Beyond Repair

Their eyes locked and for a split moment a sense of relief washed over him, so he dared to take a step towards the bed.

" No!" Maya's meek voice stabbed his heart as she hugged pillow tighter to her chest, glued to the headboard.

Dakran halted, burying his face in his hands, desperately trying to find divine inspiration. He quickly concluded that there was a way of fixing it. Only time would tell what Maya was going through.

With Dakran in the room, Maya felt somewhat relieved. He had shown her nothing but kindness and love but the fear that one day Dakran might become just like Haren sent shivers down her spine, crippling the last shred of reason. His gaze on her was soft, it wasn't pity, it was filled with compassion, penitent even though he'd done nothing wrong.

" Shift my things. Make a fire and bring us some food." Dakran broke the silence, giving his orders to Sala who was waiting outside the door.

" Yes, milord!" Sala said as she turned around to leave.

" And Sala, keep this under for the time being.' Dakran looked at Sala through the open door as the woman halted her steps, nodded and reprised her walking.

" What happened little red?" Dakran turned his attention to Maya who peered at him from behind the pillow, face buried in the pillow.

Maya closed her eyes, sniffled and shook her head as Dakran took another small step towards the bed hoping she wouldn't notice that he was slowly making his way to the bed.

When Maya opened her tearful eyes, taking a deep breath " Stop. Please!" Maya meekly pleaded and buried her face in the pillow smothering her sobs. It was a heartbreaking sight and Dakran couldn't believe that he was responsible for her pain. He should have stayed as Maya asked him to. They would've starved but she wouldn't have to live through that. None of that would've happened.

Despite her plea, Dakran took another few more steps and stopped at the foot of the bed. He needed to hug her, holder in his arm and comfort her. With her face hidden behind the pillow, Dakran put his knee on the bed and slid on the bed as fast as he could, kneeling in front of her. He let out a sigh of relief when Maya didn't flinch or run away from him.

" Oh, little red!" Dakran's said in a calm, soothing tone as he raised his hand but dropped it back down on his knee afraid that she might reject his touch. He still had no clue as to what happened between Haren and her. So far she just seemed shaken, maybe he just threw some crass remarks at her or at least he'd hoped.

" Please, let me be" Maya's smothered sobs and words filled the room but put a gaping hole in his heart. She did the same when Sylus died, pushed him away but now it was different, he was different. Sala walked in and kept herself busy, making the fire and placing his clothes inside the chest of drawers.

Dakran sighed " Can you at least look at me little red" Dakran pleaded and finally reached and caressed her hair.

Maya shook her head and buried her face deeper in the pillow while the sound of the fire crackling in the hearth and warm glow quickly filled the room drowning her sobs albeit brief.

Sala quickly made herself scarce, closing the door behind her as he knelt on the bed in front of Maya gently caressing her hair, trying to ease her into adjusting to his touch.

' Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Dakran worriedly asked to which Maya just shook her head but he found it hard to believe since she'd locked herself in the room without water or food for only gods knew how long.

" Sala will bring some food shortly." And as if the woman had read his mind Sala walked in and pushed a cart with all sorts of cooked food that probably Falkirk had gone through a lot of trouble to put together while Sala turned her heels and took her to leave.

"Come have some food with me. I don't want to eat alone." Dakran's gentle voice filled the room as Maya buried her face in the pillow.

When Maya finally raised her head, his blood drained and froze at the sight of her swollen purple face, and split lips. He'd dared to touch her when he'd already warned him not to.

" Fucking bastard" Dakran cursed and jumped off the bed and stormed out of the room leaving Maya on the bed staring at his back.

Dakran feet ate the floor once more, hands balled up into fists once again mad with fury at what his brother had done to Maya and he was sure that was just a small piece. Dakran stormed into Haren's room only to find that the bastard had listened to him for once and left while his wrath bubbled further threatening to turn his blood into molten iron.

Dakran turned on his heels, closed his eyes and took a deep breath to bring his burning rage under control. And walked out of the room and headed to the main entrance hoping to catch them before they stepped out of Ironstone. When Dakran reached the main gate Maras climbed down from his post and bowed " Milord, is there anything you need?" Maras asked a little ashen.

" Good news Maras. I need good news. Has my brother left?" Dakran harshly asked as his eyes roamed around the courtyard.

" Yes, milord along with the Inari Kaishin. You've just missed them. They took one horse each." Maras gave his detailed report and Dakran didn't know whether to be relieved or upset that his brother had left.

" Thank you, Maras" Dakran replied in a more measured tone this time " If they or he returns they aren't welcomed in Ironstone any longer. " Dakran gave his instructions a little calmer while his orders were met with a shocked expression.

" Lock the gates and turn in for now." Dakran turned on his heels to leave.

" Milord we waiting for one last group to return. Missive was sent days ago and a reply had come back informing us that they are headed this way. They have someone with them that wishes to speak with you. A woman." Maras continued his report while Dakran didn't bother to turn around and just nodded.

" I'll leave it to you, Maras," Dakran said heading back inside Ironstone to Maya.

As he walked through Ironstone his frustration grew even further, he had come home to this mess. His plans to wed Maya had gone up in flames just because his brother couldn't do the basic thing and mind his own fucking business.