kisses on her neck and jaw.

Maya lowered her hands, rested her cheek on his head and released a sigh of contentment.

" You were frowning, and I'm guessing that had to do with the scars." Dakran hummed and kissed her neck, and it was the most comforting feeling she had yet to experience.

She was lacking, covered in scars, and couldn't bare any children, and here he was, lovingly soothing her worries. No man would've done that but not him. Her heart squeezed and fisted her dress, attempting to control antsy tension. Dakran took her hand in his brushing the back of it with his thumb and took a deep breath.

" I love you more than you think." Dakran gruff voice rumbled in her ear, and he buried his face deeper in the crook of her neck.

Maya ran her fingers through his hair. She hadn't moved and didn't reply. His sweet little red was a gentle soul. She didn't deserve what she had gone through, a victim of unfortunate circumstances, but she never complained. She took everything that came her way with her head held up high. He couldn't think of anyone else better suited to become the lady of Ironstone.

" Why?" her weak voice broke the silence, and he raised his head to look at her.

Dakran kissed her cheek " Because it is you!" he lovingly said, cupping her face and tenderly kissing her lips.

Maya opened her beautiful green eyes " I did nothing to deserve your love." she mumbled, her gaze lowered and settled on her hands.

Dakran chuckled " But you did, little red!" Dakran pinched her chin, his eyebrows raised " You brought me peace and happiness. You made me want to be better. Your sweet and kind nature made me love you more each day" he paused for a moment and kissed her lips " You had my heart the moment I saw you on the bank of that river. And since then, I have wanted nothing more than to have you in my life. You don't have to do anything; just be yourself, and that is more than enough. You will have my eternal love for who you are, not what you do to earn it." Dakran's heartfelt words left her speechless. His smouldering gaze fixed on her, and she realised that her love for him ran more profound than she had thought at first.

Maya's lips crashed into his. Her sloppy but passionate kiss made his heart and cock swell, eager to conquer the most sacred part of her body.