Time To Return Home

Dakran stepped out of Ironstone with a heavy heart, and his steps were just as heavy. He glanced over his shoulder again to Maya, who was standing on the threshold, worried as she tried to summon a smile but failed and closed her eyes. A tear streaked her face, and he couldn't resist the urge and turn to her.

In one quick stride, Dakran was in front of Maya. Her eyes shined with tears, trembling lips, but she pressed them together and swallowed a sob. It was heartbreaking to watch, his stomach twisted, and he was at a loss for words. Dakran raised his hand, wiped the lone tear off her cheek, and looked at her pained expression. Joy and sorrow both swirled in his heart, he had her heart, but he couldn't stay and bask in her warmth and loving embraces. Hear the sounds of sparkling giggles and see her smiles that would put the sun to shame.

" Don't go" her pained expression and broken voice were like a stab to his heart.

Dakran took a sharp breath in, his frown deepened, and his beautiful brown eyes shined in the faint glow of the torches with unspoken words.

" Maya, little red!" he lovingly said, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. His touch was gentle and soft " I will be back as fast as I can" He scrunched his eyes to a close, his lips pressed together and lowered his hand to his side.

Maya nodded, her head hung low and turned around, leaving him to stare at her retreating. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Now he had to leave her behind again. She was safe in Ironstone. He had to. He couldn't bare to see her hurt again. She deserved more, better, and he hoped he would be the one to offer a fraction of what she deserved.

When Maya's figure finally disappeared, Dakran turned on his heels, only to find Maras staring at him. At least he was sensible enough to keep his mouth shut.

Maras cleared his throat " The future Lady of Ironstone cares very much for you, Milord!" Maras said as Dakran descended the stairs to where Maras was standing.

Dakran nodded and glanced over his shoulder once more " And I care for her!" he said with the utmost conviction " I have a favour to ask Maras." Dakra took the horse's reins " Keep a close eye on her and ensure everyone knows their place. You're the most sensible around here, and I trust you will do as I ask." Dakran mounted the horse and looked at the other four horses tethered to his.

Maras bowed " Of course, Milord!" He grinned and met his gaze " My loyalty lies with you, Milord!" He added as he walked before the horse, pulling on the bridle.

The horse followed, " I will be in great debt to you, Maras, and you will be rewarded for your efforts!" Dakran earnestly said, looking up to see if he could glimpse at Maya one more time before he went.

" No need, Milord! It is my duty to you, Milord!" Maras humbled, letting go of the bridles and walked ahead to open the gate to Ironstone.

" Safe travels and safe return!" Maras wished as he nudged the horse to move through the gate.

Dakran nodded, and with a heavy heart, he rode his way out of Ironstone into the bleak lands that surrounded it. The urge to look back one more time poked incessantly at him, but he fixed his gaze on the reins to stop himself from doing so. The image of Maya's pained expression flashed in front of his eyes, and he wanted nothing more than run back and kiss her and lose himself in her.

Harren was his only concern. That dumbass would do something stupid while he wasn't around. He hoped their conversation before leaving for the Tsavo outpost was enough to keep him in line. Haren's views on women weren't the kindest.

The dark skies hadn't changed one bit. The horizon still couldn't be seen. It was hard to tell whether it was night or day. The border wasn't far, and he should reach it soon. The small lights flickering in the distance were good signs. They were still alive, but the fact none of them hadn't made any attempt to return home was worrying. How many were injured? Was it that bad? Dakran couldn't wait to find out.

As he approached the border, the lights grew more prominent, and he could hear the faint chatter and clatter ringing in the air. His thoughts drifted to his little red, and a grunt settled on his lips when her words echoed in his mind. " I love you, Dakran". Her sweet soft voice caressed his soul, and her words brought him a joy he had never felt. Maya would be his as soon as he returned home, and the vision of their wedding and the days that would come after it made him giddy—an unexpected feeling. He loved Maya, and she LOVED him. He had never thought that he would marry out of love. But the good fate was on his side, and he had never been more grateful.

" Who goes there?" a familiar voice sobered him from his reverie.

" Caell!" Dakran shouted, knowing he didn't need to say anything more.

Caell approached him, holding a torch. He didn't look well. His tunic was covered in dried blood, his face was covered in cuts and bruises, and he looked more like a wandering spirit than a human.

" How bad is it?" Dakran worriedly asked as he jumped off the horse, skipping the pleasantries and platitudes.

" Pretty bad, Milord." Called mumbled as he walked alongside him.

" How many dead and how many wounded?" Dakran asked through gritted teeth.

"Thirty-odd dead and forty wounded!" Caell sullenly answered.

" The wounded. Can they walk? It's time for you to go home!" Dakran said, looking at Caell, whose head snapped at his words.

" The message was it from you, Milord?" Caell said, a little surprised.

Dakran nodded " The future Lady of Ironstone had written it at my request!" he informed and halted his steps.

" Is that why you haven't returned home?" Dakran quizzed, irritated at Caell.

Caell nodded " You're getting married?" Caell eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when it finally dawned on him what he had just said.

Dakran grinned " Yes! Now you need to make haste and take our people home! I believe the worst has come to pass, and you have no reason to stay at the border." Dakran halted his steps and looked around the camp.

Makeshift beds with wounded scattered everywhere. The stench of death filled the air and his lungs. The tents were gone, the sentinels destroyed, and watchtowers either tumbled down or burned to a crisp.

" We don't have a home, Milord! This was our home. And this is gone too!" Caell sighed heavily. His head hung low, shoulders slumped. He looked beat.

Dakran raised his hand to pat him but let it fall to his side. He was in pain, and touching him would just make things worse.

" Ironstone is your home! Now if the wounded can move, go home. I'm heading south for supplies!" Dakran brooked, letting off the reins and moved around the camp to check the wounded.