Wedding Day

As Iris stood in front of the two, gaping at her as if they have seen a wandering spirit.

" Right, so I'm here just to bring this" Iris paused, pulling out of her ragged boot the stone that Pelham mentioned, holding it in the palm of her hand in front of her " I will be on my way. I'm going back to the Southlands. The only place I know, and have some good memories of. " Iris's tone faded as she spoke turning quieter towards the end. Weary, battered, bruised, wearing tattered clothes, and boots to match. Hanging on the last shred of strength, and forbearance while the two just stared at her, confounded.

" What happened? Where are the others? " Maya suddenly shot the questions, breaking the silence while Dakran blinked still very much stumped at the fact that she appeared out of nowhere, and with the stone, no less.

" How did you know?" Dakran's bewilderment still hadn't faded but cut off Iris before she even had a chance to answer Maya's questions.

" It's a long story. Maybe some other time." Iris's laconic answers made Dakran's eyebrows furrow and looked at Maya with a questioning gaze. Soulful, and broken, Iris sighed and deflated at the memory of all that had come to pass.

" Stay for the ceremony." Maya placed a hand on Iris's shoulder to which Iris hissed, and recoiled at the dull pain that shot through her body.

" You're hurt!" Maya exclaimed contritely, pulling her hand to her chest as Iris nodded, and instinctively curled her arm around her ribs.

" What ceremony?" Iris asked with a grimace.

" We are getting wed today." Dakran grinned finally snapping out of his daze, pulled Maya to him and kissed her temple.

" Oh, I see!" Iris said with a frown as she squinted her eyes, suspicious, took a step closer to have look at Maya's face, and then looked at Dakran wide-eyed with disapproval.

" Oh, no. Not him, Haren, "Maya answered the question in Iris's eyes, with a semblance of a smile, and quickly touched her face.

" Oh. It was to be expected. I know he is your brother" Iris raised her hands in the air, and winced in pain" But he is the absolute worst." Iris cocked her head and scoffed.

Dakran frowned, and looked at Maya, guilt flashing in his eyes for a moment " It's taken care of. Haren is far away. I need to find Sala. Care to join us for breakfast maybe we can talk you into staying at least for the ceremony. " Dakran pocketed the stone as little Dak slipped through their legs right before Dakran closed the door behind him, waving Iris to go first.

" Some warm food would be nice," Iris said a little more amenable this time as they walked through the corridor leading to the dining Hall.

" I'm sure Falkirk has prepared something. The old grump tends to wake up in the dead of the night and start preparing the food. Now even more so with everyone under one roof." Amusement danced in his tone with a tinge of fondness towards the man that had been the cook in Ironstone since he'd been a young boy.

Iris nodded as they descended the steps, while Maya keenly observed Iris who seemed battered, and bruised, and couldn't help but wonder what had happened to them after they left Ironstone and Seven Seas.

When they entered the Great Hall all three froze at the sea of people that suddenly turned quiet, and looked at them from head to toe, mostly because Dakran, and Maya were still wearing their sleeping attires. Iris chuckled and measured them from head to toe " I think you should go back and change into something less or should I say more." Iris said a little amused, as Dakran pushed Maya behind him to hide her. Sala walked passed them and bowed with a disapproving look when she raised her head.

" Milord " Sala called and looked around the hall " It is unbecoming of you to greet your people dressed in your night dress. " Sala chastised as Dakran cleared his throat, and stretched his hand " I didn't think that they would be here so early in the morning," Dakran said as low as possible while taking the cloak from Sala, and handing it to Maya to cover herself.

" This room is the only one that is big enough to fit everyone. " Sala replied, her admonishing tone, softened a bit. But her disapproving look remained etched on her face.

"It's fine Dakran. I'm sure they've seen worse" Maya tried to placate him while Sala briefly scowled, but nodded.

" Still, you'll be soon the Lady of this house. This cannot happen again." Sala grumbled turning to leave.

" Is everything ready?" Dakran asked before Sala even had a chance to take a step forward.

Sala sighed " Yes, but there will be no celebration. We cannot have a feast milord." Sala gave the grim news with a worrying tone" I would suggest that you'd wait for more bountiful days to wed Maya. " Sala sagely said while Dakran looked at Maya who grew worried at Sala's council.

Dakran nodded " Yes. Sala, I know," he said a little wistfully while Iris looked at both with a curious gaze.

" You can always have the celebration later. I'm sure there will be plenty of reasons in the future. Or wait as Sala said." Iris said with a shrug, and moved her feet to the nearest empty place at the table, scooping up some soup into a bowl.

Maya stepped forward from behind Dakran, and closed her eyes " It doesn't matter. All that matters is that everyone is safe and well." Maya looked at Iris that seemed to have the same mindset as her, but at that moment she was deeply preoccupied with shovelling food into her mouth.

" Yes, you've said it before. I guess you and the queen think alike." Dakran tucked Maya under his arm as they walked around the spacious hall looking at the people sitting at the table eating their food while they curtly bowed to them.

" Good morrow!" Caell and Maras chirped chorusing behind them, and Dakran closed his eyes, knowing that the two brothers were the most annoying when together.

" Good morning." Dakran reluctantly grumbled as he turned around to the two brothers.

" What is it? And what tickled you two?" Dakran pertinently asked while the two brothers grinned like idiots, standing in front of him like little children waiting for their reward for some good deed they've done.

" Have you looked outside? Have you seen it? It's happening." Caell rambled as fast as he could as his grin grew wider, and he elbowed Maras.

" What of it?" Dakran tried to conceal his joy but caved in and smiled at the two brothers. Even though they brought the giddiness out of each other, and behaved like children, they were one of the most competent men he'd seen in a long while.

" It's light, and It's over. " Maras beamed letting out a relieved breath " We can finally go back to our lives, and maybe with a little luck find myself a little wee lass like you did" Maras's excitement grew as he spoke about getting married as he looked around the room eyeing, a few young girls that had managed to survive.

Dakran chuckled " You won't find any here talking to me " Dakran pointed out, Caell chuckled and shook his head.

" Go on," Dakran urged, and the brothers finally left them alone as Maya snickered amused at the exchange.