From Happiness To...

Dakran trotted on his horse as fast as he could considering the senseless child in his arms as he walked on the northern plains heading back home. His journey had been shorter than he had expected and he couldn't more chuffed about it. As soon as he would reach Ironstone he and Maya would become husband and wife and despite the exhaustion, a wide grin spread on his lips. He was excited, happy, and over the moon, his heart swelled with pure joy at the mere thought of having Maya by his side until they both grew old and grey. Waking up next to his little red every morning was something he anxiously looked forward to. The ember of love that she had ignited within him was now a blazing fire. He wanted so many things with her, he wanted everything with her and he couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for them.

As he approached the northern border he noticed that Caell had finally listened and returned to Ironstone. The remnants of what once was their last line of defence left a bitter taste in his mouth. So many good people had perished on the small chunk of land. The memory of the corpses of his people splayed on the ground haunted him day and night. They only went away when he was with Maya. Only her light could keep them at bay. Dakran sighed thankful for the woman that had brought into his life a sliver of happiness. The little child whimpered in his arms and Drakran pulled his water flask and dripped some water into the boy's mouth. He needed food but he didn't stay awake long enough to eat anything.

Dakran fastened his water flask back to his hip and looked in the distance, the dark clouds had thinned further and he could see his majestic home in the distance. The sheer size of Ironstone could be seen from farther away on a clear day. His disposition brightened further as the joy in his heart grew even further. He was excited beyond any expectation. The face of his lovely betrothed flashed in front of his eyes and he felt the urge to jump off the horse and run into her arms. Alas, he had to wait, the much-needed supplies would stave off the hunger of his people for some time. This would be his last run for food supplies. Dakran took a cleansing breath, as he finally approached Ironstone. He gave the horse a nudge to move faster, his patience was running thin. He'd been away since they crossed the border weeks ago on end and the promise of a beautiful woman waiting behind the Ironstone walls spurred him to get there faster.

Dakran narrowed his eyes when the heavy gate opened but brushed away his dark thoughts, thinking that Maras must've seen him coming.

Maras made his appearance through the gate with his head bowed " Welcome home milord. Glad to see that you've fared well." Maras's apologetic tone set off all kinds of bells in his head.

" Maras look at me," Dakran's said as he jumped off the horse while Maras raised his head and looked at him with the same look just as his tone.

" Is everything alright? Did someone die while I was gone?" Dakran shot question after question. That was one of his greatest fears of his people's death. Their numbers were dwindling as it was, and more death wasn't welcomed news.

Maras shook his head " No, milord! I will take the boy, he doesn't look well. Most healers have returned." Maras changed the subject taking the boy out of his arms and walking inside Ironstone while Dakran followed pulling on the horse's reins and soon enough Caell appeared out of the servant's quarters wearing a blank look.

" Dakran welcome home" Caell greeted him with a curt bow and took the horse reins out of his hands.

" How is everyone?" Dakran asked Caell as Maras had made himself scarce as if trying to avoid him. Usually, the boy had a lot more to say even though he always measure his words in front of him.

" They are recovering. Some faster than others but soon enough everyone will be well to begin rebuilding." Caell gave his verdict with some reticence.

" Could you at least tell me why you and Maras are tiptoeing around?" Dakran narrowed his eyes as Caell let out a heavy sigh.

" I don't know for sure. Sala will be able to tell you more but as far as I'm aware something with the girl-

" Fuck!" Dakran bolted from his spot leaving Caell with his mouth hung open as he climbed up the steps skipping most of them towards his chamber as fast as he could, barging through the door only to find an empty room with toppled chairs, bed covers on the floor and a dead cold room.

Dakran ran his hands through his hair pulling at it as panic and fear crept into his heart and the worst possible thoughts began taking over his already frayed mind. She wasn't hurt, Cael would have said so but where was she?

" She is not here." Sala's meek voice sobered him up and Dakran turned to look at her with many questions in his eyes, desperately looking for answers despite not having uttered one single question. There was no need, Sala knew him better than anyone.

" She is in the quarters of the Duke and dutchess. She has been in there since the day before. She refuses to come out " Sala kept talking despite the shocked expression on Dakran's face and the barrage of questions that gnawed at him.

When Dakran finally came to his senses he scurried out of the room past Sala and headed straight for his parent's private quarters. he had no clue what had happened but he was determined to get to the bottom of it. Speaking to Maya would get him those answers.

Dakran halted his steps in front of the large inlaid double doors and turned the door handle only to find that door was tightly locked. His father was a worry wart and wanted them to have a safe place just in case the walls of Ironstone would ever be breached.

He knew there was no way to get past those doors. Why was she hiding in there? Sala's shuffling feet behind him brought him to the present for the second time since he'd entered his home.

Dakran closed his eyes " Tell me what happened or at least what you know." Dakran asked in an eerily calm voice. Banging on those doors would've been a waste of time, nothing could get through them unless one knew its weak spot.

" Milord" Sala paused approaching him and placing her hand on his hand. That gesture told him more than she ever could in words. She only did that when it was bad news, really bad " I found Haren banging on the door shouting. He was drunk milord. I don't know what happened but Maya hasn't come out since then." Sala said in a penitent tone even though it wasn't her doing. Dakran closed his eyes and chuckled in disbelief. Of course, now it all made sense.

" It must have been bad since the young miss stabbed him in the leg." Sala's tone shifted to one of goading approval.

" She should have stabbed him in the fucking heart." Dakran hissed and turned on his heels to look at her.

The sheer rage in his expression was enough to know that Dakran wouldn't let Haren off easy. She'd never seen Dakran so happy as he was with Maya and Haren's past and present despicable deeds would've finally caught up to him.