The Itch

Dakran hand curled up at the back of her head, and his tongue slipped in her mouth, tasting her mouth, kissing her with unbridled hunger.

When Dakran moaned in the kiss, the little bundle in her belly furled and unfurled, her hands gripped tight on his tunic. She was out of breath, but she didn't want the kiss to end, wanting to feel his touch again between her legs.

Dakran reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and groaned. His forehead rested on hers " I want you, little red!" he rasped and closed his eyes, panting.

Dakran tugged on her dress to reveal a plump round perky breast making Dakran hiss a breath " You have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen, little red" Dakran palmed her mound and kissed her lips, pouring all the hunger that he had for her into that kiss and slowly made his way to the corner of her mouth. At the same time, Maya desperately clung to him with trembling hands as his lips scorched her skin with every kiss his lips trailed to her shoulder, then the dip of her neck and the valley of her breasts.

Maya flustered and blushed " I've-" and moaned when his mouth latched on her breast and sucked on her peak, and she lost all sense of self-awareness as her prudeness dissolved into a puddle of lewd thoughts.

" Dakran", Maya moaned ", take me", she panted, grinding herself against his throbbing cock.

Dakran let go of her breast and growled, " Not yet, my sweet red." he stilled her hips with his hands and kissed her red, swollen lips.

It was torture, sweet pleasurable torture. He wanted nothing more than to take her, but he wanted to do right by her. She deserved at least that much, and with time, he hoped that he would be able to give her more, much more.

Maya opened her murked lusty green eyes and pouted with her sweet red lips. She was adorable when she did that, and he was mesmerised by his soon-to-be wife.

Dakran chuckled " Does it itch that bad?" he blurted out with a wicked grin on his lips with one eyebrow quirked up. The answer was in front of him, but her candid reactions brought him a sense of satisfaction in hearing the words roll off her enticing lips.

Maya closed her eyes and shuffled in his lap, making him groan when she rubbed her round bottom against his hard cock. At that question, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole, but he was right to ask it.

Maya opened her eyes and cleared her throat " Yes." she replied in an unwavering voice and covered her reddening cheeks with her hands attempting to hide her shame at her salacious desires.

Dakran chuckled again and hugged her to his chest " Not long now!" he mumbled, rubbing her back and kissing her temple, struggling to contain his frayed self-control.

Maya hummed, glaring at the stone wall. He kept stirring her and pulled away when she was ready to go further with him. He was mean, and she couldn't understand why he was so adamant about getting married first.

Maya sighed " We can have the ceremony later when everyone is Ironstone." she shamelessly suggested pulling away from his embrace and pinning him with a deprecating gaze.

Dakran chuckled, taking her hands into his " Little red if we do this now. I won't be going anywhere, and we will all starve. I won't have the strength to leave your side anymore." Dakran peered at her from behind his lashes. His expression darkened briefly.

Maya grinned and pushed the dress off her other shoulder, exposing her other breast, and he had to close his eyes. He'd only seen one so far, but bloody hell, she had the most beautiful full breasts. The round perky mounds were the most he had seen of Maya, but he had to use all his willpower to keep his hands to himself.

" So you'd rather starve?" Dakran questioned with his eyes still closed, and now he knew why Maya kept closing her eyes every time he showed up naked in front of her.

Maya hummed and took his hands and placed them on her breasts. Dakran bit his lips and moaned, " Oh little red, you're truly trying to drive me mad." he wickedly smiled, but his hands stayed on the soft mounds that fitted perfectly in his hands, and he'd struggled to resist the urge to knead and lick them.

Maya didn't reply.

Her lips lightly brushed on his, and she moaned when he pinched her peaks. Dakran took a deep breath in when her bottom pressed against his cock. She wanted him more than she had thought. The fire that Dakran had ignited inside her loins blazed, and she wanted to feel his touch on her body.

Dakran opened his eyes and, with a heavy sigh and reluctantly let go of her breasts and tugged on her dress, covering her up.

" I want you, but not like this little red." Dakran tied the laces on her shoulder. His hand caressed her arm and stopped at her hand.

Maya was flustered at the rejection. She grew ashamed, and her gaze went downcast.

" Maya!" Dakran clicked his tongue " I have to go, my little red." he lovingly kissed her forehead and stood up with her in tow.

Dakran walked to the wardrobe with Maya in his arms, pulled a few clean clothes, and shoved them in his bag. Maya buried her face in the crook of his neck and grumbled something intelligible.

Maya wasn't happy that he was leaving, and he wasn't either. He could spend a lifetime in her arms, but he had to deal with the food and water supply first.

Dakran sat back on the bed " I'll be back as fast as I can. I promise." He tried to ease her worries, but he didn't know long it would take to get what he needed.

Dakran hugged her tighter to his chest and, with a heavy heart, peeled Maya off him and placed her on the bed. Maya's sorrowful expression said everything that her lips wouldn't.

Dakran put on his thick jacket and his cloak and walked back to the bed. He lowered himself on his heels " I will be back as quick as I can. You even notice that I'm gone." he tried to cheer her up, but it was pointless. She remained silent and looked at her hands.

He didn't want to bed her and leave. It would have been the worst thing to do to someone. And he wanted Maya to be the first thing he saw when he woke.

Maya raised her head " I will walk with you!" She grumbled with a frown.

Dakran nodded, stood up and reached his hand to her. Maya stood from the bed, took his hand, and walked out of their chamber through the corridor leading to the main entrance.

"I need to find Sala before I go," Dakran said, and they descended the steps to the main entrance.

Sala appeared out of nowhere, and he wondered if Sala had just read his thoughts or followed him everywhere like a shadow.

Sala bowed " Milord, Maras had prepared the horses and all the necessities for your journey." she informed, frowning.

Dakran nodded " I need you to prepare some things for when I return " Dakran paused for a moment and looked at Maya " The wedding dress that my mother wore and my father's costume. Make sure they are washed and make sure that the dress will fit Maya. I'll stop at the border to check on our people. They should have arrived days ago. If Haren returns before I do, I've left a note in his chamber. There are some urgent things that he needs to take care of while I'm gone. Lastly, make sure Pelham stays put." Dakran gave his orders to Sala, and the woman just nodded in agreement.

Sala's gaze shifted to Maya and smiled " Yes, milord!" Sala curtly replied and bowed.

" Safe travels!" she wished Dakran and scampered away out of sight.

Dakran nodded and squeezed Maya's hand as they walked towards the door. Dakran halted his steps and turned to her " I love you, little red!" he lovingly said and kissed her forehead.

Maya smiled and took a deep breath " I love you too!" she replied shyly with her eyes on him.

Dakran nodded and let go of her hand with a heavy heart. He didn't want to leave, but it had to be done.