Another Mouth

" No one wants to hear your crazy talk, Falkirk. Let this poor girl alone." Sala's tone softened, and she turned around to stir in the pan as Falkirk placed the meat on the counter and began hacking at it.

" Live a little, Sala", Falkirk strained as he raised his meat cleaver " Look around you. There's not much left, and soon we will be gone too. Loosen your tight ass a little and come to my chamber after dinner for some good old fashioned love making." he chuckled amused at his own words but swallowed his laughter when Sala bonked him on the head with a wooden spoon.

" Mind your tongue, old fool. How many times do I have to tell you." Sala glared at Falkirk, who raised his hands in surrender.

" Have it your way. I will be stiff and quiet, just like the dead." Falkirk grumbled, picking the chopped meat and putting it in the pot.

" Look at you", Falkirk waved at Maya, full of pride " You are so fast, and look how beautifully she's chopped all the roots. Eh, look, Sala." Falkirk tugged on Salas's dress to make her look at Maya's handy work.

" I've seen it many times. You moon over her every time," Sala scoffed and turned to her work.

" I told you she is like the daughter I never had. You know that useless son of mine ran away the first chance he got when things turned shitty" Falkirk mood soured as he spoke, and a flash of disappointment appeared on his face.

Sala and Falkirk's banter was one reason Maya liked to spend time in the kitchen. It was refreshing. Their carefree, joyful playfulness was a welcome sight from the usual gloom and doom surrounding them everywhere.

"Will you be having dinner with us ?" Falkirk broke the silence that fell in the kitchen all of a sudden.

Maya shook her head " No... I don't think so. I want to see if Edýia and Rom want some company now that she feels better." Maya replied as she scooped the chopped veg and placed them in the pot with the meat that sat over the stove.

Falkirk nodded " I see! We will miss you at our table." He said with a sigh, turning his attention to the pot.

" Pass me the condiments." He stretched his hand, and Maya picked up the tray where he kept his precious spices.

" Just a pinch of each", Falkirk said, his eyebrows quirked up as he sprinkled the condiments. "They are scarce nowadays " Falkirk spooned a bit of liquid and tasted it, smacking his lips.

" It needs more, but we must save as much as possible. Others will join us soon. I hope that Master will soon return with what's needed to feed everyone" he stirred some more in the pot and hung the spoon on the hook that hovered over the pot.

" I hope so too!" Maya turned morose and plopped herself in the chair at the kitchen table.

Falkirk placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it " Don't worry, dear. Master is a strong man.He will come back to us safely, and now that you're here, I have a feeling that he will rush home faster than the wind." he tried to ease her worries, and she knew he was right, but she couldn't help but wonder what awaited for him out there.

Maya nodded and mustered a smile " You're right, but I can't help it." she mumbled and sighed, placing her head on the table.

" Here, have a warm brew. It's the last of it for a while now. It will help you sleep better tonight!" Sala pushed a cup of calming tea. It was her secret recipe, and it always helped her sleep like a log.

" Thank you, Sala!" Maya gave her a warm smile and picked up the cup, and took a sip.

" I have a different kind of brew that has the same effect as that horrible concoction you're drinking since we're low on herbal remedies for sleeplessness." Falkirk chuckled and pulled a bottle of wine from under the table.

" We don't have much of this left either, don't go crazy." Falkirk grinned and waved his finger at her.

" I'm not a big drinker, Falkirk. You have it." Maya gave him a crooked grin and took another sip of her tea.

"Good-hearted and beautiful!" Falkirk laughter echoed in the kitchen.

" Oh, dear me! Keep it down, Falkirk. Haren is back!" Sala scolded and bonked him with a spoon again.

" Is he? Oh, you did say when you came into the kitchen." Falkirk stuck his tongue out and pulled a face.

" Yes, I did, but you seem to have the memory of a dung beetle." Sala feigned anger and took a seat at the table.

" You know how he is, and now that Dakran isn't around, he will make our lives difficult just because he can" Sala puffed her cheeks and released an exasperated cry.

" Has he always been like this?" Maya's mouth spoke without her knowledge.

" Yes. It got worse after their father died." Sala vaguely answered, rubbing her forehead.

" Why did he bring another mouth to feed, and an unpleasant one at that," Sala complained. Maya paled, wishing for the ground to open and swallow her whole. She was another mouth to feed, just like Rom.

" Sala, mind your words." Falkirk scorned and glared at Sala, snapping her out of her trance.

" Huh? What do you mean?" she asked, unaware of the effect of her words on Maya.

" What you just said, toutlefuss!" Falkirk chuckled and leaned back in his chair.

" Don't worry, dear. This old bag speaks nonsense all day. You shouldn't take it to heart" Falkirk pointed his thumb at Sala, who was still in the dark and still didn't grasp what she had said.

" Thank you, Falkirk, for trying." Maya sweetly smiled and stood, making her way to the counter, and began washing the utensils and chopping boards.

Sala and Falkirk spoke between them in hushed voices, and she caught with the corner of her eye a lot of movement. Falkirk scolded Sala for her earlier words, even though they weren't meant for her. It still left a bitter taste in her mouth. She didn't want to be another dead weight. Even though she did her best to help them around. Salas's words held some truth. She and Rom were unwanted guests in Ironstone. She had no choice. She'd been dragged to the North against her will. Rom had followed Edýia, and he wouldn't leave her side.

Edýia was feeling better and slowly recovering, eating and sleeping while Rom wouldn't stop nagging at her when she refused to do so. He was worse than a mother hen.